One day Richard (now Radhanath Swami) saw an amazing display of yogic powers that left all, including doctors at DevPrayag, stunned in disbelief. A yogi had emerged from the jungle and challenged all doctors and modern science. He roared in a thunderous voice that he would crush the false pride of the doctors. And he did it in a dramatic way. He stopped breathing and sat motionless. The doctors examined him medically and declared that he was ‘clinically dead’. However half an hour later he opened his eyes, stood up and marched back into the jungles. He didn’t want anything but only wanted to show the skeptics the power of yoga. Richard was amazed at the yogic powers.
Radhanath Swami has often explained that these supernatural powers are side benefits of yoga; they are not the goal of a yogi. The authority on yoga has been Patanjali who has given ‘yoga sutras’ in which he mentions a lot of yogic siddhis or powers that one could obtain by systematic practice of yoga. These include psychic knowledge of the past and future, understanding the sound of animals, and telepathic insights into the thoughts of another mind. Powerful yogis can also make themselves invisible and attain physical strength comparable to that of an elephant. There have also been yogis described with the powers of levitating the body, entering consciously into the body of another person, and also have special powers by which they could live without eating or drinking. Besides psychic healing of the mind, yogis can also become as minute as an atom or expand oneself into space and become as large as any entity.
Radhanath Swami says these yogic powers are a distraction for the serious practitioner and are a trap because they lead us away from the goal of spiritual life. However they do increase our faith in higher powers. Recently the media carried the story of Mr Prahalad Jani, the 83 year old man who has defied medical science. A team of reputed doctors and scientists from Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) presented a report after carefully observing him for a period of fifteen days. The report calls him a ‘miracle man’; Mr Jani hasn’t eaten or drunk anything for the last sixty years. Dr Sudhir Shah, an eminent Neurophysician based in Ahmedabad, India has confirmed this case to be of a supernatural stature; a classic yogic siddhi. Just as the yogi at Dev Prayag baffled medical doctors, Prahald Jani too has left the medical science completely clueless, says Dr Shah. Prahald Jani claims there are many like this living in the forests of Himalayas.
The Vedic literature describes that there are yogis who possess the powers to manipulate laws operating in material world. These mystic powers are called siddhis, and are broadly of eight types: Anima: becoming small like a particle Laghima: becoming lighter than a soft feather Prapti: getting anything from everywhere Mahima: becoming heavier than the heaviest Ichitva: creating something wonderful or annihilating anything at will Vasitva: controlling all material elements Prakamya: possessing such power as will never be frustrated in any desire Kamavasyita: assuming any shape or form one may even whimsically desire The Vedic literature is filled with supernatural events and feats which according to modern scientific paradigm, were considered miraculous and therefore impossible and imaginary. Due to innocent faith in the feats of modern science and stubborn pride, which assumes that science is the only means of providing information about the cosmos and its phenomenon, unfortunately, educated persons were generally unwilling to accept the Vedic system of knowledge. But this one sadhu clearly shows that there are higher laws and phenomenon.
Radhanath Swami chanced to meet a few of them and almost all of them sought to go beyond mere exhibition of powers; they wanted to reach the abode of God. Yoga is to reunite our souls with God and not to increase our powers and continue to live in this world.
They are the side benefits of yoga not the goal of yoga – Radhanath Swami gives a correct understanding that stands clear and visible through the thick smoke of the glamour of mysticism.
View CommentThanks for sharing it.
View CommentTrue Yoga is to reunite our souls with God. Thank you Swamiji!
View CommentBhakti yoga is the supreme goal of life, i.e. Practicing Krishna Consciousness.
View CommentHow, the essence has been brought out so wonderfully.
View CommentVery knowledgable article…..in this modern era, it is so enlivening to hear about the existence of these supernatural powers……..But as Swamiji says, though fascinating, they are mere distractions on the path of spiritual life…….
View CommentRadhanath Swami is giving the complete understanding behind the purpose of Yoga. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentRadhanath Swami says these yogic powers are a distraction for the serious practitioner and are a trap because they lead us away from the goal of spiritual life….Very profound statement!
View CommentRadhanath Swami says these yogic powers are a distraction for the serious practitioner and are a trap because they lead us away from the goal of spiritual life.
View CommentVery nice meditation.The real meaning of the Yoga is given in Bhagvad-Gita.Radhanath Swami always emphases that real yoga means to connect ourselves with God and engage ourselves in loving devotional service unto Him and not to get some super natural powers.Yes these powers are distraction on path of devotional life which surely force us to forget The God.
View CommentAmazing to see how yogis completely baffled modern medical men!
View CommentWhen a person meditates sincerely and renounces the world that is highly in devotional service without any material desires all the yoga without learning come at the feet of such devotee.all glories to maharaj
View CommentThank you so much for such wonderful article.Haribol!
View Commentit is really amazing to see how the yogis are at a superior level to modern science, this must provoke us to see how the vedic literature are far superior to modern science, philosophy and culture. Thank you very much for giving us valuable knowledge
View CommentKnowledge of this world is limited and never takes one to the abode of God. All glories to HH Radhanagtha Swami Maharaja.
View CommentGreat article! Thank you so much for sharing Radhanath Swami’s experiences.
View CommentTHis article opnes us to a new world, which is more fulfilling. Thank you for sharing.
View CommentWonderful, simply amazing experience of Radhanath Swami.
View Commentwonderful article.
View Commentthis is really wonderful
View CommentThank you Maharaj!!
View CommentYour realizations are so genuine and can simply pierce our innocent childish understandings of this world.
Bhakthi Yoga is the only way in this Kali Yuga. Yoga is to reunite our souls with God and not to increase our powers
View CommentAs per Bhagwat Gita, Yoga means union…Union of soul with the SUPREME. As a side effect, Yogi may get powers, but they seem to be just a way to test the Yogi’s determination to carry on with his pursuit to attain Love for KRISHNA, or gets bewildered on half way by pride of such mystic achievements.
View CommentVery apt painting with the article!
View CommentVery true. The aim of Yoga is not to obtain siddhis, but to unite with God.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has given this clear distinction between what should be the goal of spirituality and what are its side effects. As we look around we find many spiritual practitioners taking undue advantage of their spiritual powers to attract followers ! This message of Radhanth swami will help us to recognise them and stay away from them.
View Commentwell said…………..yoga means to establish our lost connection with God
View CommentVery interesting “Radhanath Swami says these yogic powers are a distraction for the serious practitioner and are a trap because they lead us away from the goal of spiritual life.” –
View CommentMaharaj is doing a great service.. It is really a miracle..
View CommentHare Krishna
The actual goal of yoga is to establish our relation with the supreme & not to attain suernatural powers.
View Commentmaharaj says that these yogic powers just breed a sense false pride which blinds the yogi from higher realzations of God.
View CommentReally good article – develop faith in higher powers but aim only at dev service to God. All glories to Radhanath Swami for his wonderful teachings
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for telling us the meaning of real yoga.
View CommentRadhanath Swami himself is a perfect yogi – a bhakti yogi
View CommentRadhanath Swami says these yogic powers are a distraction for the serious practitioner and are a trap because they lead us away from the goal of spiritual life. However they do increase our faith in higher powers.
View Commentys- I agree…
See how wisely yogis those who have powers admit that these are not spiritual rather material and they are not proud of there powers…and they believe in supreme GOD.. Scientist, intellectuals and atheists can learn..
View CommentYogic powers are really not very helpfull in the path of devotion
View Commentabsolutely right
View CommentReally very true science.
View CommentYoga really defies science , I practice yoga everyday and can personally vouch for this.
View Commentwe can eaisly see higher diamention of Real science through this article.
View Commentamazing article
View CommentHare Krsna ! Thank You for sharing such beautiful article !
View CommentTHis is hair raising & faith lifting as well.
View CommentCompletely agree with Maharaj ji that these supernatural yogic powers instill faith in the higher powers of universe but yogic siddhis are certainly distractions for a sincere practicener of bhakti yoga.
View CommentModern science though definitely advanced has a lot to learn from Vedic paradigms and the Vedic way of life. The above incident just goes to show this. Thank you for sharing.
View CommentThank you swami Radhanath for stressing the real goal of yoga through this blog – To Reach GOD
View CommentGreat article. Jai Gurudev!!
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