Kailash Baba taught Richard to live in harmony with Mother Nature. Richard learnt to use neem twigs to brush his teeth and riverbed mud to wash his skin. Besides, Kailash Baba also taught Richard to respect sacred rivers, temples, trees, the sun, moon, and also snakes, scorpions, and wild animals. Richard learnt to see the soul within a deadly cobra. Over the course of days, Richard saw a leopard intently hunting through the foliage. He saw cobras and mongoose, and respecting these animals, and remembering the instructions of Kailash Baba, Richard prayed to develop fearlessness. As he saw different animals struggle for survival, he reflected that human life is not meant for struggling like these various species; it’s meant for a greater pursuit.
Roaming in jungles has always been a fearful prospect for me. I once asked a travelling monk who roams in the Amazon jungles, if he wasn’t afraid of the wild animals there. He replied with a cheerful grin, “Of course not, because the most dangerous animal is nowhere to be seen in these jungles.” I realized he meant the humans. Humans are distinct from animals in their ability to quest for enlightenment, for the basic needs of eating, sleeping, mating and defending are fulfilled in all life, but seeking God is a rare privilege of mankind. Not pursuing this sublime goal, humans become victim of selfishness, and slowly degenerate to less than animals. Today we see humans are the biggest threat to the security of life on planet earth. With their advanced intelligence humans have subjugated all species, but strangely with the same intelligence man has created weapons of mass destruction, which threaten to destroy all life on this planet. The irony of modern times is that the greatest strength of humans-their advanced intelligence-is also their weakness, because it isn’t used for a spiritual purpose. Hence human beings live in constant fear. Richard however was learning to become fearless.
Radhanath Swami advises, “Our fear should not be death. Our fear should be that we may forget God. Because if we remember God, when death comes, we may go back to the kingdom of God. It’s better to die remembering God than to live a fearful life in this temporary world.”
Richard’s desire to pursue spiritual life became more intense in the Himalayas:
“A spark of spiritual longing, ignited in my childhood, had been fanned into a flame while praying in a cathedral of Florence. It was kindled into a blaze while meditating on the Isle of Crete and fueled higher and hotter by my challenges in the Middle East. Roaming the Himalayas in the company of holy men, that sacred fire in me now blazed furiously. Resigning my life to this purpose alone, I prayed to the Lord to help me.”
Observing a black bee drifting from flower to flower, seeking nectar, Richard too was moving from place to place, seeking to collect the nectar of spiritual wisdom and inspiration. Suddenly he heard in a distance, a baby cry for its mother and he too felt like a baby spiritually, and wondered when the day will come when he will cry like that baby for his beloved Lord.
Radhanath Swami emphasises that chanting of God’s names should not be performed mechanically. “Even a parrot can learn the art of chanting. But that’s not our goal. Our goal is to chant like a child for its mother.” His stunning analysis on the need to take shelter of God leaves me amazed. In his intense voice, choked with spiritual emotion, Radhanath Swami appeals to all of us, “When the baby is in danger he doesn’t go to the internet, he doesn’t analyze his strengths and his weaknesses’ and neither does he philosophize. He simply spontaneously and instantly cries from the core of his heart for mother’s help. We also have to give up our own endeavours and rather beg for shelter, and cry for mercy from God.”
inspiring and enlightening
View CommentAs much as i detest hearing about death maharaj makes it sound so beautiful. Its like moving to a place we should hanker for, if we approach death in the right mood. Thank you maharaj for removing this fear that we all have.
View CommentWhat realisations Radhanath Swami got on his spiritual quest……..everyone fears death, but here Radhanath Swami says we should fear that we may not forget god……great
View CommentWhat a beautiful analogy…that we should chant like a child for his mother.Maharaj, please shower your mercy on me
View CommentRadhanath Swamis one statement “Our fear should not be death. Our fear should be that we may forget God.” says it all. He wants to focus on the eternal reality which is nothing but realizing our eternal position that we are simply meant to serve God.
View CommentIn today’s world there is so much feeling of insecurity. Whom do we take shelter of? Radhanath Swami shows the way. It gives such relief!
View CommentIt is difficult to even be sincere doing even our regular demands of life, but sincere souls like Richard sacrifice so much just to help others progress from animalistic tendencies to being a human being. Amazing how much spiritual people have to offer…
View CommentWhat a great teaching Kailash Baba delivers to not only to Radhanath Swami Maharaj but also to us!!
View CommentEveryone fears that “going to GOD” means dieing and this is the most fearful thought.Contradicting such fear, this is a wonderful learning by Radhanath Maharaj, on how we should take death as:- an opportunity, a means, to go back to godhead, our real home, by chanting the glories of the lord throughout life and at that moment specially.
View CommentA very important lesson to learn in our daily life has been taught by H.H.Radhanath Swami through his example. Hats off to such a person!
View CommentSuch deep vedic teachings:
Unless we are able to connect to our real self and in that way able to be connected to God – there can only be fear, everything is temporary and will be taken away!
The best way to connect to this deeper reality is through chanting God’s name in the desperation of a child crying for mother…
View CommentDEATH – nobody wants it ,yet it is certain.It is said life is the preparation and death the examination.Radhanath swamis quest ,realizations and teachings are examples how one should prepare for the inevitable ,in-fact he makes us realize the opportunity death presents if we are prepared.How’s that for a positive perspective on death
View Commentradhanath swami is fearless due to his heartful of love and compassion for the fellow creatures of this universe
View CommentThanks a lot for this wonderful article. This gives me a hint how much we have to work hard on ourself to make our consciousness pure.
View CommentSometimes situations makes us feel truly helpless & forces us to turn to God for solace & shelter. But if we follow in the footsteps of Radhanath Swami, we can learn to remember God in good times as well as bad. That will be true God-consciousness.
View Commentas rightly said by radhanath swami the human life is meant for greater pursuits, regards, rajesh karia
View CommentDear Friends,
I came to know of this link where you can find and share the photos of Radhanath Swami Maharaj. http://www.flickr.com/groups/radhanathswami/
Please share whatever rare photos you may have.
View CommentPretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I¡¯ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!
View CommentI think we pay too much focus on death when focus should be to live while remembering God. He says beautifully
View CommentA spiritually determinded and exalted personality like Radhanath Swami desired to cry like a child for Lord’s mercy. Certainly, when will I realize that I’m in desperate need for and beg and cry for my beloved Krsna’s mercy? When will that day come?
View CommentThere is so much to learn from just this small piece from maharaj’ book. Fearlessness, shelter of God, total surrender, etc. This is such a beautiful chapter and thanks to HH Radhanath swami Maharaj for sharing this chapter in his life with us.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s quest for finding real meaning and purpose of life is really amazing. Only a small fraction of the human population strives for such a goal which is actually the real goal of life!
View CommentThe journey home book reveals how Radhanath Swami used every incident, every episode in his life, whether living in Himalayas or in the cities, seeking God. If that is one’s only goal, then what is there to fear.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj clearly explains the purpose of human life and the goal of life.One should chant in a helpless state like a child crying for its mother.If we take total shelter of God we become fearless.
View CommentIt is amazing how Radhanath Swami draws wonderful lessons even from seeminlgy trivial incidents. Truly, he is an empowered person
View CommentMuch of the human society does not know the significance and Goal of human life. All our activities are based on eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Always we try to comfort us with these four things and works for them and tries to be happy. But every time we fail in our attempts to be happy. But in contrast from the life of Maharaj one can learn the significance of human life is to search for ultimate reality which can bestow real unlimited happiness which is our goal. Thanks for wonderful realization.
View Commentthe statement about we should not fear death but fear about forgetting god is wonderful
View CommentThe human form of life is to cultivate spiritual life.But unfotunatly we are grosly misusing God given gift of intelligence with reasoning power to destroy ourselves.Radhanth Maharaj’s book explains us how one can live with every living entiy harmoneosly.Thank you very much.
View CommentWhere there is humility there is fearlessness automatically because humility means to depend on God for strength. And with God’s unlimited power to back up one’s life, how can there be any fear? But that strength is bestowed through loving service to God, the great souls and by showing compassion and giving encouragement to those who have forgotten God. This is very nicely exemplified and taught by Radhanath Swami himself.
There is spiritual wisdom to be sought in every genuine religious path that teaches one to love and serve God.
At school we may find we can learn a subject e.g. maths from a particular teacher. We just connect with that person somehow and find we are inspired to learn properly and can pass each end of year exam with their help. A friend may learn the same subject and pass the same exams but finds it easier to learn from a different teacher. Both are correct. As long as the subject matter and the goals are the same there is no need for bigotry and an attitude of ‘my teacher is the only right one or my teacher is better than your.’
The same applies to the different world faiths…there can be unity in diversity.
View Commentlast paragraph about chanting is very inspiring.thanks to radhanath swami.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj explains the purpose of human life .One should chant in a helpless state like a child crying for its mother. As Maharah says “If we take total shelter of God we become fearless”.
View Commentthis site is doing a wonderful job by presenting the most sublime truths in a concise, easy to read manner. thank you.
View Commentwonderful
View Commentradhanath swami is a true believer of the fact that each and every thing is the part and parcel of the supreme creator,
View CommentTrue!”Not pursuing the sublime goal of our lives – of seeking enlightenment,we humans become victim of selfishness, and slowly degenerate to less than animals….”. It is saints like Radhanath Swami who have shown us the true path.We should thus be ever thankful of such great souls
View CommentUnlike animals, human life is not meant to be spent simply to take care of the basic needs for survival. Like Radhanath Swami says, we should strive for the higher goal of rediscovering our spiritual identity & our lost relation with the Supreme Lord.
View CommentNice one.
View CommentThe example of a child is so aptly quoted by Radhanath Swami. Simple and an overwhelming analogy!
View CommentWe are so fortunate to get the teachings without much struggle from Radhanath Swamis experience. I am grateful to Radhanath Swami for giving us this treasure.
View CommentI liked Radhanath Swami’s comparison between the chanting of a parrot and a child crying out for the mother. The latter has a sense of urgency and dependency.
View CommentRadhanath Swami says “Where there is God consciousness and surrender to GOD then there is no fear”, the same is reflected in the above article…..
View CommentThat was such aprofound statement, that humans are the greatest danger on earth. They are the ones who are creating chaos and not living in harmony with nature. Radhanath Swami has stated the wisest thing – don’t be fearful of death, be fearful of life without remembrance of God.
View CommentIt is an amazing book. Radhanath swami’s writing skill is that he takes the reader along with him , to all the places and experiences . His attitude in facing the situations is unparalleled.
View CommentWonderful! A real eye opener on how to view our life! Thank You Radhanath Swami:)
View CommentThis is very true we fear for death but actual fear is to forgetting god.Thank you maharaj.
View CommentThank you, By reading this Radhanath swami maharaj made me focused on rememberance of GOD than to think – fear about death.
View Commentthese are very inspiring articles which have helped me a lot in my student life.
View Commentvery very amazing and inspiring subject
View Commentit has changedmy way of thinking and the way of looking into things
View CommentFearlessness is a sign of advancement in spiritual consciousness.
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