In the association of Ramesh Baba, at the remote mountains of Varsana, thirty kilometres from Vrindavan, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) learnt about the power of faith in God. A young boy of seven caught Richard’s hand and pointed to a painting of Krishna and declared with simple innocence and faith, “This is my God.” Seeing this Richard remembered Lord Jesus’ words that unless one becomes like a child in his purity and faith, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Richard prayed to be blessed with such a faith.
Another example of a person with unflinching faith that Radhanath Swami met was Ramesh Baba who sacrificed a promising material career to stay in this lonely mountaintop worshipping Sri Radha. Ramesh Baba was constantly threatened by thugs, wielding guns and knives. Yet he remained undisturbed having taken shelter of God’s names in kirtan. With the power of kirtan, he carried a conviction that if Krishna is pleased with him, it didn’t matter what the dacoits did. This unbelievable faith of Ramesh Baba was once again witnessed by Radhanath Swami when at night, Ramesh Baba slept with a small three foot stick by his side, to protect himself from a leopard. When Richard asked how a little stick would help, Ramesh Baba replied that only the Lord can protect them. However he kept the stick to show the Lord that he is doing his part. Ramesh Baba taught that chanting Holy names of God is our only protection and we should cultivate faith in these names of God.
While in Varsana, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) learnt through a personal experience, the lesson on the need to have faith in the holy names. Once while responding to the call of nature in the fields, a poisonous snake crept up to his feet as he squat on the floor. As his heart pounded in fear, he softly chanted Hare Krishna Maha Mantra. He gradually began to feel peace through the power of the mantra, and his fear dissipated. As the serpent slowly slithered back into the bushes, Radhanath Swami reflected: “Today the Lord has revealed to me what a tiny child I am on the spiritual path. When a child is in danger, his only means of protection is in appealing to his mother or father. And today the mother and father of this tiny child have come in the form of their holy names to give me shelter.”
Radhanath Swami says faith is the most precious gift of God for a spiritual seeker. As I wonder how I can also get this faith in God, Radhanath Swami enlightens me through these golden words of wisdom, “Faith is not something put into you; faith is awakened from within. The soul has complete faith in God. But we have lost it. Therefore we have to long for this faith, we have to beg for this faith, we must pray for this faith and we must do the needful to get this faith.”
Radhanath Swami’s adventures have given him profound realizations on the subject of faith. He shares his realization that when everything seems to go wrong in life, faith alone can empower us to look up to see the benevolent hand of God guiding us out of our problems, to understand that everything is actually alright even if it appears wrong. Radhanath Swami’s formula for happiness is also simple; when we are faced with adversities, as is inevitable in this world, our peace and happiness will depend not on our wealth, but our faith.
It’s also important to nourish and protect this faith in God. Radhanath Swami gives the example of a tree which takes years to grow. However it takes a few hours to bring it down crumbling. Similarly it takes years of spiritual practises to cultivate faith but a complacent and lax approach to spiritual practises will allow the illusory forces to drag our innocent faith down, in a matter of moments. He warns, “To lose money, prestige, health or even life itself is not such a loss. To lose faith is the greatest loss.”
How can we increase our faith in God? Radhanath Swami offers a time tested method of hearing the message of the Lord as revealed in the sacred scriptures from His dedicated devotees, and by regularly chanting His Holy Names.
Even for mundane materialistic activity one needs faith, what to speak of spiritual faith
View CommentWe can develop strong faith in God only if we associate & hear from bonafide & learned saints such as Radhanath Swami who actually possess strong conviction & live by the spiritual principles that they preach others.
View CommentThese lines specially touched my heart and I feel a need to follow this sincerely. “Faith is not something put into you; faith is awakened from within. The soul has complete faith in God. But we have lost it. Therefore we have to long for this faith, we have to beg for this faith, we must pray for this faith and we must do the needful to get this faith.”
View CommentThank you for sharing the same.
Thank you for the wonderful meditation – reminding us to put our faith in the Holy Names & Association of Saintly persons.
View CommentThank you very much Radhanath Swami for such a great message of how to protect and increase our faith on the Holynames of the Lord. This is very encouraging.
View CommentRadhanath Swmai has so nicely described how to increase our faith on God.. thanks for sharing.
View Commentwonderful article and nicely described by HHRM about the importance of having faith in the Lord’s holy names, regards, rajesh
View Commentnice article and a must read for all, thank you Maharaj for enlightening us with the importance and the need of having faith, haribol, bhakti
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s “Journey Home” book is more than enough to convince us that he knows what faith means 🙂
View CommentA priceless jewel, something more valuable than life itself, but available simply by hearing and chanting. What a deal!
View CommentBeautiful article……Radhanath Swami’s entire spritiual quest was to look for a genuine Guru in whom he can place his faith……..& after taking shelter in Srila Prabhupada, his faith in holy name & Krishna has got firm roots…….
View Commentvery nice story
View CommentDeep! How can faith move mountains? The life of Radhanath Swami shows how!
View CommentThis explains how great saints throughout history, and even some of my elevated contemporaries are able to sail through tremendous hardships in life with faith, steadiness and calm. Very inspiring and reassuring.
View CommentTHIS WAS JUST WHAT I NEEDED THE MOST, I was undergoing serious problems with faith but recently I also heard Radhanath Maharaj Lecture on “TOTAL FAITH IN SCRIPTURES” avilable on link http://www.iskconmedia.com/?l=4&option=com_zina&Itemid=62
View Commentand now I read this so the time tested method which maharaj has mentioned in last paragraph about Hearing and chanting actually WORKS.
Thank you so much
Faith is very important in Spiritual life. Thank you very much for sharing the same.
View CommentFaith is the basic aspect with out which a human cannot servive.
View CommentFaith is very fragile and must be carefully protected – then it will protect us.
View CommentLet us have faith in these profound words of Radhanath Swami, and try to practice them.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s life is an example of deep faith.
View Commentthank you for sharing
View Commentvery nice incident from the book of Journey Home by Radhanath swami
View Commentnice incident from the book of Journey Home by Radhanath swami
View CommentSeveral nice points in this article. Thanks for sharing. Hari Bol!!
View CommentVery nicely wrote about the faith based on Radhanath Swami Journey Home book, thank you very much.
View CommentIt is only the unflinching faith on God that Radhanath Swami has which gives him such a peaceful and saintly aura.
View CommentHow true it is! “To lose money, prestige, health or even life itself is not such a loss. To lose faith is the greatest loss.”
View Commenti am deeply touched by this and will try to follow the path of hearing about the lord from his devotees as suggested by Radhanath Swami.
A Life-Saving Project…Something that actually makes people ‘LIVE’ the teaching of Simple Living High Thinking. Radhanath Swami ki Jay
View CommentRadhanath swami maharaj is inspiring every one by his example and the results which he has given to the society.
View CommentHare Krishna. Thanks for giving the formula for developing the faith.
View CommentSince Radhanath Swami preaches with such purity, faith and conviction, that his words penetrates the hearts of every one and purifies them also. When we hear Radhanath Swami and follow his instructions sincerely, then our faith on God is sure to increase by leaps and bounds.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
How True, Faith is what each one of us is in dire need of rather than just practicing spirituality mechanically.
Hare Krishna
View CommentThank you very much for sharing the words of Radhanath Swami “Faith is not something put into you; faith is awakened from within. The soul has complete faith in God. But we have lost it. Therefore we have to long for this faith, we have to beg for this faith, we must pray for this faith and we must do the needful to get this faith.”
View CommentRadhanath Swami proves the existence of God. God may not appear personally but the very same God appears in His name form. Having faith one can see God.All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentMaharaj has given the means to cultivate only way to the spiritual life FAITH, to awaken that faith we have to do the needful Hearing and Chanting of the holy name of the Lord and Associating with those who have developed faith and then praying to the lord to facilitate that faith in our hearts.
View CommentReally a wonderful article on FAITH. I particularly liked below statement of Radhanath Swami:
when we are faced with adversities, as is inevitable in this world, our peace and happiness will depend not on our wealth, but our faith
View CommentVery nice article
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