At Rishikesh one day, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) found himself surrounded by lepers; they pressed their stinking body that was deformed and rotting, against his body and demanded ‘baksheesh’, charity. Although he felt the oozing blood and stench unbearable, he also felt pity for them. At that time an old leper woman showered Richard with profuse motherly affection and love. As Richard bowed to seek her blessings, her face lit with joy and Richard also lost his fear of contamination. Radhanath Swami shares his realization that although she was diseased and externally ugly, she was a beautiful soul who only wanted to give love and be loved. His realization was deep; he felt everyone is potentially divine and good. I was shocked to read Radhanath Swami’s magnanimous vision as he describes in ‘Journey Home’ even his potential killers in Istanbul as victims of circumstances and inherently good.
I was once talking to Mr Ashok Parekh, a leading Stock Market consultant on why he accepted Radhanath Swami as his spiritual master. He narrated an instructive experience with Radhanath Swami. When he was a new member of the congregation, one day he heard some dirty rumors and scandals attributed to Radhanath Swami. Mr Parekh was aghast; how could his worshipable teacher be accused? He did further investigation and found out who the perpetrator of the rumor was. He then decided to confront Radhanath Swami with these accusations. He was shocked to see Radhanath Swami maintain his composure and not once in the whole conversation did Radhanath Swami speak badly about the accusing team. It was obvious that they were a group of cheats who had political ambitions and wanted to discredit Radhanath Swami for their own selfish pursuits. When Mr Parekh presented the allegations, Radhanath Swami humbly yet assertively denied them. When Parekh said, “but Maharaj this person is speaking about you.” immediately, Radhanath Swami said, “He is a wonderful person. He is also a nice devotee and sincere member of the congregation. However what is saying is totally baseless.” Ashok Parekh further probed Radhanath Swami and after an hour long meeting, he was completely transformed to see the exalted spiritual qualities of Radhanath Swami. Not only was Ashok Parekh convinced of Radhanath Swami’s impeccable spiritual integrity, he was witnessing a rare phenomenon; not one hint of revenge or maligning the character of the accusing party by Radhanath Swami. Radhanath Swami was walking his talk. He genuinely loved even those who were trying to destroy his character.
Radhanath Swami is convinced that we should hate the disease but not the diseased. Behind the veil of all negativities is a pure soul, part and parcel of God. Radhanath Swami also encourages us to take shelter of prayer when we see someone not confirming to the expected behavior.
Radhanath Swami is emphatic about how our consciousness by nature is eternal, full of knowledge and full of joy. In a real joyful state based on truth, there can be no contamination. Real joy and love only wants to share themselves with everyone else. The nature of love is to give; the nature of envy and greed is to take. The real pleasure is in giving the love of our hearts. That love is already in our hearts. But our consciousness is impure. We are not aware of who we are. Radhanath Swami recommends that through the process of purification, our consciousness becomes clear; it becomes transparent. Through the transparent consciousness, we can experience God at every moment. It is this pure state of consciousness that Radhanath Swami wants us to aspire to attain. “And when you perceive that God at every moment, you realize, not that your feel, or you believe or you think, but you realize that whether someone calls that God Allah or Jehovah or Krishna or Rama or Buddha—God is the supreme object of love and the source of all that exists.”
Envious person always attacks the Saintly one. No need to bother.
View CommentThis article itself depicts the true nature of Radhanath Maharaj.
Thank You posting this nice article…
Radhanath Swami is a real saint beyong the reach of false ego and other factors which everyone is effected with in this material world. Such souls are very rare and even a momemt of association with such souls can deliver us from the pangs of this world.
View CommentHow true that Radhanath Swami loves all, and is beyond the idea of revenge and spite.
View Commentvery nice understanding to see world
View CommentSpotless Radhanatha Swami. As though lotus sprouts from muddy place, it is intact. All glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.
View CommentVery good article. thank u.
View Commentwhat all things HE has grab throgh his spiritual eyes …. wonderful
View CommentSuch an wonderful attitude to see the world, all glories to Radhanath Maharaj; who is teaching us such wonderful lessons of wisdom……
View CommentRadhanath Swami exhibits the qualities of an ideal saint and a spiritual teacher. Thank you for sharing this.
View CommentVery beautiful article……Radhanath Swami really has a very pure heart. In today’s world, we hardly come around personalities like him who WALK THEIR TALK……
View CommentWonderful. Thanks for sharing.
View Commentvery valuable and timeless instruction by example. thanks
View CommentVery purifying article. Thank you!
View CommentVery deep realization by Radanath Swami
View Comment“Behind the veil of all negativities is a pure soul, part and parcel of God’.
HH Radhanath swami maharaj wins the heart of all by his spiritual qualities
View CommentThank you so much for sharing this wonderful quality of Radhanath Swami. It’s truely rare or impossible to find such quality in today’s life where everyone is looking for an opportunity to criticize others.
View Commentthank you so much for sharing this wonderful quality of Guru Maharaj
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for the each episode in the Journey Home. So inspiring & instructive.
View CommentAmazing article…very heart touching!
View CommentThank you very much for sharing how Radhanath Swami is on a platform far removed from the petty differences and disputes of the material world. It was deeply humbling to read about this incident.
View CommentOnly whose heart is pure(free from envy) can react in such away when he is blasphemed or insulted
View CommentGreat to hear, same time it is obvious there are people who always try to bring bad to good people
View Commentmaharaj teaches by his own example what it means to be hating the sin but loving the sinner.
View CommentWonderful Article. Thank you Radhanath Swami
View CommentEven praising the group of people who want to tarnish his image,Swamiji has shown that he is beyond the false ego of this material world.He is genuine spiritual leader.He always give emphasis on love of GodHead.Thank you very much for sharing with us.
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentHate the disease. But we always tend to hate the diseased. A lot to learn from Radhanath Swami so that life around and within becomes beautiful
View CommentA sadhu is an embodiment of Love, sacrifice and an equal vision to all even to his own enemies. Radhanath Swami exemplifies this in all situations, Radhanath Maharaj ki jai.
View CommentSo True.To understand anything one has to go deep into it. Even a calm ocean has waves on its surface.
View CommentMaharaj is a personality, what he speaks he follows that by above example.Thanks for sharing this article.
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentMy Lord! The ultimate philosophy of life!
View Commentwe are on material plat form so we usually hate the body of the person.Because we are connected to the body.That is in the world lots of hatred in between the religions,races, and individual violence and so many things are going.This is present even in the time of Mahabharatha.Sakuni and Duryodhan what not they have done to the saintly Pandavas.But with the mercy of Krishna they were servived.This is what material world is.Thank you for sharing this article.Maharaj ki jai
View Comment“He genuinely loved even those who were trying to destroy his character.”
It is heartening and hope giving to see such saintly persons walk the planet in this day and age.
View CommentWonderful Article!!
View CommentAmazing article.Thank you so much for sharing.
View CommentHaribol!
That was an amazing article! I was deeply touched to read about the incident with Mr Parikh where Radhanath Swami clearly proves his exalted spiritual stature by maintaining his composure and not in any way maligning the character of those who were accusing him! This is indeed a most rare phenomenon!
View Commentthank u very nice
View Commentwonderful article
View CommentMaharaj is a real and pure saint who can only see good qualities in others and never hate anyone. Thank you Maharaj for this wonderfull article .
View Commentthank u for fantastic article.
View CommentHate the sin but Love the sinner..!
View CommentI have got opperunities to see Maharaj Ji and listen hi lectures. Spiritual qualities are radiating from maharaj ji’s persona.always praying to devotees for blessings of Maharaj Ji.
View CommentRadhanath swami is beyond all the material calculations of duality, like Tit for tat etc. He carries the pure love of god for each and everey soul. Thank you
View CommentNo envy, only full of compassion and love even for enemies – a true saint. Radhanath Swami is an epitome of humility and all good qualities that is very rarely seen in this world.
View CommentAmazing article.
View Commentthanks for sharing…very nice article
View Comment“hate the disease but not the diseased” such a deep statement. To start implementing in my life is really big time project for me.
View Commentthank you very much sharing this incident about Radhanath mahraj , which shows how to hate the disease not the diseased ,thank you
View CommentThank you for sharing.
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