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Need to abandon sectarian pride
June 29, 2010  |  radhanath-swami

Meditations on The Journey Home – Lesson from Chapter 1

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Richard marvelled at the customs of Europe. Coming from the American Midwest, he found the varieties in culture mind expanding. He contemplated on how his whole life he had been conditioned to interpret reality in a certain way, according to the culture he was raised. This, he reflected leads to a parochial outlook towards life. He hoped his search would help him appreciate other human beings and their cultures. “Why was it that we humans seemed to have a deep-rooted proclivity to feel superior to others, particularly in regard to nationality, race, religion, or social position? We think that our condition is normal and others are strange or inferior. This judgmental pride degenerates us into bigotry or sectarianism, generating hatred, fear, exploitation, and even war. I prayed that my travels would open my mind and provide sympathy for how other cultures viewed life, the world, and God. “

I remember growing up in an environment where our love for our country was judged by how much we hated our neighbouring country. Even during the initial days of my spiritual life I was constantly taunted by my friends and relatives for choosing an American guru. “We are Indians and what can an American teach us about our religion and spirituality?” demanded my friends. I reasoned we should be open minded to learn from a self realized soul, and not be bogged down by national or sectarian pride.

It is this open mindedness that softened Richard’s heart and allowed the spark of spiritual craving that had kindled in his heart during his travels, to now become a blazing fire. He was consumed with the desire to know God like a man possessed. It was during this intense phase of prayer and meditation at the mountain top at the Isle of Crete that Richard heard a sweet but commanding voice urging him, “Go to India” His friend Gary however heard a voice that urged him to go to Israel. Bidding a tearful farewell to Gary, Richard took off his black vest and offered as a gift to Gary.  The black vest had been an inseparable part of Richard’s identity but now he hoped a journey to India would help him reclaim his eternal identity.

Spiritual life begins with an attempt to rediscover our real identity as part of the divine whole. Radhanath Swami often quotes Jesus Christ who said, “What profiteth a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?” Our basic identity is revealed in the Bhagavad Gita, the Indian classic, as separate from the body. Just as a car is manoeuvred by a driver, the body too has a spiritual spark that activates the body with consciousness. When we channelize this energy into serving the divine consciousness, our spiritual horizon expands. This requires us to grow beyond our narrow bodily identifications. We may be proud of being an Indian, American, white, Afro-Americans, rich, or a Christian but our essential identity is we are children of God, a spark of the divine. To the extent we cling on to our bodily identities to that extent spiritual life remains a mystery.

A life centred on humble service and prayer helps us see ourselves in a new spiritual light. Radhanath Swami compares spiritual growth with an inverse law of gravity. The law of gravity postulates that anything goes up has to come down. Similarly if we cultivate pride born out of different designations, our attempts at spiritual growth will be curtailed, and we shall come plummeting down. However if we cultivate the consciousness of servitude and take a low position, we rise in the eyes of God. Lord Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” A spiritualist bends low in humility and the Lord reciprocates by lifting him high in divine enlightenment.

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  1. This website is wonderful. A real source of encouragement for bringing more unity and synergy from the diverse cultures, religions, backgrounds and experiences we all collectively hold.

    Radhanath Swami also explains a nice analogy in one presentation….that to get to 4 you can do 2 + 2 = 4. If someone else says you can also do 3 + 1, then that is also true. There are many genuine paths that bring us to knowing and loving God. The essence of all GENUINE paths is the same.

    There are limited ways to get to 4. BUT there are also unlimited ways not to get to 4. We should all honestly ask ourselves, am I on a genuine path? How can I know for sure?

    One cannot say 5 + 8 is 4. The process of spiritual advancement cannot be manufactured according to ones opinion. The holy texts, the saints and self-realised souls and God Himself give us the principles to follow just to make it easily attainable. All that is required is our willingness to trust in their guidance and wisdom. The path is already chalked out. We live in an age where we ‘want it easy’, so what more could we ask for? :0)

    In keeping with the theme of this post, here is a nice quote from Lord Jesus, ‘If you love only your own kind, you are no better than the common people and the sinners.’

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  2. Hrishikesh Mafatlal

    What is amazing in Richard’s journey is his ability to tolerate hugely different cultures and environment, without losing his determination.

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  3. HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj is absolutely correct that sectarian pride & division is the root cause of almost all major conflicts that the world faces today.

    Guru Maharaj ki Jai!!

    To know more about Maharaj, please visit

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  4. The most wonderfull auto biography.Must read for every one.
    It changes every readers out look towards life.

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  5. The Presentation by Radhanath Swami goes against the tide of the world. We are bombarded by publicity which makes us feel that we are exclusive and one of a kind. Radhanath Swami urges us to go beyond our mundane conditionings of nationality , colour and creed. Difficult it is though not impossible.
    Swimming against the tide is never going to be easy . This presentation inspires us to follow a 19 year teenage American who went beyond many tags and titles to reach a high point, very rare to find in this era.
    Thank you Radhanath Swami.

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  6. According to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj, if we give up pride, only then can we become truly humble. Only then can we taste the real love of God. Maharaj’s thoughts are so sweet & sublime.

    To know more about Maharaj, please visit

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  7. Pallavi Talawadekar

    Gurudev ki jai.
    I am very much inspired by Radhanath Maharajs Auto-Biography. Radhanath Swami is the sign of all the good qualities. If anyone wants to see what are good qualities and what means by a pure person and pure mind then he should atleast once meet Radhanath Maharaj.

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  8. CA.Jignesh Rajput

    H H Radhanath Swami is a such a wonderful person. His teachings are very inspiring. After reading his book The journey home, I realise that nothing is impossible if we have higher goal. Swamiji determination to come to Inida is amazing. Even after so much of difficulty he made it to come India. That to through road from Europe to India by hitch hiking. I cannot dream about it. To more about him log onto

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  9. Pawan Sabharwal

    The influence of surroundings we are brought up, program us to see certain things the way we do. Its very amazing that Radhanath Swami recognized it so early and helping us to recognize same.

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  10. Wonderful thoughts. Actually I was wondering what is general opinion of Indians when they see their ‘brothers and sisters’ taking up americain gurus. Thank you for sharing.

    Radhanath Maharaj is realy beyond all bodily designations. And at such young age he was aware that bigotry and sectarianism is obsticle on his path of finding God. Simply amazing!

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  11. radhanath swami has great courage and determination to go on continuing the great journey to India for spiritual enlightenment.

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  12. Dr Shreyas Palav

    Lives of great men like Maharaj always remind us…that we too can make our lives sublime.
    what an amazing journey towards the destination of eternal life!!!

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  13. Maharj has inconceivable potency to deliver fallen souls!

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  14. What is amazing in Richard’s journey to cross broders of different continents, nations, is his ability undergo any pain for higher cause.

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  15. Truly a source of Inspiration.

    Hare Krishna.

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  16. By abandoning sectarian pride only we will get love of godhead

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  17. H.H Radhanath swami Maharaj…A godly person..i am insignificant to write about him..but i really like him

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    HH radhanath maharaj , gives realized opinions , which is very difficult for a common man to understand the transcendental dimensions. unless explained by such realized soul.

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  19. Hare Krishna
    Radhanath Swami has got experiences into all the so called religions of the world and found out that the real need of the soul is love of Godhead. No material wealth, status, fame etc can satisfy us as much as love of Godhead.

    Radhanath Swami has shown this realization by his own journey in the Journey Home book.

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  20. This article reminds me of a story told in school times about two frogs who are living in a well. They think that the well is a world and are unaware of the vast sea existing. Richard’s decision to travel to India seems to be very important decision of his life. To accept other culture with humble attitude is very difficult and can be achieved only by people who are on path to self realization…..

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  21. Basically all the saints convey the same message accorsing to time, place ans circumstance! As Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna did. Thank you Radhanath Swami for a clear idea.

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  22. Nayana Lineswala

    The highest regulative principle is unmotivated love for Krishna All glories to Maharaj!

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  23. This is truly an amazing story of how the Supreme Lord guides the Sincere soul towards his Journey back to Him

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  24. The experiences of Richard ( Radhanath Swami )are so amazing – I have also experienced a similar feeling – feeling myself proud of my race ,culture & having a superiority feeling. But we need to look at other people , cultures from a higher perspective so that we can appreciate them & be more tolerant.

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  25. lesson to be learned… give up pride, to become truly humble.from humility will come gratitude .from gratitude we will get in service mood. Only then can we taste the real love of God.

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  26. Maharaj is blessed by all acharyas, spiritual masters and LORD. Hence Maharaj has been send to this world by KRISHNA to deliver all fallen souls.

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  27. rambaboo maheshwari

    Becouse Radhanath Swami was and has been OPEN so he could reach his destination AND his conviction to openness is helping many others to learn to walk on their destination.

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  28. Radhanath Swami and all american are very open people. They are very large hearted and hence they are willing to see the other persons point of view. Radhanath Swami was able to see the different cultures and simultaneously draw a common thread through them – that is truly amazing.

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  29. A life centred on humble service and prayer helps us see ourselves in a new spiritual light. Wonderful realization!

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  30. So great of Radhanath Swami, although passing through different cultures he could see through the eyes of a saint!!!

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  31. Radhanath Swami is amazing! All the way he followed the voice of his heart… he did not disrespect any sectors, only such souls can attain divinity!

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  32. Aekta Brahmbhatt

    Radhanath Swami’s journey is that of a true seeker on the spiritual path……seeking the Ultimate Truth.

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  33. very nice. Radhanath Swami is very compassionate

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  34. M. Pandurangayya Shetty

    Very nice teachings of Radhanath Swami.

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  35. Wonderful article.Radhanath Swami is so open minded to all cultures and simultaneously, very expertly draws out the essence from them.

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  36. Maharaj is teacing us the most important princple that we are not this body but the soul which is a part and parcel of the supersoul or God. Thank you very much Maharaj for mking us realise our true identity.

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  37. And Once again Radhanath Swami is emphasizing on how not to judge people and be tolerant in all situations. Thank You.

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  38. Maharajs journey has been so intense and inspiring so many things to learn from his narrations.

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  39. Radhanath Swami advises how humility as opposed to proud behavior will win the favor of the Lord.

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  40. Amazing statement ” A spiritualist bends low in humility and the Lord reciprocates by lifting him high in divine enlightenment”.

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  41. Right from his childhood, Radhanath Swami possessed all the qualities of a devotee. There are lot many qualities we should assimmilate from his life.

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  42. Thanks for sharing. All gloreis to Radhanath swami maharaj

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    Thanx for sharing :).

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