At the town of Erzerum, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) suffered from dysentery and an angry mob threatened to kill him. Later they apologized and served him tea. Another scary incident that took place here was the preaching of a powerfully built man who grabbed Richard and commanded him to roar ‘Allaah!’ Despite many attempts Richard couldn’t satisfy him and felt the angel of death hovering inches from his head. In one final gust of energy, Richard roared ‘Allah’, and the man seemed satisfied. At Tehran he smiled at a boy of four and the boy glared back with such intense hatred that Richard lost his breadth. Richard was to be haunted by repeated nightmares of his stare. Richard realized that children can be conditioned to hate, love or fear even before they are able to reason. And this impressionable child had hatred all over him.
In stark contrast to this Richard received a wonderful reception at a home in Tabriz. The family didn’t speak a word of English, yet made Richard feel a part of their family. Their ten-year-old son offered dates as gift to Richard. Richard thanked God for this experience; he was touched to see the family’s kindness to a wayward stranger.
Radhanath Swami has created a family atmosphere at the different spiritual centres. He gives a great deal of importance to make every member feel loved. He is particularly concerned that children feel protected and loved in the society. Once Radhanath Swami saw a six year old girl play at the courtyard of the temple in Mumbai while her parents were talking to other devotees. Radhanath Swami went near her and pointing to her he said, “She is my friend.” The little girl was delighted that Radhanath Swami loves her. The parents thought Radhanath Swami knows many children and has thousands of followers; he may not really know their daughter. Ten years later once again when they were at the temple complex with their now sixteen year old daughter, Radhanath Swami once again turned to her and said, “She is my friend.” To the parents this was a revelation that Radhanath Swami loved their daughter and the relationship was indeed deep.
Radhanath Swami has also emphasized to his householder disciples to give great deal of importance to being united in a family. If the family focuses on giving their children spiritual values then the family is non-different from the spiritual world. As a young traveller Radhanath Swami saw hatred in a child’s face, and now as a leader of a world-wide community of devotees he strives to plant strong and favourable impressions of love in the minds of children. “We should show our children by our example that we love God. Children when they are young they may not intellectually understand so much but the impressions that they see go deeply into their consciousness and mould their whole lives. What you do will influence them, not what you say” are the golden words of wisdom from Radhanath Swami.
Radhanath Swami started Sunday schools for children to educate and imbibe all spiritual values in that very early age where they start loving all without discrimination and develop love God. All glories to Radhanth Swami Maharaj.
View CommentInculcating values in children is of utmost importance to make them realise the basics of Krishna Consciousness.Truly a lot of success in spiritual life of a family is in getting the children into devotional life.Maharaj’s guidance is very valuable in this regard and goes a long way in making the entire society Krishna Conscious.
View CommentRadhanath Swami always withstood for any tough/critical situations in his journey home to India.
View CommentActions speak louder than words…this is what Maharaj is telling us. I may speak big big things but if my actions say something else then what I say does not carry any meaning.
Thank you very much Maharaj for showing us the right way of behavior.
View CommentThanks for sharing!
View CommentWonderful article – “What you do will influence the children, not what you say” – Indeed these are golden words. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article.
View CommentThese are really golden words from HH radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentBy reading this article from we get true knowledge from H. H. Radhanath Swami that “We should show our children by our example that we love God.”
View CommentThank You Very Much for this wonderful article.
View CommentEducating the children about God and how we should love Him is very important in this world where people are turning away from God and the proper culture.
View CommentThanks Radhanath Swami for this amazing article.
View Commentthank u for this…
View CommentReally ecstatic & enlightening article.Thank you so much Maharaj.
View Commentall glories to radhanath swami
View Commentjai jai
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj’s guidance on how to care & raise our children is indded wonderful. He rightly points to the fact that we all need to love our kids & make them feel secured.
View CommentThanks for sharing this wonderful article.
View CommentChildren always see the parents and imitate them.When we are in spiritual path then it will be easy to tell them to follow the rules.They learn from very child hood days.Thanks to maharaj.
View CommentHare Krishna. There is lot to learn from this article for all of us grahasthas. Giving spiritual environment at home to children is the need of hour beacuse it will solve so many problems that we see around us.Thanks a lot for such a nice article.
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