Affected by the atmosphere of Vrindavan, a longing to learn about Krishna awakened in Richard (now Radhanath Swami)’s heart. He was directed towards the temple of Madan Mohan and Swami Bon Maharaj’s ashram. On nearing the temple, a feeling of intimacy touched Richard’s soul. Alan Shapiro from New York who had now become Asim Krishna Das, a disciple of Bon Maharaj, befriended Richard and offered hospitality.
Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was to leave early the next morning for Hardwar, where Gary was waiting for him. When night fell, Richard offered his farewell to the land of Vrindavan. But his mind was divided. Lying down to sleep on the earthen riverbank, he thought, Vrindavan is attracting my heart like no other place. What is happening to me? Please reveal Your divine will. With this prayer, he drifted off to sleep. The next morning however Richard woke to find himself with a blazing fever. He could barely move and as he felt his life force sinking, and hungry vultures hovered over him. A kind hearted local farmer took him to an impoverished charitable hospital where Richard discovered he had typhoid. The doctor even told Richard matter-of-factly that he would likely die. Lying in deep pain and anguish, surrounded by other patients who howled and screamed in agony, Richard remembered his parents and Gary. Finally he placed his life in the hands of God and prayed, “I am yours. Please do with me what you will.” All night long, Richard softly chanted Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and found solace.
I felt God was reciprocating with Radhanath Swami’s desire to stay in Vrindavan. He wasn’t sure if he should stay in Vrindavan and not meet up with Gary, but an undeniable attraction was pulling him to stay in Vrindavan. He was indecisive and begged the Lord to reveal His will. As his heart was being pulled towards God like an iron filling towards a magnet, and as an answer to his prayer, God gave him typhoid; there was no way he could now leave Vrindavan. This wasn’t the first time Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was indecisive. As a young Richie (childhood name of Radhanath Swami), he didn’t want to be part of the school wrestling team. As expectations from him increased amongst his school mates, he prayed for a way out, and God arranged his shoulder to be dislocated. Similarly he wanted to be in Vrindavan but wasn’t sure. Radhanath Swami’s example is the evidence of God’s existence and reciprocation with a sincere seeker.
I am often haunted by doubts and uncertainties. Radhanath Swami seems to offer a practical solution to approach God and petition to Him our confusions. Radhanath Swami reveals that the only power we have as an individual spiritual aspirant is the ability to have the right kind of desires. “Circumstances and various events in this bizarre world are beyond our control. However if we can offer our will, our intention to love God, then God facilitates situations to help us reach Him.” As he wrote in his letter to his parents, Radhanath Swami places great emphasis on faith, “where there is faith in God, fear cannot exist.”
Also his prayers at the most critical condition in the hospital is an inspiring meditation. On the verge of death he prays, “I am yours, please do with me what you will.” This standard of prayer of Radhanath Swami is awe-inspiring. We have been taught since childhood to pray to God for material benefits like a good score in the exams, or some gifts or even victory in a match for our favourite team. I never imagined one could pray to God to let us do what He wants us to do. I am reminded of Radhanath Swami’s tutor in Jewish prayers. He had explained to little Richard that it is better to pray to God for the strength to overcome temptations, difficulties, and doubts in order to do His will, rather than to pray for Him to do our will.
Radhanath Swami says we shouldn’t have a business relationship with God, and come before Him asking only for the gifts we want. “God will certainly provide what we lack and carry what we have”, says Radhanath Swami, “He provides food, and shelter for giant elephants in the forests and even for the ants and spiders in your house. Therefore that shouldn’t be our prayer. Let us pray to God to please Him, love Him and offer our hearts as an expression of gratitude and pray to be an instrument to carry out His will in this world.”
Prayers alone can help us float in the ocean of material world..
View CommentReading ‘The Journey Home’ makes one travel to the innermost core of our existence, it opens up our vision and kind of gives a very positive and practical perspective to conduct our lives. Radhanath Swamis experience brings us to the point of self assessment, am I thinking of God as a the supreme onto whom I should render unconditional service or is he a source to supply with what I want to satisfy my unlimited desires
View CommentThis goes to show on that God reciprocates with the sincere prayers. He just did what was required to keep Radhanath Swami Maharaj in Vrindavan.
View CommentAlthough of course, the way God reciprocates may not be conceivable to the ordinary conditioned soul like me. I would try to follow in the foot steps of Radhanath Swami and pray how he is teaching to pray.
This is my favorite blog
View CommentWonderful prayers “I am yours, please do with me what you will.”Thank you maharaja.
View CommentThis is serious stuff – Radhanath Swami says we shouldn’t have a business relationship with God, and come before Him asking only for the gifts we want.
View CommentMaharaj is teaching dependence on Lord. Only when we submit to Him, He will reveal His plan through His devotees or material nature.
View CommentHow important it is to know what is the best thing to ask from God! Thank you very much for sharing this important meditation.
View CommentI am really very greateful for sharing this inspiring meditation. In this material world full of anxiety and sufferings we are always trying to satisfy ourslef at any cost without caring for the will of God. As explained by Maharaj if one tries to understand that real happiness is there in executing the will of Lord and by praying Him to give the strength and courage for us to do His will then our life becomes very blissful. Thanks for sharing this wonderful meditation.
View CommentWonderful article. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentAmazing how Radhanath Swami with his own personal example shows that life is very fragile and it should be handled carefully with prayers.
View Commentvery very enlightening statements from Radhanath Swami.
View Comment“where there is faith in God, fear cannot exist.”
“God will certainly provide what we lack and carry what we have”
“Let us pray to God to please Him, love Him and offer our hearts as an expression of gratitude and pray to be an instrument to carry out His will in this world.”
Radhanath Swami is shows how prayers are very imprtant.
View Commentfaith in god actuaally makes one fearless amidst all odds and adversities
View CommentA nice lesson for all of us by Radhanath Swami about offering prayers to the God.Thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience with us.
View Commentvery good lesson to learn
View CommentIf we have a strong desire to be part of Lord’s plan then Lord helps us to be an instrument in His plan.
View CommentHe provides food, and shelter for giant elephants in the forests and even for the ants and spiders in your house. Therefore that shouldn’t be our prayer. Let us pray to God to please Him, love Him and offer our hearts as an expression of gratitude and pray to be an instrument to carry out His will in this world. – Amazing prayer!!
View Commentvery powerful statement, “where there is faith in God, fear cannot exist.”
View CommentWe see that Radhanath swami is very fearless and even this dying situation he has complete faith over GOD. Swami ji your example is very inspiring and hope giving.
Thank you for sharing this. These incidents show how much Radhanath Swami had faith in Lord and His will.
View Comment“It is better to pray to God for the strength to overcome temptations, difficulties, and doubts in order to do His will, rather than to pray for Him to do our will”. This learning and practice of Radhanath Swami Maharaj is so much touching the heart. As Radhanath Swami says, God knows better than us what we want and when. Praying for the love of God and let Him do as per His will, putting behind our wants and will is the most sublime and highest of prayers one can ever make.
View CommentThis story shows how Maharaj had strong faith since begning in the holy name, even before his meeting with Srila Prabhupada.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has all the qualities of pure devotee from birth its usually people become pure after they take up to Krishna Consciousness. After reading something like this I can only say He has appeared to assist Srila PRabhupada. Like how Gopis and other associates of KRishna appeared in Vrndavan
View CommentThanks for sharing this wonderful meditation.
View CommentThank you for such nice article.
View CommentWhat a great plan of Lord to have pure souls like Radhanath Swami in His own above Vrindavan. This is not a conincidence, but Lord’s transcendental plan.
View Comment“Where there is faith in God, fear can not exist” is a beautiful and deep teaching by Radhanath swami
View CommentThanks for remiding the importance of prayers.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing such a wonderful Article. Radhanath Swami clearly explains here how one should pray the Lord to please him, to love him.
View CommentLet us pray to God to please Him, love Him and offer our hearts as an expression of gratitude and pray to be an instrument to carry out His will in this world.”-
View CommentMaharaj nicely enlightens us with what should be our prayer.Thanks Maharaj !
Payers of a sincere sould never go unheard. Thanks to Radhanath Swami for making this point in his wonderful book, The Journey Home
View Commentthis article tell us and shows us that prayers can only helps us to survive and come up in our spiritual life.Without following to the prangs of material existence.
View CommentThroughout his life, Radhanath Swami has been illustrating the power of prayers.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj is truly surrendered to God,that’s why he can pray like that.
View Commentthank you maharaj
View CommentWhere there is a will, there is a way. If we have the desire, then God will help us in becoming an instrument to spread His glories. He will help us in receiving the shelter of a bonafide guru such as Radhanath Swami under whose spiritual guidance, we can receive the higher taste for love of God.
View CommentCircumstances and various events in this bizarre world are beyond our control. As a spirit soul we can only desire. If one understand this statement, he will free from anxiety.
View CommentWe should train ourselves to look for God’s hand in all circumstances. His hand is definitely there always, we just need to train ourselves to see it.
View CommentPrayers are very important. Thank you very much for sharing.
View CommentWe relentlessly peruse those matters which give us satisfaction, even if are engaged in some sort of spiritual practice there is a thought rooted somewhere deep within ,what am I going to get out of it. Radhanath Swamis experiences and realizations shared through ‘The Journey Home’ book bring out so many aspects of our lives which we need to seriously get a hold of and redirect.
View CommentBeing Nataural resident of Vrindavan, Radhanath swami knows how perfectly to take shelter and pray to God
View CommentThe Lord reciprocates in different ways. We understand from Radhanath Swami how to see the Lord’s hand in everything. Also how prayer is a powerful tool for developing that elusive relationship with the Lord.
View CommentThank you for posting this
View CommentMaharajah firm faith in God is unheard of.
View Comment“I am yours, please do with me what you will.”
How many of us can pray like this, to become instrument in the hand of God.
this is very wonderful…..
View CommentThankyou Radhanath Swami for sharing such an inspirational article
View CommentSo simple. So true. And do deep are the teachings of Radhanath Swami.
View Commentmahraj is always praying to God and his dependance on Him ,we can see by this “I am yours, please do with me what you will”
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami
View CommentIt is true one prayers to God determines his consciuousness…..Thanks Radhanath Swami for showing us the correct way of praying to God….
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