The more Richard (now Radhanath Swami) tried to fit in with the social norms of his peers, the more he was miserable. He smoked Hashish and Marijuana and flirted more seriously than ever before, yet felt lonely and found his condition deplorable. He realized it was the Lord of his heart that he was fighting in his attempt to seek happiness through sense gratification. Although he was winning the fight in terms of increased sense pleasures, he felt lost and dejected. Sitting on the bank of Thames and looking at the Big Ben, he wondered if he was wasting his time. In a Church, Richard’s heart was filled with a special realization; he was now inspired to lead a life on his own terms rather than of his friends’. He also hoped to one day lead his life on God’s terms.
Radhanath Swami says our repeated attempt to seek happiness through bodily pleasures is like chewing that which has already been chewed. Imagine a bubble gum chewed and spat out. Only a foolish person would pick it up and chew it again, hoping to get some juice out of it. Similarly the great sages of the past have declared that material pleasures do not satisfy the deep needs of the soul; they give fleeting pleasures and even that fades away after some time. Yet we seek pleasures from those very activities.
One of the common themes of Radhanath Swami’s discourses has been that our original nature is spiritual–different from the material body that we presently inhabit. We can never become happy by attempting to satisfy the body. The soul must be satisfied because that’s our real identity. Radhanath Swami gives an interesting example of “Bird in the Cage” to illustrate this point. If the owner of the bird only pays attention to the cage, polishing it carefully, but neglects the inhabitant of the cage (the bird), then the bird will soon die. Likewise, if we simply pay attention to the body, neglecting its inhabitant (the soul), spiritually we will be dead. Of course, Radhanath Swami clarifies that the soul never dies; but he will certainly be very miserable.
Radhanath Swami’s wisdom is realizable in our daily lives. Our practical experience is that even when we obtain some object that we think will satisfy our senses, we soon become frustrated because the happiness is not forthcoming. This world is arranged in such a way that despite all attempts at enjoyment, the conditioned soul is continuously frustrated. Fulfilling the desires of the senses does not bring peace, because even if the senses are temporarily satisfied, they demand newer and newer experiences. They are insatiable. Rather than becoming satisfied, the senses become inflamed by the process of seeking enjoyment. Thus, the living entity alternates between boredom and craving, and is overall frustrated by his existence.
Radhanath Swami assures that spiritual life is however different. If we can lead a life centred on service and chanting of God’s names, the mirror of our heart would be cleansed and we would experience spiritual happiness. Radhanath Swami draws an interesting parallel with a mirror; the mirror of our mind or consciousness is clouded by the contaminated association that we have had in this world; The chanting cleanses the mirror of the mind, puts out the fire of material lust, makes our lives auspicious, situates us on the transcendental platform, awakens us to transcendental knowledge, and gives us the pleasure for which we have been hankering.
hmmm.. thanks for that lesson. got to meditate deeply upon it to really imbibe and remember it for longer time.
View CommentI don’t know about past lives. But in this life also I have tried the same : to enjoy the senses , it gave momentary happiness ( eg. eating mouth watering dishes, hearing all kinda of music , seeing lots of movies, sight seeing,travel, reading variety of books, sensual happiness, intoxications, gossips, friends) and it soon gets over , either with disgust or lost taste and no more fun as it used to give. But again after some time since there was no other source of happiness I used to go through same ordeal with increased frustration . Now I have found eternal source of happiness from the time tested scripture ” Bhagavad Gita”.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for giving us this hope.That if we yearn for living on God’s terms and succumb to our senses/ peer /social /family pressure then we will truly be blissful.” If we can lead a life centred on service and chanting of God’s names, the mirror of our heart would be cleansed and we would experience spiritual happiness”
View CommentRadhanath swami’s lectuers have always been inspiring and centered around the theme of serving the lord.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has candidly shared his realisation and has by that taught everyone how bodily / sense pleasures are actually a waste of time !
View CommentIt is pefectly describe here by Radhanath Swami that any amount of material sense gratification and efforts to pursue the further , all is temporary.In due course of time it will fade and ultimatley misseries of life will come into picture.Therefore sooner than later we should accept the path of self purification since our original nature is spirit soul and get rid of process of repeated birth and death in this material world.Thank you very much.
View CommentSwamiji and his lessons are marvelous gives deep meaning to our lives.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for reminded us the real danger and illusion of material nature where we are chewing that which has already been chewed. In every life we are doing the same four things eating, sleeping, mating , Defending no matter in which body we are.
View CommentEvery person after his middle age realises that material pleasures do not give happiness.Majority fail to learn the lesson and keep running after the miraj.Those who are fortunate to come in contact with persons like Radhanath Swami take to spirituality and perfect their life.
View CommentIts really true. having material sense gratification is like pouring oil on water which increases the flame thereby frustration
View CommentHHRNSM explains in this article very practically that despite our regular attempts to enjoy the material happiness our soul always remains frustrated and unhappy, thank you Maharaj for such wonderful realizations, haribol, rajesh karia
View Commentvery nice article, a must read for all, haribol, bhakti
View CommentWhy not enjoy spiritual pleasure when its readily available. Why not try this alternative? Why be adamant about material pleasure? Radhanath Swami’s teachings raise these questions.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
A beautiful explanation on how to lead a life.
Hare Krishna
View CommentGood one. Thank you for sharing this wisdom from Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for repeatedly assuring us of the futility of finding happiness in the material world.
View CommentVery thought provoking article. Need lot of mediation.
View Comment‘Sense Control” the very basic first steep to practice any genuine Spiritual Path.
Thank you for your unlimited mercy on us.
The only way to come out of this material sufferings is by chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. The chanting cleanses the mirror of the mind, puts out the fire of material lust, makes our lives auspicious, situates us on the transcendental platform, awakens us to transcendental knowledge, and gives us the pleasure for which we have been hankering.
View CommentRadhanath swami is driving home very important point of difference between satisfying senses and soul…..
View Commentgreat teachings by radhanath swami for a conditioned and fallen soul, just strive for the long lasting and the permanent solutions for happiness rather than the short lived and the temporary happiness,
View CommentThank you Radhanath swami for giving practical spiritual guidance
View CommentFrom the spiritual seeker path which Radhanath Swami has traversed before reaching his spiritual master is a lesson for any true seeker of the Absolute Truth. His book has answers to all those questions which might be asked by someone who is searching for the Absolute Truth.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj has repeated time and again how material sense gratification is just a waste of time and eternal happiness can only be atained by serving the Lord.
View CommentAmazing article.
View CommentRadhanath Swami beautifully explains the difference between fleeting, temporary material pleasures and eternal happiness!
View CommentVery educative article……One statement by Swamiji I liked the most was “The senses can never be satisfied”…..thanks for sharing your divine wisdom…..
View CommentSpirituality in essesnce gives long lasting and more satisfying happiness than the pleasures derived from sense gratification.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj truly understands the nature of this world.
View CommentThankyou for posting this wonderful article.
View Commentthank you
View CommentVery very good article.Matter can’t satisfy spirit. Radhanath Swami very nicely explaining this point. devotional service is the only way to satisfy the soul. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View Commentthank you Maharaj for such wonderful realizations
View CommentYes, its so true that in an attempt to seek happiness through material sense objects we fail miserably and never get any satisfaction. Yet to follow the norms of the lord takes to great determination and patience which Radhanath Swami had shown in his life. I get great inspiration to stick to my principles by seeing Radhanath swamis example. I pray to him to bless me that i can get the same patience and determination in my spiritual life. Radhanath Maharaj ki jai…..
View CommentTrying to satisfy the senses is like trying to satisfy the itch by scratching – it will bleed and still demand more scratching. Let us take Radhanath Swami’s teachings seriously.
View CommentThanks to such wonderful realizations from “The Journey Home”. Many many thanks to Radhanath swami for sharing his story in the form of his auto-biography.
View CommentThank you for presenting the wonderful meditations from maharaj’s instructions.
View CommentThanks you so much Maharaj.
View Commentthe condition of a person getting frustrated by material happiness portrayed by the author , is so much observable in our daily lives.
Also it is very apprciable that Radhanath Swami Maharaj has put these attempts of his in the book, open for everyone to read. It requires lot of courage and honesty!!
View CommentAs HH Radhanath Swami said, its very true that the bodily desires are endless and never give permanant satisfaction. The hankering increases as we try to enjoy more and more. This nature explained by HH Radhanath Swami is clearly seen in the children. The more we buy the things for their bodily enjoyment, they want newer and newer things. But this tendency is not seen when they attend any Temple programs or associate with Devotees. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for elucidatedly explaining the fallacy of this world.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a realized person with loads of compassion and high degree of sensitivity. His explanations with great analogies are easy to grasp
View CommentWonderful.
View Commentthank you
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so nicely describing how to be happy in true sense.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s followers experience pleasure many times more than those who choose the merely bodily approach.
View CommentVery nice article…..it makes one contemplate on futilities of material attempts & success…….
View CommentRadhanath Swami has so beautifully explained – trying to gratify sense is never ending task; little they feel satisfied and in moments demand for more already the happiness of previous act is gone – if not given there is trouble, if given there is more trouble…a vicious cycle that we cannot come out of unless guided by experts like Radhanath Swami…
View CommentRadhanath swami brings a nice example of the mirror comparing it with the mind
View CommentRadhanath swami has such a wonderful and deep realizations.
View CommentVery amazing.
Wonderful article.
View CommentThis book is a must for spiritual seekers.
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