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One of the kindest, gentlest men Richard ever met was Kailash Baba. Once as Richard was taking a dip in the Ganges, the current pulled him away, and it was then that Richard met Kailash Baba, a powerfully built elderly man, who seized his arm, and rescued him. Kailash Baba was a devotee of Lord Shiva and instructed Richard on the proper behavior of a sadhu. He did not speak English but both communicated through the language of love. Kailash Baba shared all the food he collected, offered his blanket during the cold nights, and showered him with fatherly affection. Externally he had a fearsome appearance with long unkempt hair, and an iron trident. However he was a mountain of affection and drew love from Richard’s heart like a lifelong friend. Although Kailash Baba possessed great supernatural powers, he never made a show of them. It was the character and devotion of Kailash Baba that inspired Richard the most. As days passed, Kailash Baba wished to enter into seclusion, and Richard not wanting to impose himself, sought blessings to move on. Richard was particularly touched by Kailash Baba’s unyielding detachment and the softness of heart.
“Like a father and son we loved each other, but as roaming sadhus, we sensed that we would never meet again. This bittersweet experience of developing dear relationships, then moving on to never again see the people I was meeting was part of the life I had chosen. It was difficult for me, but the pain of separation kept the joy of our relationship alive in my heart. As I turned and walked away from Kailash Baba, I prayed never to forget him. And I never have.”
This has been to me the most touching part of Radhanath Swami’s autobiography. While absorbed in the narration, I too felt pain in their separation, and reflected on the culture of sadhus in India. How many such great souls must be living in the Himalayas, practicing their spiritual path sincerely, without desire for any fame or recognition? The affection that Radhanath Swami draws from all those who know him, has its origin in these loving exchanges with holy men that he had as an innocent Richard, travelling alone in the jungles of the Himalayas.
One student of Radhanath Swami shared with me an incident that touched his life deeply and inspired him to take to a God centered life more seriously. Once in the initial days of his married life, his wife was sick, and took a long time to recuperate. When Radhanath Swami heard this, he called him to the kitchen of the ashram, and cooked a special sweet with his own personal hands. For hours he worked to prepare halwa, sddd…, and asked him to serve his wife. The student was overwhelmed by the Swami’s affection for his family. Recently Radhanath Swami was in South India for a month long treatment. During the entire stay, an elderly Muslim driver drove Radhanath Swami around the different places. Each day before getting into the car Radhanath Swami greeted the driver with a sweet smile and offered respects with folded hands. On the last day, the entourage of the Swami rushed to go the airport, and in the hurry, the other members forgot to thank the driver. Radhanath Swami however insisted that they go back, and call for the driver. Radhanath Swami personally thanked him for his service. He was overwhelmed, and tearfully expressed to the others that he had served as a chauffeur for many great personalities in India and abroad. However none had made him feel as special, honored, and loved as Radhanath Swami had done. In his emotional tone, he thanked Radhanath Swami for the loving affection showered upon him. Whether it’s a senior student who has known the Swami intimately or it’s an insignificant driver, Radhanath Swami has the special ability to touch the hearts of all those who have known him.
I heard a saying that “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. Everyone has had a similar experience of caring interaction with Radhanath Swami
View Commentthis kind of sadhus are not many, but needed for our benefit.
View CommentSuch a wonderful influence Radhanath Swami has on anyone and everyone that he comes in contact with – that they cherish these sweet memories for years to come. They are sold out to him and he has purchased them with his Love and Affection, which is what every living entity constantly seeks.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so compassionate and humble. How loving Radhanath Swami is. He is a rare soul. He could inspire many people without even talking to them. He speaks with his eyes and actions.
View CommentRadhanath swami doesn’t want to commit mistake. He is always grateful to all. This is the indication of showing gratitude to the Lord for His divine arrangement to the events that are happening. Thanks a lot to teach how to be grateful to all.
View CommentA grateful heart can win everyone’s heart.Radhanath swami has won everyone’s heart whomever he met
View CommentIt is amazing how Radhanath Swami communicated to sadhus who didnt even knew a single word of english.Truly the language of love supercedes all languages.
View Commentthank you for sharing this article.
View CommentLike a father and son they shared loving relation
View CommentThank you very much
View CommentRadhanath Swami truly always sees the essence and always reciprocates in a loving manner. Like in this case, we see, Radhanath Swami, how and Kailash Baba were having a loving reciprocation beyond their external practices.
View CommentWhen God is the center of one’s life, then there are no barriers of language, religion, age, caste, place or nationality. This is very wonderfully depicted in this episode of this fantastic book, The Journey Home, by Radhanath Swami. Thanks loads.
View Commentgratitude attitude is born along with radhanath swami, it follows alike a shadow of his own body,
View CommentWhat he has received from the great sages of himalayas ,and adding to it his own personal flavour,Maharaj is touching the heart of each and every person he is comming across.
View CommentRadhanath Swami gives all respect to others irrespective of their social standing. This is because he sees everyone with an equal vision as children of God.
View CommentMaharaj is the most wonderful person we have ever met. His biggest quality is his sensitivity towards others feelings. We all adore him very much
View CommentRadhanath swami’s genuine care and affection attracts everyone including my family.
View CommentBy reading this article we get a realization that love and affection is not on an bodily platform – Radhanath Swami Maharaj being an American and Kailash Baba an Indian,still there was lot of care, love and affection between them.
A lot to learn from this incident.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is considered to be a father figure by all his disciples. He in turn showers his fatherly affection not just on his disciples but also on everyone he comes in contact with, without any discrimination. The driver was so fortunate to receive Maharaj’s affection.
View CommentSuch a wonderful influence Maharaj has on anyone and everyone that he meets – that they they never forget these instances throughout their lives. That memory becomes sweetest part of their life.
View CommentThe biter sweet experience of meeting and departing is very touching. Fact of life is very nicely explained. Thank you Maharaj
View CommentWonderfully explained, thank you very much for such nice incidents of Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Radhanath Swami has such purity that influence and compassion of him transform people’s heart whoever met him.
View CommentI heard this quite sometime back … ” Things are suppose to be used and people are suppose to be loved, but in this world the contrary happens ” Hope that this quality of valuing people will come in society.
View CommentLike a father and son they shared such a loving relation Radhanath swami always rememberd kailash baba. It is a teaching for us to not to forget people who always helped us.
View CommentMaharaj is mahavaishnav!
View CommentRadhanath Swami has wonderfully expressed his gratitude towards Kailash Baba…
View CommentNo one is insignificant in the eyes of Maharaj. He sees Krishna in all. Harei Bol!
View CommentRadhanath Swami says that “He is a person of heart.” And this incidents reveal he truly is what he says.
View CommentRadhanath Swami recognizes the spirit soul inside all living beings and this is the quality that should spread all over the world so that universal brotherhood is really established.
View CommentThis is an example where you see parmatma in everyones heart. maharaj has that vision
View CommentMaharaj’s kindness and humility touches everyone’s heart. He treats every body with equal love and respect. We can learn so may qualities like gratitude, humility, kindness, compassion and much more from him. Thanks Maharaj.
View CommentA very nice way to express gratitude towards Kailash Baba.
View CommentVery true. While the people of this world need both light (knowledge) and warmth (kindness) it is the warmth which takes priority. You never see anybody dying of darkness, but you do see people dying of cold!
View CommentMaharaj is epitome of love and affection which he shows towards all the living entities indescriminately. Truely a living scripture.
View CommentYou may be one among the thousands around him..and he may not eve know you personally or have spoken to you…but he has that ability to touch your heart because of his pure devotion to God….its true…!!
View CommentWell said Radhanath swami maharaj – After reading this develops sense of dettachment.Thank You.
View CommentOnly the sincerest of intentions touch the inner-most recess of our heart and bring out the deepest sense of appreciation.
View CommentRadhanathji seems to be generating such appreciations quite frequently from all those who happen to come in his association.
Truly a great soul, to be admired by one-and-all.
Maharaj is an ocean of affection. He never fails in expressing it whenever needed in spite of his hectic schedules. I wish to remember these incidents so that I can also develop little bit of sensitivity towards others.
View CommentThank you very much Kindly sharing this. Hare Krishna
View CommentThe incident about the driver in South India was most touching. Radhanath Swami has truely gone beyond “What’s in it for me” mentality. There is so much to learn from him. Please share your thoughts daily. I look forward to them
View Commentrealy its too good book
View CommentNever to meet someone again and yet never forget is the relationship of the heart,that is What Radhanath Swami establishes in the first meeting.
View CommentA humble and grateful heart is like a touch stone which can convert hardest of all hearts also into something as soft as butter. Maharaj teaches by his own example and thats the main thing attracting people around the globe.
View CommentExpression of our feelings to other person is very important. Most of the times in our day to day life we forget to acknowledge help which we get from our near and dear ones like wife, father, mother, sister etc….
But here Radhanath swami is living such an exemplary life that in his each and every walk of life we have so many things to learn.
View Commentthank you for very nice article
View Commentmust read very good
View Commenttoo good
View Commentexcellent
View CommentThis is really so heart rending. Radhanath Swami is grateful to each and everyone who has done even the minutest thing for him. He never never forgets that act.
View CommentSo thoughtful and caring.
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