Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was shocked at Ayodhya, the birth place of Lord Rama, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Richard saw that the actual birth site of the Lord wasan abandoned mosque; a Moghul conqueror had built a mosque in the place where Lord Rama’s magnificent palace stood. Hindus and Muslims have ever since battled over the ownership of the land.
Here Richard saw military guards all over the site. Richard recalled the disputed Dome of the Rock, a sacred place for Muslims, Jews and Christians. Radhanath Swami writes in his memoir his realization of the hateful aggression in the name of religion also being a sad reality of this world. Richard ponderedover the essence of all religions being one; unconditional love and surrender to God. When people get blinded by the externals of religion, they have wars over religious designations
Radhanath Swami reveals that religion has both form and substance. The form is revealed by the way the members of the religious faith put on the robes, pray in a particular manner and perform certain rituals that are unique to their sect. However the substance is what determines the quality of the religion. The substance is the goal of the religious system. The form is useful to the extent it helps a practitioner achieve the substance. Radhanath Swami appeals to men and women of all religious faith to focus on the essence, rather than brood over the differences in the form of religion. As a practitioner of Vaishnava religion, Radhanath Swami says the substance of his religious system is not simply to know God but to develop love for God. If as spiritual students we forget this essence and focus only on the externals, we will eventually consider one religion to be superior or inferior to others. The fight over the external symbols of religion has led to riots, wars and more recently suicide bombings
Radhanath Swami points out that one of the common points in all religions is the call to chant the names of God with great love and affection for the Lord. If one sincerely chants the names of God, he or she would blossom to be become a wonderful person with all saintly qualities. Radhanath Swami gives the example from Vedic scriptures of one hunter named Mrigari who was so cruel that he derived sadistic pleasure in half killing animals. He was aggressive and violent and loved to see animals die in pain. A great devotee of the Lord, Narada felt pity on him and instructed him and guided him to chant the names of God. Mrgari’s heart and ways changed; he soon became an embodiment of compassion and was one of the most gentle and peaceful men. The holy names had dissolved all his hatred and anger. Radhanath Swami reveals how later when the saint Narada came to visit Mrgari, he was shocked to see the former hunter clear the path to make way for ants to crawl smoothly on the pathway. This is the transformational potency of one who sincerely chants the names of God.
Radhanath Swami therefore appeals that instead of bickering over the externals of various religious systems, let us all focus on chanting the holy names of God and serving each other in the mood of being the servant of servant. This way we can transform hatred to love.
Yes, if that is done, world can experience the real peace.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for this wonderful realisation.
View CommentYes, peace can come only through the chanting the names of GOD,rightly said by radhnath swami maharaj,
View CommentRadhanath Swami Ki Jai
View CommentRadhanath Swami has very nicely pointed out the essence of all the religions – chanting the names of God. thanks for sharing.
View CommentNice !!!
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami by his own example though selfless love transformed many hearts and guided them towards God.
View CommentThank you for sharing, I remember in one of the discourses .
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami says that are first responsibility than any other is to call out the names of God with Love and Devotion.
Wonderful words “However the substance is what determines the quality of the religion.”. Today people are fighting in the names of religions, because they don’t understand about the substance of the real religion. Radhanath Swami had been sincerely seeking a true and bona-fide spiritual master and because of his sincerity only, Lord Krishna reciprocated.
View CommentThis once again explains the purpose and importance of chanting holy names of the Lord. Thank you very much Maharaj.
View CommentLike the idea-
Radhanath Swami reveals that religion has both form and substance
View CommentIt is indeed very painful to see people fighting in the name of religion……..
View CommentVery insightful
View CommentIt really hurts when we see people fighting over religions i.e they are just lookng at external aspect but inner aspect is to love God and chant his name…Very beautiful example of Mrgari–touches the heart that how a cruel person can become soft life rose by association of pure devotee – Narada Muni and by chanting lord name..Thanks Maharaj
View CommentWe should concentrate on transforming hatred into love. then the world will be a peaceful place to live in.
View CommentPurpose of all religions is to develop the love for God
View CommentReligion teaches us to serve one supreme lord,may be with difference names
View CommentEsseence of all religions-unconditional love unto God, very foundational.
View CommentEvery religion admits that, Lord and His names are non-different.
View CommentRadhanath swami mentioned a very nice point about form & substance.Substance is the quality of religion, that teaches us we are part & parcel of supreme lord. Now if everybody is part & parcel of supreme lord, how one can be so cruel in killing animals & saying I love God.
In one of the lecture Radhanath Swami mentioned if mother has 2 child & one child hits his brother & says mom I love you. Will the mother become happy? She would say what kind of love is that. Same way how the supreme lord our supreme father would feel if we trouble our brothers & sisters.
View CommentRadhanath Swami points out that one of the common points in all religions is the call to chant the names of God with great love and affection for the Lord. If one sincerely chants the names of God, he or she would blossom to be become a wonderful person with all saintly qualities.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a master when it comes to presenting the ancient time-tested Vedic wisdom in a contemporary fashion for all to relate to, understand, assimilate, and start practicing it.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for sharing this wonderful example of Mrgari on the transformation that can happen if one takes to the sincere chanting of the holy name of the Lord! This will go a long way in reinforcing our faith in the Holy Name.
View CommentNice meditation by HH Radhanath Swami. To believe and practice the substance, i.e., the love of God rather to ponder over the structure, i.e., the external way of practicing religion is the essence of all religions and scriptures.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for teaching to Chant name of God with great love and affection.
View CommentVery nice explanation herein about the strength of chanting of the Holy Names.If everybody follows the principles of religion then there won’t be any war or infighting between human beings.Every individual is a son of God and hence there is no reason to fight for external reasons.
View CommentA true religion is one which brings us close to Lord, without any discrimination.
View Commenthare krishna
View CommentWonderful. For Kaliyuga the simple and effective process is the chanting of the holy names. Anyone can perform this in any situation…. and so this is so glorious. Many thanks for sharing this wisdom.
View CommentTeachings of Radhanath Swami Maharaj are essence of all scriptures.
View CommentReligion has both form and substance. The ‘form’ is revealed by the robes, prayers and rituals of the practitioners unique to their sect. However, the ‘substance’ determines the quality of the religion. The substance is the goal of the religious system. The form is useful to achieve the substance. Radhanath Swami appeals all of us to focus on the substance, rather than brood over the differences in the form of religion.
View Commentvery easy and nice explanation about essence of all religions
View Commentthank you by radhanath swami
What a wonderful explanation of the essence of Religions !!
View CommentIt is so important to see the essence others the whole purpose of religion is lost if one is carried away by only externals.
View CommentThe chanting of the Lord’s Holy Names is the only way of seeing unity in diversity.
View CommentThe description of externals and internals of all religion is beautifully explained.
View CommentThe essence of religion is more important than the external dress.
View Commentthanx for sharing
View CommentThis shows how important it is to chant the holy names of God with all our heart. Maharaj has nicely advised the reasons for quarrels in the name of religion. We should concentrate on the essence.
View CommentThanks for sharing such divine wisdom.
View CommentRadhanath Swami had been sincerely seeking a true and bona-fide spiritual master and because of his sincerity only, Lord Krishna reciprocated.
View CommentChanting names of Lord is the common standing point in all religions which can bring them all together
View CommentWonderful discourse by Radhanath Swami. We can put a stop to all hatred in the name of religion if we can simply understand the true essence of all religions.
View CommentYes, essence and substance is more important that rituals and external activities. Very deep realization. thanks Radhanath Swami for sharing with us.
View Commentswamiji has explained in a simple way to understand such complicated topic, Thank swamiji.
View CommentThis articles gives very clear answer for the question ‘Essense of all religion’.
View CommentH.H.Radhanath swami Maharaj has very wonderfully explained forms (exterior) & substance (interior) of religion.
View CommentVery beautiful. The essence of all religion is to follow the word of God and to always chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and be happy.
View Commentthank you mahraj ,this point was very touching that purpose of all religions is to have unconditional love and surrender to God. its wonderful.
View Commentyes it is very true that we should chant the holy name of the Lord in proper consciousness thank you Radhanath swami sharing this with us.
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