Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was excited to see a sign, ‘The World Yoga Conference’ and learnt that 800 yogis had assembled for the event. In the giant tent where the conference was held, Richard saw even small children perform difficult asanas, postures, with ease. Richard was impressed by Swami Rama, the renowned founder of the Himalayan Institute. Swami Rama demonstrated yogic trance and showed how he could slow his heart rate, produce specific brain wave patterns on demand, consciously move a physical object half way across the room, and even stop his heart all together, all by the power of yoga asanas, being in a trance. His message was simple, “All of the body is in the mind. Mind over matter is developed by control of consciousness. You really do not need to know many things, but you definitely need to practise what you know.” He blessed Richard to be able to cross all obstacles on his spiritual path.
Radhanath Swami also emphasizes that a spiritualist must try to control the mind and bring it back from wherever it wanders, to focus on the Lord. He once narrated an interesting anecdote of a man who was sitting under a tree and a snake bit him. He wondered what bit him and as he turned around he saw a rat, and concluded that a harmless mouse had bit him. He survived the bite A few days later as he was sitting once again under a tree, a mouse bit him. Again he wondered and looked around and saw a snake slither by. He thought the snake must have bitten him and died of the shock. Radhanath Swami points out that in most cases it’s the mind that convinces us of a reality and causes bias and prejudices in our hearts. Speaking on the basis of the Bhagavad Gita Radhanath Swami explains that the mind can be the best of our friends or the worst of our enemy. If the mind is controlled, it is the best of our friends, and if uncontrolled, it can be the worst of our enemies.
Radhanath Swami explains that mind is neutral like a knife. A knife becomes dangerous in the hands of a criminal but becomes a welcome asset in the hands of a surgeon. Similarly, mind is neutral. If we use it for the right purpose, it becomes our best friend. “For a man, the mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation.” Therefore we should learn the technique of controlling the mind for the best use.
Radhanath Swami answers the question on how we can control the mind. He gives two steps; detachment from sense objects and feeding the mind with positive alternatives. He compares a spiritualist with a car driver and a jockey. Initially when learning to drive, the driver feels difficulty and is not able to keep the car on the road. Later by practice he does. Similarly a yogi can bring the mind on the track of God consciousness. An expert jockey controls the horse by not restraining the horse too much and also by not allowing it too much freedom. Similarly a spiritualist regulates his horse like mind and gradually but surely advances in his spiritual life.
Wow! What an answer. Simple & deep.
View Commentunless the mind is purified with Spiritual activities – it just leads us anywhere like a wild horse and our whole life we are struggling day and night, beyond our capacity to just run behind it! for no gain at all!!! rather only get negative results…
All thanks to exalted souls like Radhanath Swami – who explain these subtle aspects as in Bhagavad Gita and save us…
View Commentthe anecdote what maharaj narrated was very touching.
View Commentthank you very much Radhanath swami for explaining such difficult concepts with simple analogies.
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj is very clear from the beginning about the essentials in spiritual life. This is so amazing.
View Commentnice example of knife in hands of criminal and surgeon
View CommentReally touchy, thank you radhanath swami
View Commentwonderful article, haribol, bhakti
View Commentthe anecdote narrated by HHRNSM was very wonderful and touching, thank you Maharaj for always guiding us in the right path of our life, Maharaj ki Jai! Haribol, rajesh karia
View Commentvery nice article by Radhanath swamiji. helpful for any new practioner of spirituality. many many thanks to swamiji
View CommentA spiritualist regulates his horse like mind and gradually but surely advances in his spiritual life. Thank you Radhanath Swami for a sure shot way to success in spiritual life.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for this practical an useful insight.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s deep understanding of sprituality is so deep that it is astounding.
View CommentVery nice article…..I liked the statement ” If the mind is controlled, it is the best of our friends, and if uncontrolled, it can be the worst of our enemies’
View CommentRadhanath Swami reminds again and again try to control the mind and bring it back from wherever it wanders, to focus on the Lord, and by constant practice and detachment it is possible and simple.
View Commentsimply amazing
View CommentVery nice example of the power of mind. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for inspiring us to control our minds and utilize it in the service of God and humanity.
View CommentAmazing analogy and examples used to explain the sublime message
View CommentThank you Maharaj for such a profound and yet simple understanding of how to control the mind
View CommentNice example of Car driver and jockey. Thank you Radhanath Swami for practical tips
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s experiences in life & the leesons learnt by him from them are truly amazing.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj emphasizes that a spiritualist must try to control the mind and bring it back from wherever it wanders, to focus on the Lord.
View CommentAmazing! Thank you so much Maharaj for such a wonderful article.
Amazing! Thank you so much Maharaj for such a wonderful article.Really only uncontrolled mind is person`s enemy & nobody else in the creation.
View CommentSo true. Most of the world is now suffering so many mental diseases due to their inability to control the mind.
View Commentvery well explanation about the mind.
View CommentControlling the mind involves both to starve it from what it want(waste thoughts) as well as fill it with good thoughts (About God) Without the second the first is not possible. Thank you Radhanath Swami for this explanation.
View CommentA Perfect & Practical explanation of How to control the mind.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for giving us this explanation of how to control the mind by positive engagements and simultaneously detaching itself from unnecessary areas of material entanglement.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has never ever criticized anyone who he met during his remarkable travel from USA to India. He has always glorified every good quality of people he met.
View CommentVery nice article about mind control.
View CommentThank you very much.
Maharajah very nicely explained how mind is neutral
View Comment“For a man, the mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation.”
Thank for sharing such practical mind control tips
View CommentI like the article ”For a man, the mind absorbed in sense objects is the cause of bondage, and mind detached from the sense objects is the cause of liberation”
View CommentRadhanath Swami, thank you for such beautiful explanation
View CommentI liked the analogies…..
View Commentvery nice
View CommentI liked the comparison of the mind with a horse and how we should neither allow it too much freedom nor restrain it beyond limits.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj gives such valuable insights into the mind!
View CommentIt is fascinating to read Radhanath Swami’s encounters with great saints and mystics. It allows us to get a glimpse of how much more Radhanath Swami has found in the path he has eventually dedicated his life to.
View Commentnice posting on mind control
View CommentIts so amazing to see how Krishna is taking Radhanath Swami through different experiences
View CommentExcellent explanation.Thank You
View CommentWe (the soul)usally lets the mind dictate our consciousness via our senses.
View CommentHari Bol Thanks very much for sharing
View CommentIf we deeply meditate on this one article we can be friends with our mind. Thank you Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so sincere that after seeing those Yogic Siddhis also he chosed the path of Bhakti-yoga. It is sufficient proof for me that this path is BEST!
View CommentWonderful Annecdote!
View CommentKnife, Criminal and Surgeon analogy is very easy to understand. thank u.
View CommentThank you for sharing this. Controlling the mind is truly an aspect of spirituality.
View CommentNice analogy of the Jockey and the horse for mind control!
View Comment