Richard, having often heard people speak reverentially of a woman saint Anandamayi Ma, who was the guru of Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, went to Dehra Dun to visit her. Although this holy mother had grown old, and was thin and frail, she emanated an unearthly power, and radiated the exuberance of a small child. Dressed in a simple white sari, she appeared wise and sober. Smilingly she led all to the chanting of God’s holy names, and then spoke briefly. She said people are constantly tossed between pleasure and pain, and there can be no peace and security in this world. This world is a place of suffering and suffering is sent to remind us to turn our thoughts to God. Our only shelter is God and in chanting His Names, we can be in His presence.
“There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings”, says Radhanath Swami, his years of wisdom reflected through succinct phrases such as these. Echoing similar sentiments as Anandamayi Ma, he reveals the dualities of pleasure and pain, “We may have all kinds of pleasures, but one pain. And that one pain becomes prominent; we may also have all kinds of pain, but one pleasure. But that pleasure will be insignificant.” He also voices the same conclusion about the nature of this world, “We get suffering in life so that we become sober and listen to God’s message. All the sufferings are therefore worthwhile if we go through them in proper consciousness, because they will bring us closer to the goal of our life.”
Besides Anandamayi Ma’s philosophical depth, Richard particularly noted that her simple unassuming nature drew renounced sadhus and yogis who typically keep a distance from women, sit at her feet seeking blessings. She also preferred her followers not touch her feet. When she entered into a trance Richard felt an aura of motherly affection beaming from her motionless form.
Whether it’s Anandamayi Ma or other women, Radhanath Swami personally practices and trains his students to revere womanhood. Even young girls who visit the centre in Mumbai, and are are fit to be Radhanath Swami’s granddaughters, he treats them all with equal honor and courtesy. Recently I witnessed this aspect of Radhanath Swami’s character in a community festival in Mumbai.
Radhanath Swami has personally trained many children of the Mumbai congregation. One girl, Radha, spent her childhood learning many aspects of spiritual life under the care of her devoted parents, and the guidance of Radhanath Swami. Radha grew up and in time got married. Recently she gave birth to a baby boy, and the family approached Radhanath Swami for receiving a name for the child. Radhanath Swami promptly named the child, ‘Radhanath’. In a recent programme, I learnt of the reason he named the child with his own spiritual name. Radhanath Swami said he often thought for years, if he were to again take birth in this material world, who should be his mother. He felt Radha would be an ideal mother, and hence named her son ‘Radhanath’.
The Vedic Indian culture awards the highest respect for a woman, and considers a healthy family life as the foundation of the society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress. Radhanath Swami has tirelessly worked to create and preserve a wonderful family culture that makes God and spiritual values as the centre of family life.
Overwhelming !!!
View CommentIts an inspiring story.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s realizations are quite eye opening and enlightening.
View Commentvery nice!!
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a great preacher,father,teacher. To have such a great soul amist us is our good fortune. Hari bol.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a truly compassionate person and so he never distinguishes anyone based on caste, color of skin, economic status, because He lives by the fundamental principle that we are all pure spirit souls part and parcel of Krishna.
View Comment“There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings” — what a realised statement ! Maharaj is just great !!
View CommentEven the act of giving name is done with so much of personal touch … Radhanath Swami is beyond imagination.
View CommentSufferings have purpose and if we go through them in proper conciousenss we will see that sufferings are worthy, they remind us that this is not our real place.Thanks to Radhanath swami for these words of wisdom.
View CommentAmazing
View CommentVery nicely narrated. Thank you.
View CommentThankyou for this wonderful guidance from Radhanath Swami for not getting attached to the pleasures of this world which ultimatly lead us to pain and suffering in this world.
View CommentThank you – Very nice article – Radhanath Swami Maharaj has guided numerous families to lead lives with Krishna in the center.
View CommentExcellent. I am very happy.
View CommentExcellent article.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
At times these small anecdotes leave us thinking with an afterthought, how a Guru is a true replica of an leader, who very well knows that what a great man does is followed by the society.
The message of respecting women and womanhood will further be followed if leaders in the different sections of the society who have huge following, emulate Maharaj and be true to what they preach.
Hare Krishna
View CommentSuch a revealing facts…
View CommentRadhanath Swami is such a great example for us to follow. This story makes this point stronger.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj ki Jai.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has bestowed such valuable lessons and has through his personal guidance and involvement created such a wonderful community. Woderful article. Thankyou so much.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is truly transcendental…….
View CommentThanks for the article. Its an eye opener how one should see and behave towards women.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj gives us the true perspective of respecting a woman as per Vedic culture.
View CommentH H Radhanth Swami, through his example shows glimpses of vedic culture ” Respecting Women”.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for teaching us the importance of family life in a world where the definition of ‘family’ is constantly changing.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has always stressed on family values in his teachings. Infact when he would meet his disciples parents he would offer them same respects as his own . A true lover of Vedic Culture!
View Comment“All the sufferings are therefore worthwhile if we go through them in proper consciousness, because they will bring us closer to the goal of our life.” If one can have a this kind of outlook towards suffering, it will really make one face the difficulties as opportunities in life. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View Commentthanks for sharing this wonderful article with us, regards, bhakti
View Commentits food for thought and an eye opener on the ways that one should treat women, very amazing and interesting article, haribol, rajesh karia
View CommentRadhanath Swami has created the most wonderful RadhaGopinath temple where all the devotees can congregate as a part of the big ISKCON family. The atmosphere is very conducive to practice God consciousness because of the mutual love & respect between the congregation members.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s wonderful thoughts on respect for woman & motherhood needs to be appreciated by the society at large. Protecting the dignity of women is the need of the hour in a world where the feminine gender is being exploited in every possible way.
View CommentThe entire human race has sprung from the womb of women. Therefore, as Radhanath Swami says, we should give them the utmost respect & gratitude that they deserve in the role of a mother.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s thoughts on motherhood & family culture is very wonderful. After all, how we treat women is what determines how civilised we are.
View CommentThe womb of a woman is the cradle of the human civilization. Therefore, keeping in mind Radhanath Swami’s instructions, we need to treat the women with love, respect & dignity.
View CommentHow we treat women is what determines how civilised we are.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has cultivated a very nice family of God-conscious people with very strong foundations based on Vedic values & the scriptural injunctions laid down by the acharyas.
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so humble that he always takes the lowly position
View CommentAll glories to Radha mataji and her son Radhanath.All glories to Maharaj.
View CommentSaintly persons have perception that deeply cuts through the artificiality in our lives to show realty…these words from Radhanath Swami are so profound: “There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings.”
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