Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was intrigued by an incarnation of Krishna who had apparently descended to earth. This was a thirteen year old Prem Rawat who was worshipped as the incarnation of Lord Rama and Krishna and he was now being addressed as Guru Maharaji. He wore a crown and peacock feather and played a flute like Krishna and also stood in the pose of Krishna. Richard realized this incarnation looked a lot different from the painting of Krishna he had purchased on a pavement at Delhi. Guru Maharaji offered Richard initiation which he politely declined. Later as Guru Maharji left with much fanfare with thousands of his disciples swooning, Richard thought, “Who God is a serious subject, not to be taken lightly.” Thinking like this Richard felt no inclination to accept him as Krishna.
Radhanath Swami explains that in India there are many mystic yogis who can manipulate material nature and perform miracles. They can even transmit some super natural experiences to their followers. However all of this does not necessarily make them God. God is a title for someone who is the source of all mysticism and powers.
Radhanath Swami also notes that in spiritual circles lot of superficiality goes in the name of substance and likewise many ordinary souls are worshipped as God. Radhanath Swami’s guru Srila Prabhupada would often say that this world is a world of ‘cheaters and cheated’- a world where many con men go around in the guise of holy men and gullible people get cheated by them. He quotes an interesting story that his spiritual master would narrate. Sometimes young ladies go to holy places thinking, “if a sadhu marries me and impregnates me then it is very auspicious and I will have an excellent off spring.” With this intention these women go to holy places, especially to make the sadhus fall down from their vows. In the mood of serving a sadhu sweetly, they entice the sadhu and cheat him to give up his vows. However there are lowest grade of dacoits who know this ploy of certain women. These rogues disguise themselves as sadhus and accept the service from these beautiful young girls and enjoy them and eventually give them their dacoit seed. Narrating this example, Radhanath Swami exposes the mentality prevailing in some spiritual circles- of cheaters and cheated.
Radhanath Swami has often explained that there have always been cheaters posing as gurus. Many thousands of years ago, the demon Ravana dressed himself as a svami to win an audience with Sita, the wife of Lord Ramacandra (an incarnation of Lord Krishna). Ravana kidnapped Sita, but Lord Ramacandra killed him. Five thousand years ago, when the Lord appeared in the world in His original form as Krishna, He dealt with another cheater: King Paundraka donned an extra set of arms, in imitation of Lord Krishna’s four-armed Vishnu form, and demanded that Krishna worship him. Again, the Lord did away with the cheater personally. So Radhanath Swami concurs that we shouldn’t be surprised if someone claims to be God. We should respect such men and keep a safe distance from them, for God, as Radhanath Swami says is a serious subject matter and can’t be taken lightly by awarding the title of ‘God’ to an ordinary human of flesh and bones.
Makes such a perfect sense. If one wants a watered down easy to tread path one gets cheating guru as he is cheating himself.
View CommentAmazing realization of Maharaj.
View CommentThis world is full of cheaters and cheated.
View CommentYes so true- specially in india- the land of religion we have so many cheaters who had some mystique power and people are convinced of them as they get their frustated desired fulfilled and they started treating them like GOd.
View CommentAm still surprised why people dont belive on our anceint scriptures – Bhagavad gits and Srimad bhagavatam–which clearly tells us who God and his nature..
Indeed, this is a world of the cheaters and the cheated. People want to be cheated and hence such an arrangement is made. We should always follow bonafide authority, who follows on the path given by the Lord.
View Comment“Look before you leap” we need to b e very careful in dealing for God.By the mercy of Krsna, one gets the Guru. By the mercy of Guru, one can get God, Krsna. All glories to HH Radhanatha Svami Maharaja.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj has this magical ability to present the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita & Shrimad Bhagwatam, in a manner palatable to all audiences. He can speak to college students of India, senior monks practicing Bhakti… and westerners who have no inkling of all this… all with great ease.
View CommentPeople who want something cheap succumb to cheater’s allurements!
View CommentIn scriptures, the details of appearance of the Lord is clearly mentioned. However people who have not studied scriptures under the guidance of a bonafide Guru are misled by such bogus incarnations of the Lord. This article related with Radhanath Swami’s life indeed brings out a wonderful point in this connection.
View CommentThank you for sharing this nice article
View CommentWe can save ourselves from getting cheated provided we sincerely seek the truth in scriptures and in sages
View CommentThis world is true if everything in this world is used in the Service of The Supreme Personality Of Godhead else if jiva uses his independence to gratify his senses then this world becomes false.In this context those who cheat others by telling they are
View Commentgod are simply engaged in sinful activities.This is the effect of age of kali. Nice article.
THANK YOU swamiji for your illuminating article 🙂
View CommentVery inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
View Commentwe shouldn’t be surprised if someone claims to be God. We should respect such men and keep a safe distance from them,
View Commentwe shouldn’t be surprised if someone claims to be God. We should respect such men and keep a safe distance from them, for God is a serious subject matter and can’t be taken lightly by awarding the title of ‘God’ to an ordinary human of flesh and bones.
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