While travelling through the Iranian deserts, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was filled with concern for his parents. He realized that both of them had sacrificed everything for the welfare of Richard and his two brothers. Richard’s mother taught the principles of gratitude. Richard’s father worked hard to protect his family from poverty. His father promised him that he would always be there for Richard as long as he was alive. The parents offered unconditional love to Richard and his brothers. He hated to break their hearts but had to now tell them about his spiritual quest and travel plans to India. Richard’s search for God had become the only thing he was living for and he knew if he neglected this call, his life would be a hollow shell. He wrote a letter to them from Iran.
Radhanath Swami has always expressed profuse gratitude to his parents and confesses he tested them beyond their farthest expectations. Some years ago in a public programme, Radhanath Swami’s parents were guests of honor and they expressed great joy and pride to see their son being an instrument of love and compassion; they were proud that he was adding meaning and value to the lives of thousands all over the world.
Radhanath Swami has encouraged his married disciples to be exemplary in their services as parents. He insists that the family life has to be centered on God and the children presented with a happy atmosphere. “Whether we live in a beautiful house or a shack, this is not important. What is important is the atmosphere in that place” says Radhanath Swami. “If in that atmosphere the family is inspired to worship and love God, receive God, then it is perfect.”
Just as Radhanath Swami got wonderful parents, he works hard to see that the parents in the communities that he has established live by the highest standards. “Their primary responsibility is to their children,” says Radhanath Swami, “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an everlasting impression” Therefore it is imperative that we provide the best possible love and care for the children. Radhanath Swami has trained his students to provide spiritual nourishment to children that will leave deep positive impression in their tender hearts.
Radhanath Swami’s mother was an embodiment of selflessness. She always emphasized the virtue of gratitude and taught Richard that happiness comes not from a material thing but from the love with which it is given. I was amazed to recently discover that the spiritual principles that Radhanath Swami has been practicing since childhood has been confirmed to be true even by medical science. In his new book ‘Thanks’, Dr. Robert Emmons studies and connects gratitude to happiness. His studies reveal that people who were in a condition of gratitude felt 25% happier than others.
Radhanath Swami says gratitude is a matter of choice- it’s choosing to focus on the good things instead of the bad. In fact he implores us to take gratitude a step further- you can focus on the bad things too and realize the reasons you have to be grateful for them.
An attitude of gratitude comes from humility.
View CommentI agree with Rajat Pr
View CommentYes, we can see the greatest responsibility that lies on the shoulders of parents. We can witness that how Maharaj has imbibed the values taught by his mother. Maharaj always says grateful heart is the fertile land for cultivating the crop: Bhakti. He has learned this from his mother from the childhood and applied it in his life.
View CommentAll glories to Srila Radhanath Swami!
TIme and again we see neglected children grow up with scant regard for society or its laws. Those children who have not been given love and not taught to be grateful for everything they have, grow up to be a liability on society, due to no fault of theirs. Thank you Maharaj for being such an exemplary tutor to all of us.
View CommentI agree with Rajath and Ankur…
View CommentRadhanath swami explains true responsibility of parents.
View CommentChildren are the future of tomorrow. If we train them in God consciousness, they will lead the future in that direction. All thanks to Radhanath Swami for teaching us this principle.
View CommentThank you for this wonderful website and sharing your realizations. All glories to His Holiness Radhanath Swami for teaching us the highest principles through his example and words
View CommentGratitude also makes one indebted to others who has done something for us.
View CommentExcellent Prabhuji.
View CommentThanks for sharing this.
View CommentTruly a grateful heart sees the world in a different vision.
View CommentWithout gratitude we can not make progress on the path of Bhakti.
View CommentVery instructive. Thank you Radhanath Swami.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj is himself a great father…. He is the father of the congregation……
View CommentGratitude is the fundamental principle of spiritual life. Thank you for explaining this in such a wonderful way maharaj.
View Comment“it’s choosing to focus on the good things instead of the bad” -very powerful lines.
View CommentNice. Thank you!
View CommentThank you for this beautiful and important article
View Commentits a great fortune to have such parents like Radhanath Swami has & also to have a child such as Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentMany things to learn and ponder about from this article – (i) what is important is the atmosphere of a place (ii) whatever falls on children makes a lasting impression (iii) gratitude is a matter of choice (iv) realize why you must be grateful for the bad things also.
View Commentvery beautiful!!!
View CommentVery instructive article for the parents & preceptors…….thx
View CommentEasy way to be happy: Be Grateful. Isnt it? Otherwise as Radhanath Swami says,”One who is not grateful is a great fool.”.
View CommentThank you every much for sharing such a nice message “gratitude is a matter of choice- it’s choosing to focus on the good things instead of the bad. “
View Commentwe can see the greatest responsibility that lies on the shoulders of parents.
View CommentParrents play imp role in child’s life.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for making us realise our prime responsibility
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s life is a book in itself from which we learn innumerable valuable lessons. He is also a teacher par excellence.
View Commentsuch a blessing to be in such a environment – where everyone is grateful to the samllest contribution of the others and co-operatively working to serve the Lord. the smallest unit for this in the society is the family…so nicely explained how everything should be balanced!
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentVery Instructive – Thanks.
View CommentNice guidance article by Swamiji to parents & aspiring parents……….thanks
View CommentThis is amazing – thank you Radhanath Swami for such wonderful insights into what the responsibility of parents is and how they can help their children become grateful instruments in the service of the Lord.
View CommentThanks to this wonderful article based on the teachings of Radhanath swami that are so much very essential to raise children the proper way.
View CommentI thought the article would be helpful in giving instructions what parents must do in more detail , but it talks all about the life story of Richard (Now Radhanath Swami) I understood your idea of taking an example of life of Radhanath Swami and his parents to explain things , but it would have been more helpful if you could have jot down the essential point in a summarized manner. Sorry but i felt the need for it.
View CommentMaharaj has always taught others the value of gratitude which he has himself learnt from his mother.Gratitude forms the basic foundation of all good qualities.Thanks for sharing.
View CommentHow important is the principle being taught here. Those children who have not been given love and not taught to be grateful for everything they have, grow up to be a liability on society, due to no fault of theirs. What Radhanath Swami is doing is absolutely crucial to the future of this society. I hope everyone takes a clue from this and try to implement the same as soon as possible.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for teaching us these principle of gratitude to practise in all spheres of our life.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for giving so clearly through your own example the importance of gratitude.
View CommentWhat a soft heart Radhanath Swami has.
View CommentMaharaj’s attitude of gratitude is one we can all learn from. I’m happy to see that even science agrees. I am also thinking now about my parents, I am very thankful to them for invoking spirtuality in my heart from a young age. That seedling of spirtuality is kindled by the kindness of Radhanath Swami.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a deep deep mine of wonderful qualities.
View CommentWonderful article and great insights – We can be grateful for both good and bad things. All glories to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentAs a mother to a 14 year old son, hearing Maharaj’s discourses on parenting I cannot but express my deepest gratitude to Radhanath Swami Maharaj for making me understand my duties to my son who has been placed under my care by Lord Krishna to develop him into a responsible individual.
View Commentthank you for sharing this wonderful article!
View CommentRadhanath swami has explained the responsibility of parents in an amazing way which was never heard of.
View CommentThank you for sharing this. I guess it is impossible to be happ without a sense of gratitude.
View Commentthank u for this…
View CommentGratitude is an instrument to make a man happy. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
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