Once, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) landed at a Hashish dungeon at Kandahar, surrounded by old men smoking the most powerful and expensive hashish in the world. Richard also tried to smoke but he collapsed on the ground, rolling violently back and forth. He thought his lungs and throat would be ripped to shreds. Richard then reflected on the times he had sought relief, happiness, or meaning through intoxication. He realized that chemical or herbal stimulants couldn’t induce higher spiritual perceptions; in fact they had severe limitations. Richard knew that getting intoxicated was an artificial state and would draw him further from his heart’s longing. In that dungeon, a vow sprung from Richard’s heart to never again indulge in intoxicants.
Radhanath Swami’s talks on dangers of intoxication are profound. He says people have a great need to be intoxicated. If we are not spiritually intoxicated- a healthy and desirable state where a spiritualist constantly remembers God- we will be intoxicated materially. He analyzes how different classes of people become intoxicated by different methods. Those who are inclined toward the mode of ignorance become intoxicated with drugs, opium, cocaine and a host of other chemicals and liquor. Radhanath Swami says then there are others who look for intoxication of success. “There are people intoxicated with false pride, and false ego, and they are so deranged they just can’t see the world as it is. People become intoxicated by pride, they become intoxicated by lust, and they become intoxicated with greed; that’s what gambling is about” reveals Radhanath Swami.
Radhanath Swami once spoke about a person he knew who lost 250 thousand dollars in a race track in one day. “If you think of it logically it’s really crazy that you work so hard for your money and then you are thinking that I am going to invest it all with faith that this horse will run fast”, says Radhanath Swami as he exposes our foolishness, “Why not put your faith in GOD instead of horses.” Radhanath Swami also believes that even people in business can get intoxicated with the greed and the pursuit of money, especially when money starts coming in.
Radhanath Swami speaks very fondly about Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the apostle of Love of God who appeared five hundred years ago in Bengal, India. Lord Chaitanya’s associates were intoxicated by chanting the nectarine Holy Names of God. Lord Chaitanya’s principal associate was Lord Nityananda who in his state of spiritual intoxication approached two drunkards and dacoits, Jagai and Madhai. The duo tried to attack Nityananda, but by his compassion, Lord Nityananda transformed their hearts and they gave up their sinful ways. Soon they were chanting and dancing singing the names of God and now experienced an intoxication of a different kind. Radhanath Swami excitedly narrates this story from the historical book ‘Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita’. Each time he speaks this story, it appears Radhanath Swami is speaking this for the first time, and the way he narrates the story also convinces the hearer that Radhanath Swami is himself intoxicated by love of God.
Radhanath Swami has rightly said that if we are not intoxicated by the Love and Remembrance of God, we will be caught in the trap of other dangerous kinds of intoxications.
View CommentA very penetrating question: why not put faith in GOD instead of horses?
View CommentHoly name is the real Intoxication.
View CommentIntoxication of love of Godhead is the highest form of intoxication. Radhanath Swami by his own example has shown to the world what it means to be intoxicated of Lord’s Holynames.
View CommentNo doubt that Maharaj is so deeply immersed & intoxicated in love of GOD. Otherwise how is it possible for any person in this world to be able to influence others on the path of bhakti when the whole world is in a mad rush for material pursuits? Thank you for sharing this.
View CommentYes, i agree with Radhanath Swami when he says “Why not put your faith in GOD instead of horses??”. It is sad that we are ready to put our faith in so many unreliable objects of this world but hesitate to put the same faith in our most reliable and loving master, the supreme lord.
View CommentGetting on a High. Well one who seeks it in intoxication of any sort is racing fast downward,while one who is intoxicated to the holy names and service to the lord is on a real high. Radhanath Swamis experiences takes one on a ecstatic spiritual high. Thank you so much
View CommentReally very true.If we are not spiritually intoxicated- a healthy and desirable state where a spiritualist constantly remembers God- we will be intoxicated materially.
View CommentThank you very very much Maharaj, for such a wonderful lesson.
Thanx for sharing wonderful article
View CommentYes to be intoxicated with the names of lord is the highest benediction but if we are not then the intoxication of Pride, ENVY, greed , lust will capture us and ruin us. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami.
View CommentWhat an article on intoxication…..thanks for informing us of subtle intoxications like pride, ego, lust, greed, etc…….
View CommentIntoxication is indeed dangerous for spiritual and material life. Thank you Radhanath Maharaj for enlightening us.
View CommentYes, if one wants to get intoxicated, might as well get intoxicated like Maharaj in the love of god.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj represents Nityananda Prabhu the supreme Guru…..
View CommentIf we are not spiritually intoxicated- a healthy and desirable state where a spiritualist constantly remembers God- we will be intoxicated materially.
View CommentThank you very very much Maharaj, for this wonderful lesson.
It is true! Positive engagement like Spirituality helps overcome urges for negative engagement/intoxication like drugs etc.As we tend to aspire for Higher taste we give up Lower taste
View CommentLord Caitanya personally showed the intoxicating power of Holy Names of Krishna
View CommentThanks for sharing
View Comment“Radhanath Swami is himself intoxicated by love of God” – Absolutely no doubt about that. Beautiful article.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is amazing
View CommentMaharajah is intoxicated with love of God, that is why he is able to give that love and inspire million of souls to love God through service to His devotees.
View CommentAmazing – how Radhanath Swami is intoxicated with Love of God and how he is engaging every one in what ever capacity possible to search and act on that lost love of their hearts in relationship to God
View CommentIt is indeed amazing to hear about the nature of spiritual intoxication which actually liberates.
View CommentEveryone who has heard Swamiji speak will vouch for this quality he has – he is an amazing narrator of Lord’s pastimes…..he speaks as he is personally witnessing them & narrating it……
View CommentHoly names gives us the real ecstasy if we sincerely chant. We can understand this by witnessing the life of pure devotees like HH Radhanath Swami and gives us the hope and strength to continue chanting.
View Commentthank you for post
View CommentIf we have to be intoxicated, why not by the holy names?
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for explaining about different types of intoxicates. We should be really intoxicated by the Holy Names of the Lord, else we will be attracted by the intoxications of this illusory material world
View CommentA perfect diffrence is explained herein by Radhanath Swami between Spiritual intoxication(Love of God-Shri Krishna) and Material intoxication.Thank you very much of sharing with us such nice meditation.
View CommentThanks for sharing.
View Commentvery inspiring
View CommentAn intoxicating article!!!
View CommentThis is so true. Subtle intoxication of pride and lust is more difficult to give up than the gross intoxication
View CommentRadhanath Swami rightly educates all to get intoxicated by love of God.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj explains the ill effects of intoxication & how that intoxication has to be replaced by a higher intoxication through chanting of Holy Names!
View Commentstay high for ever….thats the intoxicating nature of love of God. lets all become spiritual drunkards !!! heartfelt thanks to u maharaj for changing us from ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ to ‘Spiritualists Synonymous’. Hare Krishna.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj explains every spiritual aspect so nicely with very easy examples.
Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jaiii.
View CommentVery nice and useful. Thank you Radhanath Swami for this wisdom.
View Commentwonderful article. thanx
View Commentwow… simply intoxicating
View CommentOnly after hearing the philosophy from Radhanath Swami’s followers could I see how intoxication could be favorable 🙂 Only if it’s intoxication of love for God.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for informing us about the subtle intoxications like pride, ego, lust.
View CommentVery nice inspiring article……thanks
View Commentwow. how wonderful it would be for each of us to experience that higher taste – LOVE of god. Many Thanks to Radhanath swami for this nectar.
View CommentThe only intoxication that is worth pursuing is the Chanting of the Lord’s holy names and the Maha Mantra ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare hare’.
View CommentRandhanath swami is completely intoxicated with love of God. Anyone who associates with him also get intoxicated with same love.
View CommentThe only intoxication that is worth pursuing is the Chanting of the Lord’s holy names and the Maha Mantra ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare hare’.
View CommentIts indeed true that majority ofthe masses in this world is intoxicated – either on subtle levels (pride, lust, ego etc) or at gross level (drugs, alcohols, opium etc). But there is another class of people who are spirtually intoxicated in theri love of GOD such that not only do they experience the higher taste themselves, but share it with others. Anyone who comes in touch with such magnificient spiritual personalities loses taste for intoxications of this world. Thank you Maharaj for guiding us so wonderfully.
View CommentUsing example of the perils of gratification of lust and greed in modern lifestyle setting, Radhanath Swami teaches us the path of true investment and real intoxication that will elevate and liberate us.
View CommentVery clear and profound message. Thank you very very much Maharaj, for this wonderful lesson.
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