J.Krishnamurti impressed upon Richard (now Radhanath Swami) the need to give up superficiality in spiritual life. He launched a heavy tirade against gurus and spiritual institutions. He also demonstrated an amazing power of logic and conviction. Richard pondered over his teachings and noted that J.Krishnamurthy was gentle, kind and humorous on a personal level. Richard realized that Eastern literature was filled with histories of enlightened saints who carefully followed their religion or guru. Richard concluded that he couldn’t disregard all of them on the basis of this one person’s realization. At the same time Richard acknowledged his call for personal responsibility for our spiritual life. He learnt an important lesson; if we become overly attached to the externals of a spiritual path, we may forget the very purpose of the path: to purify our heart.
One of the most common themes of Radhanath Swami has been to call upon all practitioners, especially those in leadership position, to be responsible in their spiritual lives. He says a guru should never think he is qualified to be a guru. He should know that this title is an opportunity provided for service, and not a means to earn a livelihood or worse get followers and respect. Radhanath Swami believes that spiritual life provides us an opportunity to raise our level of consciousness and become free from false pride. This is the responsibility we all must take- to be free from the shackles of pride.
I remember the day Radhanath Swami accepted me as his disciple in a formal ceremony. Later I went to his room to thank him for having accepted me as his student. I had rehearsed a small speech that I would tell him; how much gratitude I have for him. But no sooner had I said, “Thank you Radhanath Swami for accepting me as your student…” he humbly interrupted me. “No, I must thank you for having officially accepted me as your servant today. I may be your guru, but that only means today you have given me a chance officially to be your servant. I thank you and pray to God that I get the strength to serve all of you.” Needless to say I was dumbfounded and had nothing more to say. I realized what a responsibility it is to be a guru or teacher. As Radhanath Swami says, “Power brings along with it the responsibility to utilize it properly.” Radhanath Swami urges those in teacher position and those representing a spiritual institution to be careful and also selfless. “Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless. We have to put aside our own well-being and desires as secondary and think primarily of what is best for the persons who are looking up to us.”
Even on a family and personal level where relationship building is critical, Radhanath Swami emphasizes that there cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us. Responsibility for what we do and also for what happens to us is critical to be empowered to be instruments of God.
Swamiji’s whole life is an inspiration for other to follow….his teachings are really very pure…..thanks
View CommentTaking responsibility of others means to be selfless,And H.H.Radhanath swami is a personification of selflessness.Thank you very much radhanath swami.
View CommentThank You Radhanath Swami for this most valuable advice you have given us. I especially like the part above when you mentioned that most important aspect o spirituality is not get caught in externals but it is purify our heart.I pray for your mercy in helping me achieve this
View CommentWonderful thoughts on responsibility !
View Commentjai!
View CommentMaharaj has again shown by example what true humility is. Thanks for sharing. Hari Bol!!
View CommentMaharaj really walk what he talks and that is the necessity of this world. We need role models, who is true in his desire and that will change the life of everyone. Thanks Maharaj..
View CommentThank you so much Radhanath Swamiji
View CommentThank you Maharaj very much.
View CommentVery Inspirational!!
View CommentVery beautifully described by Radhanath Swami.
View Comment‘Responsibility for what we do and also for what happens to us is critical to be empowered to be instruments of God.’ Thank you Radhanath Swami for such valuable thoughts to meditate upon.
View CommentThe most valued statement in this Article is “if we become overly attached to the externals of a spiritual path, we may forget the very purpose of the path: to purify our heart.”
View CommentThis is most important for any spiritual seeker..
Very thought provoking
View Commenttaking responsibility means feeling oneself to be the part of mission
View Commentthank you very very much maharaj . this was very much helpful for me.
View CommentThank u very much Maharaj for your continued inspirations and guidance which helps the sect of devotees in the path of Bhakti.
View CommentI derive a great inspiration from Radhanath Swami in my life.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has Really changed our lives, from a demon to a devoteee.
View CommentFor a sincere person ,care,responsibilty in spiritual life is a test at every moment.The Swamiji,by his own example,has shown that it is possible to pass this test if we are sincere.The proof of this is that whenever someone comes in contact with him,yes,the person finds enlightenment,encouragement in his association.A nice mediation.Thank you very much.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for telling us the importance of how we alone are accountable for our spiritual practices.
View Commentunless and until we are serious and sincere in our spiritual life we are attracted to the externals. but continuous practice of devotional service and hearing from the gurus and taking their personal experiences we can not progress in spiritual life.Radhanath swami has gathered from many saints all the spiritual values. even though we are in India we are not able to do the spiritual practices, but maharaj came all the way from west to east from inner call from God and following the true path .What ever he says ,what ever he preaches he is following strictly..Thank you maharaj for sharing the meditations.
View CommentWe have to take our spiritual lives seriously. We are responsible for all our actions.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s adventurous journey teaches so many lessons for everyone.
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