Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was excited to see a sign, ‘The World Yoga Conference’ and learnt that 800 yogis had assembled for the event. In the giant tent where the conference was held, Richard saw even small children perform difficult asanas, postures, with ease. Richard was impressed by Swami Rama, the renowned founder of the Himalayan Institute. Swami Rama demonstrated yogic trance and showed how he could slow his heart rate, produce specific brain wave patterns on demand, consciously move a physical object half way across the room, and even stop his heart all together, all by the power of yoga asanas, being in a trance. His message was simple, “All of the body is in the mind. Mind over matter is developed by control of consciousness. You really do not need to know many things, but you definitely need to practise what you know.” He blessed Richard to be able to cross all obstacles on his spiritual path.
Radhanath Swami also emphasizes that a spiritualist must try to control the mind and bring it back from wherever it wanders, to focus on the Lord. He once narrated an interesting anecdote of a man who was sitting under a tree and a snake bit him. He wondered what bit him and as he turned around he saw a rat, and concluded that a harmless mouse had bit him. He survived the bite A few days later as he was sitting once again under a tree, a mouse bit him. Again he wondered and looked around and saw a snake slither by. He thought the snake must have bitten him and died of the shock. Radhanath Swami points out that in most cases it’s the mind that convinces us of a reality and causes bias and prejudices in our hearts. Speaking on the basis of the Bhagavad Gita Radhanath Swami explains that the mind can be the best of our friends or the worst of our enemy. If the mind is controlled, it is the best of our friends, and if uncontrolled, it can be the worst of our enemies.
Radhanath Swami explains that mind is neutral like a knife. A knife becomes dangerous in the hands of a criminal but becomes a welcome asset in the hands of a surgeon. Similarly, mind is neutral. If we use it for the right purpose, it becomes our best friend. “For a man, the mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation.” Therefore we should learn the technique of controlling the mind for the best use.
Radhanath Swami answers the question on how we can control the mind. He gives two steps; detachment from sense objects and feeding the mind with positive alternatives. He compares a spiritualist with a car driver and a jockey. Initially when learning to drive, the driver feels difficulty and is not able to keep the car on the road. Later by practice he does. Similarly a yogi can bring the mind on the track of God consciousness. An expert jockey controls the horse by not restraining the horse too much and also by not allowing it too much freedom. Similarly a spiritualist regulates his horse like mind and gradually but surely advances in his spiritual life.
Very nice story of serpant biting by Radhanath swami
View CommentWhat a wonderful point! We need association and blessings of great personalities like Radhanath swami in our “battle against the mind”
View Comment“The mind is our greatest friend when we control it, BUT mind is our greatest enemy when it controls us.” This is one of the quotes from Radhanath Swami’s lectures.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai!
View CommentNice
View CommentVery inspiring story of serpant biting
View CommentTrue teachings…nothings possible without mind control..
View CommentThank you for giving us very important instruction
View CommentWonderful words of wisdom.
View CommentVery nice article……..
View CommentWonderful meditation.
View CommentVery nice explanation on different attributes of the mind….
View CommentBeautiful story decorated with matching analogies. Particularly like the analogy of controlling mind similar to controlling horses.
View Commentsuch lovely realisations
View CommentRadhanath Swami has rich experience in mind control. And since he chose exclusive devotion over mere mind control, it shows the superiority of devotion.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing the invaluable tips on mind control from the teachings of Radhanath Swami. I especially liked the analogy of the car driver and the jockey.
View CommentNice!!!!
View CommentIt is very easy to control other temptations, however the most difficulty thing is controlling the mind.
View CommentMind can be one’s worst enemy as well as one’s best friend. Very difficult to control unkess we take shelter of the Supreme. Thank you Maharaj.
View CommentMind has to be given positive alternatives to be able to control it. Thank you Radhanath swami for this most valuable advice.
View CommentVery good Teaching. Thank you Maharaj
View Commenthttp://www.radhanath.com
Very difficult to control the mind, but there is still hope. Thank you Maharaj for your encouraging words.
View CommentThanks to H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj for this wonderful description on mind control.
View CommentWonderful article! I liked the example of snake and rat and how the mind convinces us of a reality and causes bias and prejudices in our hearts.
View CommentAmazing description by His Holiness Radhanath Swami
View Commentgood analogy of driver of how initially it is difficult to control the mind and of jokey how not to control mind too much or let loose and give alternatives. I also liked the analogy of snake and rat perception of the mind
View CommentWonderful Discription on mind control, liked the example of snake & rat. Thank you Maharaj.
View CommentAlso Visit- http://www.radhanathswamiphotos.com
mind is the greatest friend
View CommentVery convincing explanation for the need to control the mind. And it can be done, Maharaj gives assurance. Thanks Maharaj. And thanks for the wonderful article.
View CommentGreat techniue to control mind – detachment from sense objects and feeding the mind with positive alternatives
View Comment“….detachment from sense objects and feeding the mind with positive alternatives…” Radhanath Swami explains this wonderful point that its detachment from matter + attachment to Krishna both is required.
Most spiritualists (not coming in bonafide parampara) at most focus just on detachment from sense, but without a higher taste/ engagement in Krishna Consciousness, such a person will soon fall down to lower tastes.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami not only emphasises practicing mind control but also reveals how to
View CommentSuch a wonderful explanation. Thank you Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThe example of the man and the snake is amazing.
View CommentThank you Radhanath swami for the beautiful story of ?snakebite to illustrate the nature of the mind
View Commentpowerful instructions by radhanath swami-“detachment from sense objects and feeding the mind with positive alternatives”,is the best and the ultimate solution to control one’s mind,
View CommentNice article.
View CommentThank u Radhanath Swami for such powerful lessons on controlling the mind! Especially the rat-snake-man story was really too good.
View CommentMind is not easily be controlled. Even Arjuna declares it. Forgetting all other methods of our own and follow the instructions of persons like Radhanatha Swami is beneficial. All glories to Radhanatha Swami.
View CommentVery insightful article with very effective anologies – Thanks a lot for sharing.
View CommentThanks – Enjoying Your Site!
View CommentRadhanath Swami describes very nicely how to “mind” the “mind”.
View CommentGreat story Radhanath Swami
View CommentRadhanath Swami points out that in most cases it’s the mind that convinces us of a reality and causes bias and prejudices in our hearts.
View CommentEnjoying the site – Thanks! – H
View CommentSo important to control the mind but a very difficult task. Hope we can try and make the mind our greatest friend instead of greatest enemy.
View Commenthorse analogy is very relavant for mind
View CommentGreat analogy of a car driver and a jockey .. seek blessings to be able ot control the mind ..
View CommentWonderful article about how the mind can be our best friend and worst enemy.
View CommentRadhanath maharaj has explained very nicely to mind the mind
View Comment