Once, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) landed at a Hashish dungeon at Kandahar, surrounded by old men smoking the most powerful and expensive hashish in the world. Richard also tried to smoke but he collapsed on the ground, rolling violently back and forth. He thought his lungs and throat would be ripped to shreds. Richard then reflected on the times he had sought relief, happiness, or meaning through intoxication. He realized that chemical or herbal stimulants couldn’t induce higher spiritual perceptions; in fact they had severe limitations. Richard knew that getting intoxicated was an artificial state and would draw him further from his heart’s longing. In that dungeon, a vow sprung from Richard’s heart to never again indulge in intoxicants.
Radhanath Swami’s talks on dangers of intoxication are profound. He says people have a great need to be intoxicated. If we are not spiritually intoxicated- a healthy and desirable state where a spiritualist constantly remembers God- we will be intoxicated materially. He analyzes how different classes of people become intoxicated by different methods. Those who are inclined toward the mode of ignorance become intoxicated with drugs, opium, cocaine and a host of other chemicals and liquor. Radhanath Swami says then there are others who look for intoxication of success. “There are people intoxicated with false pride, and false ego, and they are so deranged they just can’t see the world as it is. People become intoxicated by pride, they become intoxicated by lust, and they become intoxicated with greed; that’s what gambling is about” reveals Radhanath Swami.
Radhanath Swami once spoke about a person he knew who lost 250 thousand dollars in a race track in one day. “If you think of it logically it’s really crazy that you work so hard for your money and then you are thinking that I am going to invest it all with faith that this horse will run fast”, says Radhanath Swami as he exposes our foolishness, “Why not put your faith in GOD instead of horses.” Radhanath Swami also believes that even people in business can get intoxicated with the greed and the pursuit of money, especially when money starts coming in.
Radhanath Swami speaks very fondly about Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the apostle of Love of God who appeared five hundred years ago in Bengal, India. Lord Chaitanya’s associates were intoxicated by chanting the nectarine Holy Names of God. Lord Chaitanya’s principal associate was Lord Nityananda who in his state of spiritual intoxication approached two drunkards and dacoits, Jagai and Madhai. The duo tried to attack Nityananda, but by his compassion, Lord Nityananda transformed their hearts and they gave up their sinful ways. Soon they were chanting and dancing singing the names of God and now experienced an intoxication of a different kind. Radhanath Swami excitedly narrates this story from the historical book ‘Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita’. Each time he speaks this story, it appears Radhanath Swami is speaking this for the first time, and the way he narrates the story also convinces the hearer that Radhanath Swami is himself intoxicated by love of God.
Amazing but true—-the concept of being spiritually intoxicated!
View Commentsimple and sublime! thank you..
View CommentChant Hare Krsna and stay high forever
View CommentThanks for sharing!!
View CommentHari bol hari bol hari bol
View CommentIs it not so much worthwhile becoming intoxicated by the Love of God !!
View Commentthank u for this…
View CommentWonderful article – Thanks for sharing.
View CommentIntoxication for the love of God gives the real happiness. Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful article
View Commentthank you Radhanath swami maharaj for guiding on which intoxication we should get into …
View CommentGreat understanding Thanks for sharing
View CommentThank You Maharaj for enabling us to drown in the REAL INTOXICATION: ie the association of devotees and the wonderful atmosphere of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple
View CommentI was one of those seekers of so called high through intoxication. but instead suffered miserably on social, health( mental and physical ) and finance fronts. But by mercy of disciples of swamiji , I got new intoxication of holy name.Thank you swamiji.
View CommentVery inspiring article.
View CommentIntoxication defined very clearly. Intoxication is in our mind..
View CommentRadhanath Swami – Thank u
View CommentAmazing article.
View CommentThank you for sharing this article by Radhanath Swami.
View Commentwe should get intoxicated by the holy names of the lord-
Wonderful article by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentReading again , always pleasure, thanks to Radhanath swami
View Commentnice article
View CommentWonderful Artical. Thank you Maharaja
View Commentsimply amazing..
View Comment‘If we are not spiritually intoxicated, we will be intoxicated materially’. Material intoxication will give us enjoyment for a while, where spiritual intoxication will give us happiness for each and every moment. I pray that one day we all get fully intoxicated by the holy names of the Lord. Hare Krsna!!!
AM blessed today, having found Radhanath Swami – an embodiment of love and kindness. Keshava madhava hai Krishna.
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