Richard (now Radhanath Swami)’s innocent expectations were disappointed when the ‘peace’ conference organized by Christopher Hills turned violent. Three thousand people thronged for the grand finale but Hills announced that the programme must conclude at sharp 7.00 p.m. Richard wondered how could a programme of so many Swamis end on time; after all that meant not all would get a chance to speak. As the deadline approached and it became clear that not all would speak, some of them began barraging Hills with insults and soon there was uproar; many yogis fought to grab the microphone. As they rambled aggressively like politicians, the yogis’ behaviour shocked the audience. The men supposed to bring peace and harmony to the world, were fighting bitterly on stage, right in public eye.
Richard felt consoled by Swami Satcitananda who in a tender voice said to Richard that all are struggling at their respective level of progress, and we can’t expect all to be perfect. He explained that instead of fighting for peace we have to find peace within ourselves first. Swami Satcitananda had maintained grace and dignity through the chaos.
Radhanath Swami also appeals to his audiences to discover peace within ourselves first. He also talks of the need of the soul to go beyond peace. Most people who meditate do so to find peace. But Radhanath Swami claims that this is not all that the soul really wants. “We do not care for peace”, he says, “We want love. The perfection of life is not simply a neutral condition of peace, but love.” What does Radhanath Swami mean by Love?
Love means the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the beloved. It is like mother in her relationship with her child. Is the mother concerned for peace in the house or is she concerned with taking nice care of the child? When a woman has a little baby, there is practically no peace in the house. The baby is crying all night long. The baby is responding to nature indiscriminately wherever it goes. The baby is looking for any excuses to hurt, breaking anything it gets it hands on. Now mother can easily just give the baby to somebody else, some baby sitter saying, ‘You take care; I do not want anything to do with this.’ But the mother is running here and there everywhere trying to take care of this child. She is staying up some time all night long. She is worried about the child hurting itself. That is love.
Hearing Radhanath Swami’s explanation of Love, I can clearly see that Love is higher than peace, because in that love is eternal peace—not the peace of the mind, but the peace of soul. Even in an ordinary relationship we can see that if a couple says they are peaceful, it simply means they are not fighting. But if there is love, there is dynamic exchange of emotions; Love is not static. Peace is negation of misery; love is a positive expression of the heart. Radhanath Swami reveals, “Love means sacrifice—sacrificing even our own peace for the pleasure of the beloved.” I am stunned at the depth of Radhanath Swami’s spiritual consciousness.
Radhanth Swami’s point touched me deeply
“We do not care for peace”, he says, “We want love. The perfection of life is not simply a neutral condition of peace, but love.”
View CommentPeace Peace….the big talk in every yoga society and religious groups. Here, HH Radhanath Swami explains perfectly that the highest happiness you will find in loving others and you will find greatest pleasure in sacrificing yourself for the pleasure of others, not in peace. Thanks Maharaj.
View Comment“We do not care for peace,We want love. The perfection of life is not simply a neutral condition of peace, but love.” This to any person would appear paradoxical, but Maharaj’s lucid explanation, helps in understanding that selfless love of God (when we realize) helps us in going through complexities of life easily. Thank you Maharaj
View CommentAmazing !!! Thankyou very much Maharaj
View CommentRadhanath Swami says that everyone wants pleasure and the highest pleasure if the pleasure of love. This is the only think which Lord wants from all of us.
View Commentvery practical
View CommentVery obvious but rarely does one realize this basic fact, that peace is absence of chaos but is not positive as is love.
View Comment“Love means the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the beloved”. This is quite a revealing statement in days when we feel love is doing what you feel like doing. We also say I love to watch this game. I love to play. I love to work out. Radhanath swami reveals what actually love is.
View CommentThanks for posting this article.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing this wonderful explanation of ‘Love’ by HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj
View CommentI agree with Maharaj. Love is always higher than peace.
View CommentWonderful article.. Radhanath Swamy has taught us so well what it means to go beyond the peace of mind into the peace of Soul
View CommentVery beautifully explained. Selfishness forces one to think that one’s beloved should sacrifice everything but the real meaning as explained by Maharaj clarifies that we should sacrfice everything for the beloved rather than making the beloved sacrifice everything for us.
View CommentWhat a beautiful article on Love by Swamiji……..
View CommentIf the love of a mother in this material world is so selfles how much great the love in spiritual world will be…..endlessly selfless. Thank you maharaj for giving us a insight into waht we all should really strive for.
View CommentAmazing article.Radhanath swami makes even a difficult subject so easy to understand.
View CommentVery instructive article – “Love means sacrifice—sacrificing even our own peace for the pleasure of the beloved.” Thanks a lot for enlightening on this wonderful subject.
View Comment“Love means sacrifice—sacrificing even our own peace for the pleasure of the beloved.” This is really a great teaching.
View CommentHare Krishna Thank You Maharaj for helping us and by making understanding us by a perfect statement.
View CommentHere we get the true meaning of love and sacrifice
View Commentthis message is directly focussed at the heart, and can solve all problems of the modern human society.
View Commentthis message which is arising from this book is sufficient to dispel the illusion which arises from the forgetfulness of God and our relationship with him.
View CommentEvery one says to other that I love you,But the exact meaning of love is defined by maharaj.If we love God what are all the things we have to sacrifice.We have to get up early in the morning in brahmamuhurtha time and finish all the work brushing etc.. and taking bath and sit for chanting.This should be done very seriously till last breath.Following the regulative principles without breaking them.All these are doing regularly is very difficult but we have to do because we love Krishna.So love is sacrifice. and higher than peace,but when we do with faith on Krishna one day He will reveal His love for us.Radhanath swami ki jai.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has undergone through such tapasya but has collected such jewels of wisdom that it has benefitted the entire world.
View CommentPujyapada Srila Radhanath Maharaj has deeply understood the essence of spirituality and is enlightening us with his mind blowing realizations.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj has explained so well with such nice example of mother with the child Love means the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the beloved. It is like mother in her relationship with her child.Is the mother concerned for peace in the house or is she concerned with taking nice care of the child?
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