As a young nineteen year old Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was often a victim of abuse and swearing by those suffering from anger and negativity. Since Richard showed by his appearance that he was protesting against the mainstream values driven by money, power and prejudice, he became an open target for people to vent out their frustrations. He too got angry at the humiliation but would struggle to quell it, for he was on a spiritual quest. His desire to live a life centered on noble ideals attracted no sympathy from the police who often harassed him. Although Richard bore no malice towards anyone, his unconventional appearance of keeping his hair long attracted hateful reactions. He silently hoped these difficulties would help him grow; he sought to cultivate patience, perseverance and prayer to overcome the obstacles on his spiritual journey.
Radhanath Swami is sharing with us the magic formula for success- the Triple ‘P’ formula- patience, perseverance and prayer. On careful observation we can see the uniqueness of these three values to help us grow in our spiritual lives. Radhanath Swami has remarkably highlighted two apparent contradictory values-patience and perseverance. Without proper training, our patience can lead one to be lazy. On the other hand, if we focus only on perseverance, our determination can make us restless to achieve the results. If we are drifting to restlessness in our determined endeavor, we need to practice patience and if our patience tends to make us lazy, we need to remember the virtue of perseverance that Radhanath Swami beautifully emphasizes in this section of the ‘Journey Home’. How can we balance both patience and perseverance? Radhanath Swami brilliantly reveals the third and most important element, ‘Prayer’ as the key. A culture of prayer helps us tap the power of conscience within and gives us the discrimination to balance patience and determination. Prayers also give a spiritual aspirant the necessary confidence to not get bogged down when results don’t come according to our expectations.
Once Radhanath Swami gave an interesting example in his talk; in the confrontation between the rock and the stream who wins? It’s the stream who wins, not through strength but through perseverance. Radhanath Swami also reveals that God is our loving father and He shall happily fulfill all our spiritual ambitions and needs. However God does it not as per our timetable but at his own time. Is this a limitation of God that He isn’t prompt in fulfilling His promises and our needs? Radhanath Swami assures, “No! God just wants us all to be prepared to receive His benevolence.” Radhanath Swami reasons that God wants us to be grateful when we get His mercy; hence He increases our yearning for it.
On hearing Radhanath Swami’s words of wisdom on patience, I am reminded of the fifteenth century philosopher Leonardo da Vinci who said, “Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For, if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind.”
Very nice article.Thank you so much.
View CommentThanks for such an amazing article on such a wonderful formula by Radhanath swami. I believe that the article is presented in a very eloquent manner.
View Commenta subtle analysis of how to balance patience and perseverance by adding element of prayers. This is how Self realized souls can impart pure knowledge so as to make others follow it carefully to achieve the ultimate goal.
View CommentSuper wisdom that’s for one and all.
View CommentVery nice blog
View CommentRadhanath swami is revealing us the path we need to take to cultivate these values
View Comment“P” formula is really wonderful. Hari bol
View CommentWe can in Maharajah “The Journey Home” how he has applied this Triple P formula. Maharajah is instructing us it is crucial to advance in spiritual life.
View CommentAmazing Maharaj’s triple “P” formula.
View CommentAmazing mantra by which to live life. Thanks Maharaj for sharing.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for this wonderful Triple ‘P’ formula for success. Thanks for sharing this wonderful meditation.
View CommentThank you for bringing forth Radhanath Swami’s Triple ‘P’ formula!!
View Comment” Radhanath Swami reasons that God wants us to be grateful when we get His mercy; hence He increases our yearning for it.
View CommentWonderful.
That was simply fantastic!I was especially touched to read that god wants to increase our yearning for his mercy so we can be grateful when we recieve it!
View CommentSimply amazing.Thanks for bringing out such a wonderful lesson from life of Maharaj.
View CommentWhat a wonderful formula to develop the right attitude towards life. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for showing us the right path.
View CommentReally very good. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing
View CommentPerfect formula to overcome obstacles – Many thanks for sharing these wonderful instructions.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for this triple P formula. I hope I remember this always
View CommentReally very good. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentIts really wonderful.
View CommentThank you so much Maharaj, for such an amazing Formula.
HH Radhanath Swami’s “3P” formula will definitely attract all “3G” descendants.
View CommentAn excellent & practical solution to face obstacles in spiritual life
View CommentThank you Maharaj for teaching important lesson on patience.
View CommentThank You very much Maharaj for giving this perfect formula.
View CommentMaharaj you are truly Magical !!!!
View CommentWe can see in Radhanath Swami’s life that how nicely he himself has implemented this 3 P formula. This is evident from various stories of Journey Home book by him
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