Along with Frank and Gary, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) decided to go on a trip to Europe. No one from his family had ever ventured out of America. On hearing the news that Richard was planning to leave, Richard’s parents expressed shock and begged him not to leave to a distant land. Their tormented condition and desperate appeals didn’t change Richard’s determination. Richard’s father in particular revealed the harsh reality of this world. He implored Richard to change his plan for this world is a dangerous place and Richard was young and inexperienced. Anything could happen to him. Richard however remained firm in his resolve.
Richard’s father echoed the sentiments expressed in the religious scriptures of India. The Vedic texts declare this world to be filled with dangers at every step. Radhanath Swami often explains on the basis of the scriptures that if we take shelter of God, the hurdles of this world reduce to the size of a small puddle of water created by the hoof prints of a calf. One not having the Lord’s shelter finds the world and its insurmountable complexities like that of a huge ocean. We are constantly tossed by the waves of this material ocean. The shelter of Lord keeps us sane and happy. This is best exemplified in Radhanath Swami’s own life. His search for spiritual enlightenment led him through one dangerous encounter after another. His close shaves with death are a testimony of God’s hand in his life.
Richard’s father was absolutely right in declaring this world to be a dangerous place. Radhanath Swami’s travels in Istanbul and Afghanistan are scary accounts to read. Afghanistan in particular has for hundreds of years, been one of the world’s most strategically important and lusted after territories. However it remains one of the poorest, undeveloped and unstable. During the Soviet invasion, the Red Army planted more than 12 million landmines in Afghanistan. Hundreds of people are killed, shredded, and maimed each year due to these insidious devices. Then came the Taliban which meant more banditry, tribal violence and drug related violence. No one in Afghanistan is safe, and Richard was travelling alone in this country on his way to India, searching for God.
While Richard’s father spoke about the world as a dangerous place, it’s interesting to note that the apparent safe haven like the US of America is also quite dangerous. For the average traveller, the USA is fairly safe, but the numbers do not lie. There are more than 200 million guns in the USA and more than 50 murders a day, 10 times the rate of Germany. Nearly 5000 people die a year in truck crashes, about 6000 pedestrians die on the streets and 31000 people end their own lives. The USA now leads all nations in violent crime and leads all nations with incarcerations now standing at 2.3 million. American citizens also make up the greatest number of criminals serving time in overseas prisons. The US government is spending a whopping $600 billion a year on defence in order to contain the handful of nations hostile to it.
So are we safe in any corner of the globe? Whether it’s Antarctica with minus 60 degree Celsius and winds’ tearing in at 100 km/hr or Brazil, or Bagdad, or Burundi, this world is not only temporary but also miserable. Radhanath Swami appeals that after we end our sojourn in this world we must seek destination in the permanent abode of the supreme Lord. Only that place is free from material inebrieties and fear of death.
The author has once again reminded us the danger of staying in this material world, but Maya is so powerful even then we do not willfully want to surrender to the Lord & completely take shelter of Guru & Krishna.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj is real seeker although knowing the danger of this material world he remain steady on his decision because of his full faith in God. This kind of faith is so rare. Thanks for such wonderful incident.
View CommentSwamiji reamined always and always will remain fully dependnat on lord.
View CommentRadhanath Swami displays unparalleled determination, sincerity and surrender which shines through “The Journey Home”.
View Commentvery nicely explained by HHRNSM about the dangers of this material world and the importance for one to always take shelter of the Lord and the holy name, thank you Maharaj, haribol, bhakti
View Commenttruly said by HHRNSM’s father that this world is seriously a very dangerous place and is getting worse every minute, haribol, rajesh
View CommentVery nice article…..after reading it I wonder how the spiritual world would be where there is no danger & anxiety as in this world……..
View CommentThank you very much for sharing such a wonderful message “after we end our sojourn in this world we must seek destination in the permanent abode of the supreme Lord. Only that place is free from material inebrieties and fear of death.”
View CommentIts a mercy of the Supreme Lord that we have the presence of such highly elevated & highly realized Vaishnava saints such as Radhanath Swami preaching & inspiring us to overcome the material adversities & take up God consciousness wholeheartedly. Otherwise, our sufferings in this dangerous world would have been manyfolds.
View CommentIt is our foolishness which makes us remain in illusion that the dangers exist for somebody else, not for us.
View Commentwonderful article which gives us the realization that this world is a not only temporary but miserable place.
View CommentNice one. Very nicely summarized points.
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentNice article……
View CommentOnly th e association of saintly people and shelter of God can help us overcome our dangerous situations.
View CommentGood article.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has taken so many dangers for his yearning to understand the Absolute Truth towards Whom now he is encouraging everyone to go. His kind/gentle demeanour has transformed so many hearts and this is just because of his determination and compassion for all of us.
View CommentRadhanath swami’s journey shows true facet of this danger at every step
View CommentYa, Radhanath Swami has seen the world before coming to the conclusions that he presents in his teachings.
View CommentPadam Padam yad Vipadam…. At every step we have a danger awaiting. The only hope is the Lord and His Devotees.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami’s teachings are always make us realise the eternal truths of life. The relaisations of HH Radhanath Swami experienced through the journey towards India are the proof for these truths.
View CommentThank you for reminding us of the constant perils in this world which maya makes us forget always to be in a complacent zone of ‘I’ and ‘Mine’.
View CommentThis is really an eye-opener !!
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for your constant guidance
View CommentIn all of Radhanath Swami’s discourses, he is emphasizing this point that the world is a very dangerous place – padam padam yad vipadam. I hope someday my heart would accept this fact and turn to the Lord for shelter.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so nicely describing how the real hope is abode of God – free of anxity.
View CommentThis is true much as we might want to ignore it. Better to acknowledge and take corrective actions towards an eternal life.
View CommentNowhere, but in the shelter and care of GOD, can one experience true bliss of existence.
View Commentthank u for sharing
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj has understood the dangers in this material world at an early age and embarked on his spiritual journey. Now, due to his realisations and teachings, thousands of people are benefitted through out the world.
View CommentThe nature of illusion is such that we think we are safe even in this obviously place. Radhanath Swami’s life is a remarkable example of how to face all troubles in search of God.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj
How beautiful. All these experiences are replete with learnings, which shall eventually lead us to become steadfast on the paths of Bhakti.
Hare Krishna
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami puts every thing in the right perspective and gives clarity that has been driven by the astute realisations.
View CommentIt is only due that I have not faced any challenge on my life ( even though I read ,saw some accidents, bad weather) , that I feel secure in this world , but from the message given hear I am feeling now , the dangers of this world . thank you for making me aware of this.
View Commentpowerful article by the author along with eye opener statistics and sure enough for Richard (Radhanath Swami), to travel over the whole world through all the dangerous places, it is God’s hand alone which could have saved him!
View CommentThank you very much radhanath Swami Mahraj for bringing out the seriouness of taking to god consciousness in this so much dangerous place….
View CommentAn eye opening article.
View CommentThis world is a most dangerous place. However, great souls like HH Radhanath Swami makes it a most joyful place as they see Lord’s hand in every thing.
View Commentthank you very much
View Commenttrue obsevations and conclusion of the present condition, hence the only remedy for all these problems is to follow the instructioins of a pure soul like radhanath swami for a permanent solution,
View CommentSeriousness and sense of urgency automatically come when one realizes how dangerous this material world is.
View CommentThis is very Heart touching article.
View CommentThis world is dukhalayam, place of misery and asasvitam, non-permanent. Radhanath Swami very clearly telling to seek the place where there is no problem at all. That place is Vaikuntha, abode of God. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for reminding us time and again of the miserable and temporary nature of this material world.
View CommentThe world is a dangerous place, but for the shelter and guidance of people like Radhanath Swami, it is still habitable.
View CommentWe can learn this truth simply hearing from exalted souls like Radhanath Swami who are selflessly living just to teach others or foolishly go on with our program until one day we are rudely awakened to this harsh truth…it will be too late…
View CommentThe fact that “this world is not only temporary but also miserable” is so hidden due to our minds being covered by illusion..It is only due to Great saints like Radhnath Swami, that this very hidden truth is explicitly revealed and instructed in our hearts through their personal example & teachings..Thank you for such a nice article
View Commentvery nice article.
View CommentThe World is certainly a dangerous place. However Radhanath Swami did not pay heeds to his father’s worries. And his search for God and search for Absolute Truth inspired him to take this bold step. And the result is for us all to see.
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