Richard (now Radhanath Swami) would often be lonely but used this opportunity to connect to God through prayer and meditation. I liked a prose that Richard wrote in the solitude of this mountain cave. This is one of my favorite paragraphs in the book:
“In the mind of a hermit, in troubled times, when a man is tired and weary, confused as to where he is going and what he has left to fall behind, he doesn’t know whether to cling to or to let go forever of those things that still remain with him. Where to go for one who has forsaken friend and home? What to do for one who wanders alone in the wilderness of his own solitude? Should he break the walls that he has constructed around himself or should he build them stronger and higher? He pleads, “Oh Lord, is there a guide who can show me the way to you? Where shall such a homeless man reside who believes that home is not in this mortal world?”
Reading the above paragraph gives us a glimpse into the heart of Radhanath Swami; his poetic best is seen here. He is rich with spiritual emotions and also so expertly weaves it into a beautiful prose. This reminds me of a recent talk that Radhanath Swami gave where he poetically described God’s creation. He first analyzed the special effects that Steven Spielberg creates in his movies. He then offered a humble challenge to all experts in animation and movie making. Even if one spends millions of dollars in creating the most high tech movie can anyone replicate the artistry of God? “Is anything of the reel world more fascinating and miraculous than the birds that sing at will?” asked Radhanath Swami, “Can the scientists or movie makers create one real sunset or sunrise every morning. Can they create the phenomenal beauty of even one flower or a single heartbeat? This is God’s art work. This is God’s beauty.”
Since Radhanath Swami is always remembering God, he sees the beauty of God in everything of this world. Radhanath Swami can see the miracles of God every moment. Therefore, these poetic descriptions just gush out of his heart.
I often reflect why I am unable to appreciate God and life with at least a fraction of the genuineness that Radhanath Swami embodies? The reason is not difficult to find; Radhanath Swami reveals in one talk, “When we are hard hearted and forgetful of God always, we also become ungrateful and are unable to appreciate the precious, invaluable gifts of God all around us.”
Just as Richard wrote on his note pad that evening on a mountain cave, “…Where shall such a homeless man reside who believes that home is not in this mortal world?” as Radhanath Swami also, he reveals the same emotion that this world is not our home. “Every molecule, every atom, electron, neutron, every aspect of this creation is simply designed by God for one reason only. To eventually give a lesson to the conditioned soul that our real home is with God. Every situation in our life, whether it be pleasurable or frustrating and painful is all the Lord’s loving merciful voice calling the soul back home, back to god-head.”
Very deep statement by Radhanath Swami “Where shall such a homeless man reside who believes that home is not in this mortal world?”.
View CommentI learn an important lesson from this article – that in all situations of life, we should be deeply grateful to Lord. Thank u Radhanath Swami!
View CommentReally transforming the heart. fortunate souls really seek the home of Supreme father. Thanks a Lot. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.
View CommentVery Inspiring. Amazing realization. Thnak you for sharing.
View CommentHave faith and follow the footstep of Acharayas, we can see God every moment..Our Ego is an hinderance to see God..if we try to cleanse the dirt of our heart by holyname we can see God and can understand the value of precious human form of life
View CommentA pure soul sees God’s hand in everything. Thank you for sharing Radhanath Swami’s pure vision with us.
View CommentVery nice
View Commentgood one
View CommentNice story about Radhanath Swami.
View CommentWonderful , what an spiritual emotion it is. I feel my hair standing in end just reading this sentence. “Where shall such a homeless man reside who believes that home is not in this mortal world?”
View Commentreally very inspiring…
View CommentIt is when start expressing Gratitude to Lord for every small aspect in life that we have received as His mercy will we understand things in right perspective
View CommentH.H. Radhanath Swami he reveals the same emotion that this world is not our home. “Every molecule, every atom, electron, neutron, every aspect of this creation is simply designed by God,
View Comment, Can the scientists or movie makers create one real sunset or sunrise every morning. Can they create the phenomenal beauty of even one flower or a single heartbeat? This is God’s art work. This is God’s beauty.” ……AMAZING !!!! GOD IS THE SUPREME CREATOR
Very true. A person who is forgetful of God and he is hard-hearted then he cannot appreciate the invaluable priceless gifts of God around us.
View CommentNever ever heard such a deep prayer-“Oh Lord, is there a guide who can show me the way to you? Where shall such a homeless man reside who believes that home is not in this mortal world?”
Feeling very shaken!!!
View CommentThis appears to be a call coming from the spiritual world to the spiritual seekers. All glories to H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj. I am ever ever greatful to you.
View CommentAll glories to H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentThank you for revealing the poetic side of Radhanath maharaj.
View CommentPrayer is when we talk to God and Meditations is when we listen to God-Nice understanding.
View CommentNice story ,Very Inspiring and Amazing realization.about Radhanath Swami.
View CommentYes, one who understands God’s mercy, never have to take birth again.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj has given us his own example how to see GOD in everything through everything.
View CommentFantastic post… feels good to meet Radhanath Swami, the poet.
View CommentDeep statement and realization
View Commentamazing article written by radhanath swami maharaj
View CommentA very beautiful narrative by Radhanath Swami. Its is spiritually very inspiring.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami’s challenge to the scietists replicates his unflinching faith in God.
View CommentA pure devotee like HH Radhanath Maharaj have all the good qualities that is why they appreaciate and see God in each and every incident.
View CommentAfter reading this article, it reminds me “My Lord please take me home”
View CommentWhen you become a lover of God Like Radhanath Swami Maharaj all the good qualities manifest in you by mercy of the Lord.
View CommentVery inspiring artical
View CommentIt is said that a pure devotee of Krishna is a poet. One can easily see this trait in the personality of Radhanath Swami Maharaja.
View CommentVery inspiring instance from the life of this great saint. Thanks for posting.
View CommentThe realizations of pure souls are so deep and enriching. Thank you for offering us a glimpse into the heart of such a great soul as Radhanath Swami.
View Commentwonderful and a very inspiring instance narrated by Guru Maharaj, thank you very much.
View Commentvery inspiring and emotional experience, thank you Gurudev!
View CommentRadhanath Swami made powerful network of his disciples that simply by associating with his disciples one get benefit of associating him through his instrutions .
View CommentSuch a nice statement Maharaj has made ” Prayer is when we talk to God and Meditation is when we listen to God” Amazing!
View Comment“Can the scientists or movie makers create one real sunset or sunrise every morning. Can they create the phenomenal beauty of even one flower or a single heartbeat? This is God’s art work. This is God’s beauty.”
View Comment“Every situation in our life, whether it be pleasurable or frustrating and painful is all the Lord’s loving merciful voice calling the soul back home, back to god-head-Very deep standards.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is truly a great and silent observer always reflecting on the nature and giving so amazing lessons for all of us!! They truly touch the very core of our hearts ! thank you very much.
View CommentOne of 26 qualities of a vaishnav is Kavi(poet) & same is rightly exemplified here. Thank you Radhanath Swami !!
View Commentbeautiful poetry in this nice blog by swami Radhanath
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami !!
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