Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was also disappointed to see a yogi use his mystic powers to earn money so that he could get married. Richard realized that mystic powers are not spiritual; they can also be a distraction from the goal of God consciousness. Richard had seen this man crush a live bulb to powder and swallow it with a cup of Ganges water. He also pierced his eyes with an iron pole and revealed to his dazed audience that his eye was undamaged. Although his feats were superhuman, the purpose was shallow and insubstantial. That left Richard unimpressed.
Radhanath Swami reveals that spiritual life can present temptations that distract us from our goal. One should not practice spiritual practices for either monetary gain or for worldly popularity. The real bliss of spiritual life will be missing from our lives if we succumb to pursuing ephemeral goals of wanting prestige and power in this material world.
Radhanath Swami narrates examples of great saints who strictly avoided worldly fame lest it distracted them from their spiritual goal. One such example that Radhanath Swami quotes is of a nineteenth century saint Gaura Kishor Das Babaji who performed his meditation and prayers in a dirty public toilet so that people would leave him alone and not trouble him for material blessings. Radhanath Swami warns that these examples are not to be imitated but we can take inspiration on how many great souls abhorred glorification and material power. Another example Radhanath Swami often speaks about is a fifteenth century saint Bhugarbha Goswmai. To avoid material distractions, Bhugarbha Goswami would perform his worship to God in a cave. Because of this, he received the name Bhugarbha (bhu means “earth,” garbha means “cave” or “hidden place”).
Radhanath Swami reveals that the time and age we are living in beset with unlimited temptations and distractions that threaten to pull away a sincere seeker from his or her spiritual quest. Therefore we need to guard against these negative forces and practice spiritual life sincerely. On the basis of revealed scriptures, Radhanath Swami presents that the senses which include the mind are so strong and so impetuous that they forcibly carry away the intelligence even of a man who is endeavoring to control them. “That’s what yoga is about. It is not simply about having a healthy body or living many years. Yoga is about controlling the mind and the senses” says Radhanath Swami and this requires us to be focused against all obstacles, distractions and temptations. Radhanath Swami assures that this can be done if we simultaneously focus our mind on God.
But I often wonder that it is difficult to fix my mind on God. The solution Radhanath Swami offers is simple; association of like-minded seekers. Association can help us overcome temptations on the path of spiritual life. Even if we occasionally slip from our spiritual standards, the association of strong and sincere spiritual aspirants helps us come back on track. Temptations are unavoidable but how we respond to them depends on how much we have taken shelter of God. This shelter becomes strong in the association of strong devotees.
Thanks for telling the importance of association with devotees of the Lord.
View CommentGreat realization. Mystic power used to gratify senses is not spiritual and is waste.
View Commentheart warming story
View CommentThe association of sincere spiritual practitioners is extremely rare. Only by the grace of the Lord and the Guru can we be really qualified to attain it.
View CommentMystic power doesn’t lead to perfection – Very Nice article.
View CommentThank you for sharing that mysticism should not be confused with spirituality. Spiritual people shy away from name, fame and popularity.
View CommentAssociation with devotees is the rarest of the rare things in this world and Srila Prabhupada has given such a nice culture where anyone can get the association of devotees. The only cost one has to pay is to be sincere for such association and Lord would certainly arrange for that.
View CommentThe solution Radhanath Swami offers is simple; association of like-minded seekers-Liked the solution to overcome distractions.
View CommentThank you prabhu for emphasizing the importance of saintly association.
View CommentVery instructive article….thanks
View Comment“Although his feats were superhuman, the purpose was shallow and insubstantial.” Amazing statement, we also go through many acts in spiritual life but how much sincere in our purpose we are while performing those acts is actually that matters. thank you very much Radhanath Swami maharaja for this insight.
View CommentAssociation of devotees really helps one not to distract from the goal, God. all glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.
View CommentWonderful story. It’s very unfortunate in today’s life that people are looking for some miracle and whosoever can show some miracle they accept him as GOD.
View CommentSolution is very simple “association of like-minded seekers”
View CommentRadhanath Swami not only helps us understands the various distractions on our Spiritual Journey but gives us a full proof solution by the wonderful association of devotees He has created & maintained !
View CommentWe are very grateful to you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for it !
Thank you!
Hare Krishna !
Wobderful and motivating story
View CommentTemptations are unavoidable but how we respond to them depends on how much we have taken shelter of God. This shelter becomes strong in the association of strong devotees. It is true statement. Thank You for sharing a wonderful article.
View CommentI appreciate your point on the association of strong and sincere spiritual aspirants if we want to avoid temptations and progress smoothly on the spiritual path.
View CommentThank you for sharing this incident from Radhanath Swami’s life.
View CommentThe association with strong devotees is very necessary.
View CommentIndeed its very true to be distracted from the path of self realization, my sincere thanks to Saints like Radhanath Swami for enlightening us with wisdom to overcome these temptations.
View CommentRadhanath Swami reveals that the time and age we are living in beset with unlimited temptations and distractions that threaten to pull away a sincere seeker from his or her spiritual quest. Therefore we need to guard against these negative forces and practice spiritual life sincerely. — Very important lesson
View CommentYes, I agree. Association of devotees is necessary for one to remain in Bhakti. So many example of people falling down as they ignore the power of association.
View CommentThank you so much Radhanath Swamiji
View Commentassociation is really a powerful key , thanks to Radhanath Swami for explaining the same.
View Commentheartfelt gratitute to u swamiji
View Commentwe can learn from life of saints like HH radhnath swami maharaj
View Commenthow to realize ourself and love god …
Thank you maharaj for giving the solution from being slaves of our mind and senses.
View CommentYoga is about controlling the mind and the senses” says Radhanath Swami and this requires us to be focused against all obstacles, distractions and temptations. Radhanath Swami assures that this can be done if we simultaneously focus our mind on God.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
Its very important as pointed out by Radhanath Swami – to not imitate great souls but to get the essence of what they are doing.
View CommentThanx for wonderful article.
View Commentgreat guruji
View CommentVery nice photo attached !
View Commentfantastic
View CommentUnless there is proper guidance under the shelter of a spiritual master it is very easy to get attracted to and confused by so many paths. Only someone as wise as Radhanath Swami can help one understand that without a proper purpose so called mystical feats are actually only material arrangements and not spiritual.
View CommentWonderful piece of wisdom from the ever-affable Radhanath Swami!!!
View CommentRadhanath swami tells the importance of Association!
View CommentGreat subtle secret is revealed-The real bliss of spiritual life will be missing from our lives if we succumb to pursuing ephemeral goals of wanting prestige and power in this material world.
View Commentmillions of thanks for wonderful article.
View CommentVery nice … good one…
View Commentgreat saint
View CommentThis is an eye-opener!!
In India, normally people think that if someone can read your mind or can make a sick man healthy.. or walk on water.. or remain unscathed in fire…etc.. then such a person is GOD!!
Radhanath maharaj clarifies that these powers are a distraction!!
View CommentGosh ! its so true !
These powers are all useless UNLESS they are also used in the service of the Lord.
Radhanath Maharaj ki Jai !!
Thank you very much for sharing.
View Commentvery warm and thought poundering story
View Commentpower of association is the most powerful force.
View CommentSo true & so practical
View CommentBut I often wonder that it is difficult to fix my mind on God. The solution Radhanath Swami offers is simple; association of like-minded seekers. Association can help us overcome temptations on the path of spiritual life. Even if we occasionally slip from our spiritual standards, the association of strong and sincere spiritual aspirants helps us come back on track. Temptations are unavoidable but how we respond to them depends on how much we have taken shelter of God. This shelter becomes strong in the association of strong devotees.
This is really an eye opener. It is very true that association of true devotees is very important. Even a slight deviation from association will make us fall from whatever little advance we have done in the spiritual path.
View Comment“u show me ur friends, and i will tell u who u r”….so important the association is!!
Also such an important aspect very well clarified by Radhanath Swami, that the essence of spiritual life is to transform our motivations from selfish to selfless, if that is not happening, then there is something seriously wrong with the spiritual practice one is following. Great realizations, H H Radhanath Swami Ki Jai.
View CommentThank you so much Maharaj for giving such a deep insight regarding Association of devotees.Haribol!HH radhanath Swami Maharaj ki Jai!
View Commentwonderful as always
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