On the way to Varanasi, Richard arrived back at Delhi and met Sean, a friend whom he had known at London. Richard began to feel uncomfortable in his company, and found Sean’s mannerisms, language and interests crude and strange. Less than a year ago, Richard had enjoyed his company but why was it so different now? Richard realized it wasn’t Sean but he himself who had changed, and that’s why the world that had been so familiar to him, now seemed foreign. He realized how the association and environment we chose molds our character down to the fundamental views of life.
Radhanath Swami quotes the Bhagavad Gita to highlight this point, “What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage.” (Bhagavad Gita 2.69).
Although Richard could no longer agree with Sean’s ideas or ways, he was careful not to fall into the trap of criticizing him for that. Richard himself had been a victim of judgmental hatred due to his unconventional choices in life, and felt he couldn’t do the same with others. Realizing criticism is a vicious trap Richard preferred to carry on with his spiritual life, while respecting Sean as a soul that originated from the same Divine source.
“Criticism stems from a deep rooted false pride in what we are and what we can do”, says Radhanath Swami. “Proclivity to criticize is an expression of self glorification.” Radhanath Swami considers finding faults with others as one of the biggest traps for a spiritualist. He is quite graphic with his analogies, “Criticizing others is like passing foul substances from the mouth, for it fouls when we speak negatively of others.” He is quick to convert a likely negative situation of fault finding to a positive expression of encouragement. One of the leaders of the monastery related this incident. Once in a meeting the leaders mentioned about a member of the ashram (monastery) who had been frivolous, and Radhanath Swami was quick to point out that the concerned member was friendly, and not frivolous. A devotee interrupted, “No, Radhanath Swami, he is frivolous and childish.”
Radhanath Swami instantly replied, “I think you mean he’s friendly and child-like.”
Radhanath Swami teaches his students to develop a spiritual vision while interacting with others. Spiritual vision, he says, is when we stop seeing things from our sense perception, rather we prayerfully seek to understand how God would see this situation and the person we are interacting with. This helps us develop respect for all, because God loves all beings, His own children more than we ever will. Radhanath Swami asks, “Imagine what it would be like if God judges us the same way we judge others. What hope do we have?” When we are judged wrongly by someone, we appeal to be understood for our intentions, and not by our behavior. However when we judge others, we don’t consider if their motives are pure and harmless; we quickly catch them on the behavior that doesn’t confirm to our preconceived notions.
Following the footsteps of his Guru, Radhanath Swami urges a spiritualist to be like a bumble bee and not a fly. The former seeks fragrant rose even in a dirty place, whereas the latter looks for a piece of garbage even in a fragrant flower garden. Likewise a fly like person is blind to all good qualities of others and hunts for their fault, whereas a bee like spiritualist sees good in others even when there is an overabundance of faults.
Person like Maharaj only can find good things even in something that is not good or its really bad… Maharaj ki jai
View Commentvery nice article!!
View CommentVery inspiring! Thankyou for posting!!
View CommentMEMORABLE .
View CommentTHANKS
As Radhanath swami is telling here to be a tru spiritualist one must be free from tendency to criticise others.
View CommentThank you very much for these thoughts. These are very inspiring and teaches how to become like honey-bee instead of becoming like fly
View CommentTHese are such deep thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing. It is true that we being practicing spiritualists are very often in this trap of criticing others….
View CommentNice analogy of bumble bee and fly!
View CommentAll GLories To.H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
How simplified is this lesson for all of us who are neck deep into criticising thew whole world every minute or the other.
And its a revelation as it comes from our Guru who will always, come what may, lead us only and only on the right path.
Hare Krishna
View CommentSpiritual vision, he says, is when we stop seeing things from our sense perception, rather we prayerfully seek to understand how God would see this situation and the person we are interacting with. This helps us develop respect for all, because God loves all beings, His own children more than we ever will-a wonderful lesson to learn to overcome this disease of faultfinding.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a personality who sees good in others even when there is an overabundance of faults.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Today I really was into this criticism mode, but your message looks like it will turn the day for me. I am indebted to you!!
View CommentThank you very much for this great example of positive living!
View CommentI pray to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj that I get rid of this anartha of finding faults in others.
View CommentWe criticize because we rely on our sense perception and the past experiences but and but when we see things in respect to other person then we will have only appreciation. Thank you for sharing.
View CommentSuch a deep subject. For me it is always impediment for my spiritual progress. Only when I listen to Radhanth Swami techings, I feel some hope that I too one day can overcome this obsticle.
View CommentIt is so simple to find faults & criticize others but when it comes to us we always want to be overlooked & forgiven for our faults. Thank you for this meditation.
View CommentMaharaj is right in saying that we have to view others in positive light.If not, what hope do we have in spiritual advancement.
View CommentVery nice article!!
View CommentI too think criticizing others is the trap that easily finds its prey. Radhanath Swami is so expert in giving the key to come out of this trap with graphic examples
View CommentBeautiful piece of content. I just stumbled upon your blog along with wanted to pronounce that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed also I hope you post back again shortly.
View CommentThis was really an eye opener for me.
View Comment“Proclivity to criticize is an expression of self glorification”. Radhanath Swami is bang on target with this one.
View CommentI am dumbfounded how he can put forth the most complete and profound analysis of so many issues which haunt many of us.
Looking forward to many such pearls of wisdom from him.
Books even describe that criticism can even lead to health problems besides it’s a mentally unhealthy condition. I want to thank Radhanath Swami for his words to help overcome this disease of the mind. Hats off to Radhanth Swami…
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami maharaj. We have been associating with you for many years now, and still are unable to imbibe even a drop of your divine qualities. Radhanath Swami never critizes anyone, even if the other person is one the verge of causing him harm. Radhanath Swami is a true saint.
View Commentwe should never criticize among devotees
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for teaching us how to develop the positive quality of appreciating others.
View CommentWonderful article – “We should be like bumble bee and not like a fly”. Thanks a lot Maharaj for giving us the eyes to appreciate others.
View CommentVery good explanation for a spiritualist. Finding faults with others is the different vision from God. Better be a bumble bee rather than a fly. Good advice. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentSo deep and true !
View CommentIt is so simple to find faults & criticize others but when it comes to us we always want to be overlooked & forgiven for our faults
View CommentThank u Maharaj for this article.
H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj has nicely explained how not to criticise others. thank you Maharaj for this.
View CommentAmazing statement by Radhanath Swami “Imagine what it would be like if God judges us the same way we judge others. What hope do we have?”. This clearly shows how humble and true lover of all living beings he is.
View Commentvery nice article, thank you Maharaj for your kind instructions, haribol, bhakti
View Commentvery rightly said by HHRM that we must find good in the bad, haribol, rajesh karia
View Commentmost of the times i make the mistake of judging anyone just externally. But i hope to improve on it by keeping in mind Radhanath Swami Maharaj’s instruction to see how that particular person would be seen by God.
View CommentCriticism stems from a deep rooted false pride in what we are and what we can do-says Radhanath Swami. Very powerful statement
View CommentThe last para in this article touched my heart..
View CommentThank you Maharaj for this enlightening teachings..
Really what phenomena given by HH Radhanath swami.B’cus of which we can easily remove from our anarthas.
View CommentA very nice & useful article to help us in overcoming the tendency to criticize & judge others
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