Richard (now Radhanath Swami)’s most unforgettable experience at Dev Prayag was with Kailash Baba. An elderly ascetic, Kailash Baba showered Richard with fatherly affection and instructed him on how to survive as a wandering ascetic. Radhanath Swami writes that Kailash Baba was one of the kindest, gentlest men he has ever met. The Baba didn’t know English, yet both communicated the language of love. Every time he looked at Richard, Kailash Baba had affectionate tears in his eyes. Richard also learnt that Kailash Baba was several hundred years old and he possessed supernatural powers to heal the sick and perform extraordinary feats. But he vowed never to speak or show them off. Radhanath Swami says he has never forgotten the loving Kailash Baba.
I haven’t met Kailash Baba but can vouch for the love and affection of Radhanath Swami. His affection attracts the love of our hearts. Earlier I had a misconception that spirituality means one has to be tough and devoid of emotions. In Radhanath Swami’s association I realized spiritual life is full of rich emotions and feelings. These feelings Radhanath Swami has expressed not just to human beings, but even to insignificant animals.
Once, Radhanath Swami visited Nasik, a center close to Mumbai. He was impressed by the temple and also surprised to see that there were turtles in the beautiful fountain in the temple. However Radhanath Swami was worried that turtles are not like fishes; they cannot be in water all the time. They need a place to rest. Radhanath Swami insisted that the devotees make a small island in that pool so that the turtles can rest. “They shouldn’t be uncomfortable” said Radhanath Swami as he enquired the details about the turtles. The other members watching were amused that here is a person who is busy and sought after all over the world and involved in many projects; yet he was doing serious service for mere turtles. Before leaving Nasik, Radhanath Swami also told the President to inform him when something was done for the turtles.
Radhanath Swami’s exchanges with Kailash Baba are sweet to say the least. I wonder how two individuals who don’t share a language can speak to each other. I got a glimpse of it when I served some of Radhanath Swami’s guests who came from Vrindavan, a holy place of pilgrimage in the Northern India. Under Radhanath Swami’s leadership annual medical camps are held in these villages; the villagers thus have a loving relationship with Radhanath Swami. When one family from this village was at temple I served them and once arranged their meeting with Radhanath Swami. They spoke for a long time in their native language while I translated for Radhanath Swami. After I finished, the family and Radhanath Swami simply shared smiles and laughter. Then for a long time there was no talk but only smiles and laughter. I wondered what was happening but the family and Radhanath Swami seemed to be completely comfortable. Then they said something which I couldn’t understand. I told them to repeat because I needed to translate for Radhanath Swami. They said, “Not needed. He has understood.” I was shocked to see Radhanath Swami switch on the fans; they had apparently told him that the room was getting hot. Again they sat together smiling and laughing for what appeared hours. I finally asked the elderly family from Vrindavan, “How did he (Radhanath Swami) understand when you said a few things in Hindi when I myself was finding difficult to understand your dialect?” The elderly man replied, “Son, you won’t understand. Your guru, Radhanath Swami speaks the language of love, and love knows no barriers.”
Radhanath Swami’s exchanges with Kailash Baba are also in the language of love- richer than all the languages of the world put together!
As a great saint Radhanath swami cares for small animals like turtles then what to speak about his disciples.He is carrying Krishna in his heart.really a saint is a saint when he can see every where Krishna .Krishna says in Githa that who ever sees me every where he is not far from me.and for hin i am not far.So the great saint and devotee will have only the qualities of Krishna.They can understand any language because Krishna will give that intelligence because He is the super soul in every living being,When Srila Haridas Thakur decided for the sake of devotees to come out from the cave, then the paithan went away from the cave.That is the power of devotees.
View CommentAmazing one. It’s very heart touching.
View CommentWe are so fortunate that in this modern world, where people’s hearts are as cold & hard as stone, we have a personality like Radhanath Swami, who is teaching the highest level of love to everyone by his example…..thanks for this wonderful article
View Comment“Son, you won’t understand. Your guru, Radhanath Swami speaks the language of love, and love knows no barriers.”
View CommentAmazing!Thank you Maharaj.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. HH Radhanath swami love is spread to all living beings.
View CommentThere is no Sweeter language than the language spoken with pure love.A mother can only respond to the needs of a new born child out of her pure motherly love.
View CommentUnforgettable event. Through the language of love, one can win the heart of any one else. All glories to Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.
View CommentAmazing, truly the language of love has no barriers
View CommentLove of God is so contagious that whoever has it rapidly spreads it to everyone & you, Maharaj are an example.
View CommentThank you very very much for sharing this.Haribol!
View CommentJust by hearing Radhanath Maharaj’s lectures one can perceive the love and concern he is carrying for all of us.
View CommentLove & Affection of a person shows in his dealings with the devotees of the Lord. This article shows how because of Maharaj,s humility & deep devotion, he made the peopl naturally love him.
View CommentAn unconditional love is the ultimately what we are searching for.And that what Swamiji is preaching for.This will remove all conditional barriers of this material world.
View CommentThank you for sharing this beautiful event from life of Radhanath Swami.
View CommentIt’s amazing to see how such a famous personality as Radhanath Swami could care so much for the well being of turtles! This shows that true saints see with equal vision all living beings!
View Commentvery nice post
View CommentLove of God is contagious & whoever has it spreads it to others.
View CommentIt is indeed heart warming to see how Radhanath Swami transcends all barriers with his love and compassion.
View CommentAmazing realization! No words to describe such beautiful statement.
View Commentgreat chapter. thank u.
View CommentLove has no barriers. All these examples from the life of Radhanath Swami proves this point. Love itself is a language. And this gives us hope because through love we can connect to God.
View CommentLove has no barriers.Love itself is a language.
View CommentThank you so much Maharaj for enlightening us.Haribol!
Thank you very much for sharing such a nice understanding and experience.
View CommentI could understand the greatness of love.
LOVE-the only language that prevails and is understood by each and every one irrespective of any lanaguage,culture,tradition,background and understanding…, thanks radhanath swami for bringing this into the light,
View CommentRadhanath swami is true mystic who can understand the feelings of others through the heart.
View Commentwonderful……
View Commentlove needs no language
View Commentit was wonderful
View CommentMaharaj has so much compassion for all living entities.
View CommentVery Nice!!!! Haribol
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami. Just by reading about you one can experience love.
View CommentLove of God is the goal desired by devotees & whoever has it spreads it to others.
View Commentits such a life changing experience to hear the dealing and behaviour of saintly souls like Radhanath Swami. Extremely grateful to all the devotees who are sharing these insights and putting so much effort to make it available to all of us on the websites…
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami.
View CommentAmazing one. It’s very heart touching.
very nice. really heart touching
View CommentWonderful article, the language of love is above all the other languages.Thank you very much Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThis shows the power of love ! All Glories to Radhanath Swami !
View CommentHare Krishna !
This is really incredible one !! language of love superseded everything.
View Commentjust as much was required
View CommentEver since I know Radhanath swami has been fanning our heat off and hooping that that natural spark in us will some day ignite.
View Commentvery touching.
View CommentWonderful. Thank you for posting this.
View CommentThank you very much, power love
View CommentThis is what everyone is looking for.
View CommentThank you for sharing this incident from Radhanath Swami’s life.
View CommentVery Interesting.Thank you for sharing.Jay Sri Radhanath Swami Maharaj !
View CommentLove does not need any language to express feelings, it is the language of the heart (heart to heart) connection which may speak louder than our words….just amazing….
View Comment