Richard (now Radhanath Swami) had no idea about India but was determined to go there. He only experienced negativity from everyone about his journey to India. They said crossing over to Turkey was dangerous. Besides, Turkey was raging with Cholera and the black market and ghettos of Istanbul were deadly. He met Jeff and Ramsey who were enthusiastic to go to India. Despite being discouraged by all others, the trio was determined to cross over. Even the Greek immigration officials dissuaded; Richard and his friends were however fixed to go. The travel through the ‘no man’s land’ was an ordeal. Richard silently prayed and survived the journey to Istanbul.
What inspired me on reading this section is Radhanath Swami had to face demoralizing and unfavorable situations; the atmosphere at Athens and later the journey to Turkey was surcharged with negativity, yet he was positive and unfazed in his determination.
Radhanath Swami once told a friend and me that the material world is surcharged with negativity. To practice spiritual life we have to be positive in all circumstances. I asked for clarification; ‘positive thinking’ is the buzz word in motivational talks and how can a spiritualist be a positive thinker? Radhanath Swami said positivity means being constantly grateful, optimistic and appreciative of God’s mercy. However being positive doesn’t mean ignoring the harsh reality of this world. “We have to accept certain truthful situations, although they may be bitter”, said Radhanath Swami, “but the challenge is to remain positive in all circumstances.” Therefore when I read Radhanath Swami’s determined effort to go to a country about which he knew little, I wasn’t surprised; he is a man of immense positivity. This positivity was once expressed by him, “Happiness is not determined by an event but how we interpret that event.” As Radhanath Swami himself demonstrated during this period, in every situation there is an opportunity to make spiritual advancement or go further away from God.
We have seen Radhanath Swami expertly convert potentially negative situations to festive celebrations. When Radhanath Swami began serving at downtown Mumbai in the late 1980’s, the atmosphere was unfriendly; an unclean temple premise, politicking amongst the resident monks, and rumor mongering was common. Radhanath Swami began with long sessions of kirtans, chanting of God’s names. He organized and oversaw celebration of festivals where the members of the community came together to cook, chant and dance, discuss spiritual subjects through entertaining discourses. He also led the ashram members and the community devotees to tours to sacred spiritual places in India. This kept the members spiritually happy and inspired to take the initiative to bring about positive changes.
Radhanath Swami’s secret has been to flood a person’s consciousness with love and kindness. When positive thoughts and vibrations repeatedly enter the mind, a person is inspired and happy. That speaks on why Radhanath Swami’s students are always cheerful and enthusiastic in their spiritual practices. Radhanath Swami’s ever encouraging and super positive thoughts remind me of a poem I read some time ago:
Watch your thoughts – they become words;
Watch your words – they become actions
Watch your actions – they become habits;
Watch your habits – they become character;
Watch your character – it becomes your culture
very nice !!
View CommentAs metal becomes fiery in contact with fire, similarly any person coming in contact with Radhanath Swami gets the same positive spirit in their lives.
View Commentwonderful article and very well explained by HHRNSM as to how one must see the positive in every situation and circumstances, haribol, rajesh
View Commentvery inspiring article, HHRNSM ki Jai! haribol, bhakti
View CommentThese phrases at the end are very beautiful
View CommentThank you for sharing
View Comment“Happiness is not determined by an event but how we interpret that event.” This is such a beautiful quote from Maharaj. We never really think about this, but this is so true. Positive thoughts bring positive interpretation of events, and as such happines. Thank you Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj has actually transformed so many people through his positivity!
View CommentRadhanath Swami is here giving a very vital lesson to all of us.
View CommentA beautiful statement from Radhanath Swami Maharaj – “Happiness is not determined by an event but how we interpret that event.”
View CommentComing in contact with the teachings of Radhanath Swami has almost completely changed my outlook to life. Radhanath especially stresses on curbing the tendency to find faults and negativity in others, rather he always encourages us to see and bring out the good in others.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is really a magnet who attracts the hearts of people.
View CommentI hope that some day we will publish a book (with colored pictures 🙂 based on these reflections. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentThe painting is a stunner!
View CommentHow beautifully Swamiji revealed the meaning of POSITIVE THINKING – “Positivity means being constantly grateful, optimistic and appreciative of God’s mercy”……
View CommentGreat message from Radhanath Swami. “Positivity means being constantly grateful, optimistic and appreciative of God’s mercy”. If we can simply follow the above rule, we can come closer to God very quickly.
View Commentsimply wonderful, most inspiring and a must read article for all!
View CommentThank you very much Radhanath Swami for sharing this with us and enlightening us to come to light.
View Commentnice blog
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj teaches us to be positive in all situations!
View CommentIts amazing!!! All these spiritually filled wisdom words of maharaj. These words are so profound that they can carry us through difficult times in our life.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s way of training his students by his own behavior is noteworthy. Being negative will not lead us to anything meaningful. However when we are positive and have firm faith in God, there is nothing impossible to achieve.
View CommentRadhanath Swami teaches us of how love and kindness go a long way in encouraging people on the spiritual path.
View CommentConverting negative to positive is where the secret lies! Jai!
View CommentAs mentioned in the article, Radhanath Swami is indeed very expert in converting negative situations into positive with his energy & the example of Radha Gopinath temple is the proof for it………
View CommentThank you so much for sharing such a wonderful example.Its really inspiring to me.
View Commentvery nice!!!
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj fills everyone’s hearts with positivity!
View CommentAvery nice defination of Positivity by Radhanath Swamiji.Also a very practical aproach has been told to use our discriminating power for the things which may not be useful for progressing in our spiritual life.Thank you very much.
View CommentThis article reminds me of a quote, “Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.”
View CommentYes, without real positive thinking Radhanath Swami would not have had such a sensational journey home.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
A very beautiful narrative.If we practice our Devotional Service sincerely, we are likely to be more positive in life than ever.
Hare Krishna
View CommentNature of a person is built on the thoughts that float on the mind. So its for us to watch it..huh
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj’s words give us hope.
View CommentVery wonderful article. Thanks Radhanath Swami for teaching us how to be positive in all situations
View CommentAwesome article. Thank you so much for sharing such a nice article with so many important learnings.
View CommentAmazing article.Maharaj teaches us to be positive in all situations.
View CommentThe Journey Home book by Radhanath Swami is incredible examples of positiveness in most negative circumstances…
Words full of wisdom: “Radhanath Swami said positivity means being constantly grateful, optimistic and appreciative of God’s mercy”
View CommentThis is so so beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing. Very profound and incredible wisdom in that poem.
View CommentRadhanath Swami does a fantastic job at exuding positivity among all his followers.
View CommentA spiritual leader should positively inspire others in the path of devotion.That is the true success story of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj.The manner in which the devotional life is taken up by his disciples is a testimony to this fact.
View CommentRadhanath Swami teaches what he practices. He always teaches to his students that the worst situations in our life are the most auspicious, since we can remember Lord intensely & incessantly.
View CommentWonderful article – very instructive. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentThank you for sharing
View CommentVery profound article full of realizations – “positivity means being constantly grateful, optimistic and appreciative of God’s mercy”.
View CommentVery thought provoking.
View CommentConcepts of positivity so wonderfully explained in practical situations of life. Thank you for sharing this article & wonderful poem at the end.
View CommentOblidged to you for your wonderful thoughts Radhanath Swami
View CommentWatch your thoughts – they become words;
View CommentWatch your words – they become actions
Watch your actions – they become habits;
Watch your habits – they become character;
Watch your character – it becomes your culture
very inspiring indeed these quotes are Hari bol