J.Krishnamurti impressed upon Richard (now Radhanath Swami) the need to give up superficiality in spiritual life. He launched a heavy tirade against gurus and spiritual institutions. He also demonstrated an amazing power of logic and conviction. Richard pondered over his teachings and noted that J.Krishnamurthy was gentle, kind and humorous on a personal level. Richard realized that Eastern literature was filled with histories of enlightened saints who carefully followed their religion or guru. Richard concluded that he couldn’t disregard all of them on the basis of this one person’s realization. At the same time Richard acknowledged his call for personal responsibility for our spiritual life. He learnt an important lesson; if we become overly attached to the externals of a spiritual path, we may forget the very purpose of the path: to purify our heart.
One of the most common themes of Radhanath Swami has been to call upon all practitioners, especially those in leadership position, to be responsible in their spiritual lives. He says a guru should never think he is qualified to be a guru. He should know that this title is an opportunity provided for service, and not a means to earn a livelihood or worse get followers and respect. Radhanath Swami believes that spiritual life provides us an opportunity to raise our level of consciousness and become free from false pride. This is the responsibility we all must take- to be free from the shackles of pride.
I remember the day Radhanath Swami accepted me as his disciple in a formal ceremony. Later I went to his room to thank him for having accepted me as his student. I had rehearsed a small speech that I would tell him; how much gratitude I have for him. But no sooner had I said, “Thank you Radhanath Swami for accepting me as your student…” he humbly interrupted me. “No, I must thank you for having officially accepted me as your servant today. I may be your guru, but that only means today you have given me a chance officially to be your servant. I thank you and pray to God that I get the strength to serve all of you.” Needless to say I was dumbfounded and had nothing more to say. I realized what a responsibility it is to be a guru or teacher. As Radhanath Swami says, “Power brings along with it the responsibility to utilize it properly.” Radhanath Swami urges those in teacher position and those representing a spiritual institution to be careful and also selfless. “Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless. We have to put aside our own well-being and desires as secondary and think primarily of what is best for the persons who are looking up to us.”
Even on a family and personal level where relationship building is critical, Radhanath Swami emphasizes that there cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us. Responsibility for what we do and also for what happens to us is critical to be empowered to be instruments of God.
Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless. We have to put aside our own well-being and desires as secondary and think primarily of what is best for the persons who are looking up to us.”
View CommentVery true.Thanks for sharing such wonderful lessons.
Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai!
Wonderful! These words echo the personal behaviour of Radhanath Swami so much that they simply inspire to raise our level of consciousness.
View CommentThis is a wonderful and insightful article. Thank you
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s humility is unimagenary.
View CommentCommitment is important
View CommentThank you for sharing this wonderful message
View CommentIf we become overly attached to the externals of a spiritual path, we may forget the very purpose of the path: to purify our heart. Indian, due to sentimental attachment on the path do get hooked to this problem, H H Radhanath Swami is protecting us all.
View CommentResponsibility to be free from the shackles of pride
View CommentResponsibility to be trustworthy
Responsibility for what we do, and what happens to us
Responsibility to utilize power properly
Responsibility to be selfless
A true leader is responsible
Radhanath Swami have taken great responsibility of his own spiritual life. We can realise it from his book, “The Journey Home” and he is teaching us by his own example. This is a quality of a great leader
View CommentThank You for sharing such a wonderful article.
View CommentThis conversation represents the higher consciouness of Radhanath swami……..very nice
View Comment“Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless. We have to put aside our own well-being and desires as secondary and think primarily of what is best for the persons who are looking up to us.” – this is a very important message from Radhanath Swami.
View Commentif we carefully study and understand the real qualities of a Guru/Sadhu as we see in this example…then we can take shelter and grow in our Spiritual lifes with realizations/experiences and not just stay with mental speculations throughout our lives …
View Commenttaking responsibility is important aspect of spiritual life as radhanath swami emphasises
View CommentRadhanath Swami personally demonstrates every moment how to take responsibility of our spiritual lives by creating trust in others.The proof of how much he has succeeded is the tens of thousands of eager students and disciples who are keen to follow him.
View CommentGreat !!! Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki Jay
View CommentRadhanath swami has brilliant lessons for the leaders of today’s world
View CommentVery profound statement from Radhanath Swami
View Comment“Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless”
We need to understand the true definition of a servant.
View CommentMaharaj has nicely explained how a true leader is selfless and is always concerned about the spiritual progress and encouraging people that look up to the leader.
View CommentI am really impressed by “Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless.” It is amazing to know how Radhanath Swami is willing to serve others and his mood is stunning. Thank you so much for posting this article.
View CommentI particularly liked the statement in the last paragraph – “there cannot be love without trust and there cannot be trust unless we take the responsibility to act in a way that people can trust us.” This basically sums up the whole discusiion.
View CommentThanks very much…very nice article.
View Commentswamiji gives the perfect logical sequence of how to get and feel that heart satisfying love . Thank you very much.
View CommentGr8 article
View CommentIn a mood of servant when one is selfless one can develop trust & then love ,then one can be properly responsible
View Commentthank u for sharing
View CommentThank you so much for sharing.
View Commenti often wondered what makes one an empowered representative of God.. the last line resolved all the doubts and showed me in the mirror, how faulty i was so far.. Radhanath Swami has given the solution.. now we need to implement it.
View CommentTrust and love comes in a relationship when there is a responsibility from all the members. Thank you Radhanath Swami for this message.
View CommentJust wonderful.Never seen such humility in a such a great spiritual leader.Radhanath swami is showing by his example how an ideal leader should behave.great quality.
View CommentThanks Prabhu for sharing this.
View CommentSrila Prabhupada quotes in Sri Isopanishad that Human life alone is a life of responsibility. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for elaborating furhter – one may be a leader or a practitioner of spiritual life – a true spiritualist always looks at – what is my responsility in a given situation. Rather than blaming others or circumstances and thus is able to advance in all situations.
View Comment‘Power brings alongwith it the responsibiity to utilize it properly.’ Thank you very much Maharaj for giving us the right understanding of what does it mean to have a leadership position. If politicians throughout the countries in the world apply this then Kaliyuga might change its name. There will be peace and prosperity everywhere.
View CommentI liked this statement of “Taking responsibility of others means to be selfless” from this article, because this is what Radhanath Swami teaches to his students.
View Commentthank u very much
View CommentSo true. We have to take responsibility in our spiritual lives
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s teaching is that ” one makes spiritual progress by taking up responsibilities” and he has taken maximum responsibilities on behalf of the Lord
View CommentThanks for wonderful sharing.
View CommentThis is a very important message from Radhanath Swami.Thanks for sharing such wonderful lessons.
View CommentThe journey home book on the life of Radhanth Swami brings forth so many learning and it becomes all the more enriching to hear the experiences of persons who have had the fortune to associate with Radhanath Swami. It an oasis for the thirsty others foolishly are running after a mirage.
View CommentThank you for this profound wisdom. It is really a struggle to accept responsibility in any leadership position without taking credit.
View CommentTrust is the basis of every relationship. Thank u for sharing.
View CommentWhat responsibility a guru or spiritual master has! Millions of people look up to him, seek his guidance and follow his footsteps. Unless he is on a very high spiritual level, he cannot do justice. Radhanath Swami has been an impeccable spiritual master taking on the responsibility of millions of lost souls and bringing them back to the path of spirituality. Thank you for guiding all of us and setting exemplary example.
View Commentmany thanks for the wonderful experience with Radhanath swami.
View CommentWonderful share. These are such rare incidents captures in everyone’s heart, thanks to this site designer who shares these wonderful incidents with everyone.
View CommentAs Radhanath Swami says, “Power brings along with it the responsibility to utilize it properly.” Wonderful point.
View CommentYa, I can’t expect things to “just happen” unless I take responsibility for my spiritual life.
View Commentgreat realization and thank you radhanath swami for sharing this to all the fallen conditioned souls,especially me,
View CommentVery wonderful article, thank you very much for these deep lessons. Unless we act in a way that people start trusting us there cannot be loving realtions. Very deep realizations thank you very much. Radhanath Maharaj Ki jai…..
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