Carrying the stick given by Rama Sevaka Swami, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) hitchhiked and reached the outskirts of Kathmandu. A pack of snarling dogs charged towards Richard growling ferociously. Richard remembered the walking stick and wildly began to swing it back and forth. The wild dogs could smell Richard’s flesh and blood and escalated their attacks. He dove inside a house and slammed the door shut behind him. The owner of the house was alarmed at the sight of an intruder, but seeing Richard’s supplication, softened and gave him shelter for the night. Richard spent the rest of the night as his guest listening to the pack of hungry dogs barking outside the door until dawn.
Radhanath Swami recollects an analogy from the American Indians. Within every heart dwell two dogs, a bad dog and a good dog, both at battle with one another. The bad dog represents our debased tendencies of envy, anger, lust, greed, arrogance, and illusion. The good dog, our divine nature, is represented by forgiveness, compassion, self-control, generosity, humility, and wisdom. Whichever dog we feed the most through the choices we make and the utilization of our time will empower that dog to bark the loudest and conquer the other. Virtue is to starve the bad dog and feed the good dog. Richard (now Radhanath Swami) reflected on the pack of dogs that attacked him that night, foaming at the mouth with a lust to devour him. Radhanath Swami feels the incident was a graphic visualization of what he was up against in his internal journey.
Radhanath Swami explains that this internal struggle is an unavoidable reality in the life of a spiritual seeker. As we attempt to reconnect to God through spiritual practises, the mind throws up our past conditionings and sucks our enthusiasm through a barrage of negative thoughts. Therefore, Radhanath Swami says a seeker of God should learn to tap the power of the mind and not let it go astray.
While pondering over Radhanath Swami’s words of wisdom, I am reminded of a remark made by Willam Blake, “The mind is such a thing that it can make heaven out of hell and hell out of heaven.” Since we live with our minds lifelong, the state of our mind determines the state of our life.
To prevent feeding the bad dog within us, we need to use our intelligence. Radhanath Swami reveals in his talks that all sacred scriptures and cultures caution us to not succumb to the mind’s short-sighted urges for instant pleasure or relief. This demand for immediate pleasure is sought by giving in to negative forces within us, and is akin to feeding the bad dog. Quoting the Bhagavad Gita, the essence of Indian wisdom, Radhanath Swami explains that the best way to deal with the mind is to treat it as a person different from ourselves. We need to critically examine its ideas, which are often detrimental to our long-term self-interest, just as we would examine the ideas given by someone else. But the mind proposes its thoughts, desires and emotions so subtly and irresistibly that we un-thinkingly consider them to be our own and indiscriminately act on them. Therefore we have to constantly guard against feeding the bad dog- our lower natures.
I wonder how to feed the good dog within me always? And Radhanath Swami has the answer, “Selfishness is our enemy. Yet we are so inclined to fall into that state of mind. The cure for this is to serve.” By cultivating a service attitude, Radhanath Swami assures we will be feeding the good dog.
very inspiring!!
View CommentThank you very much for sharing. H.H.Radhanath Swami here clearly explains with an example that feeding the good dog and conquering over bad dog with our service attitude is the only way to purify our heart to love God.
View CommentH.H Radhanat Swami Maharaj has given beautiful way to make mind surrender unto the lotus feet of Lord. Thanks Maharaj!
View CommentBad dog—-treat as a separate person and good dog——-treat as selfless. Wonderful suggestion. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentAll Glories to H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
What an wonderful story, and an easy but profound explanation to put application into our lives.
Hare Krishna
View CommentThis good dog – bad dog philosophy so wonderfully explains why we become good or bad people in such a practical manner! Jai ho!
View CommentInteresting analogy
View CommentThanks for sharin these thoughts. Really it is very important to see mind as a different person and feed the good dog within always making right choices.
View CommentRadhanath Swami always encourages one in serving the Lord……..great leader
View CommentThank you very much Maharaj
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj for sharing such profound realizations after going through life threatning situations.
View Commentvery nice and inspirational article. Of in times we our so busy feeding the bad dog by daily serving the material needs of this world that we forget to feed the good dog.That is our spiritual life.
View CommentIn life we also need to make a choice between these two dogs
View CommentWhat an important lesson for all of us. I am grateful to LORD that we have Maharaj with us to guide us all the time. Thanks for sharing.. JAI !!!
View CommentThere is evidently a lot for me to study outside of my books. Thanks for the important read,
View CommentI wonder how to feed the good dog within me always? And Radhanath Swami has the answer, “Selfishness is our enemy. Yet we are so inclined to fall into that state of mind. The cure for this is to serve.” By cultivating a service attitude, Radhanath Swami assures we will be feeding the good dog.——-So beautifully maharaj has explained this.Thank u Maharaj
View CommentJust love this article !
View CommentVery powerful insructions from Maharajah
View Comment“seeker of God should learn to tap the power of the mind and not let it go astray”.
To perform any activity, we first need the assistance of mind, so it must be trained. Jai Gurudev
Master mine ,please lead me on the eternal path divine
Kindly dispel my dark delusion by your wisdom’s bright shine.
As I flounder and fall, take my hand in thine
My mind is ever torn between two beasts canine
Guide me to starve the bad one, good one to nourish and dine
That with passing of time, I will to good always incline
And in your secure , cool shelter forever recline.
View CommentAccepting our Good Self is not so much of a problem, but Accepting the Bad Self is – Just Too Much or virtually impossible.
View CommentRadhanath Swamis book ‘The Journey Home’ is packed with so many thought provoking facts penned down so lucidly , It is a not to be missed Experience
I wish I could always feed only the good dog.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has recommended that just by service we can rise above our lower self. What a wonderful thought.
View CommentVery powerful insructions from Maharaj
View Comment“seeker of God should learn to tap the power of the mind and not let it go astray”.
To perform any activity, we first need the assistance of mind, so it must be trained. Jai Gurudev
Thank you very much Maharaj for sharing and connecting wonderful realisation Maharaj can learn so many lessons even from such a horifying Incidence This only devotees like RADHANATH MAHARAJ can do.
View CommentBy cultivating a service attitude, we will be feeding the good dog – Thank you so much Maharaj for sharing these insightful realizations.
View CommentMy prayer at the lotus feet of all Vaishnavas is to bless me so that I can growingly feed the good dog. All glories to HH Radhanath Swami!
View CommentAll glories to Maharaj whose presence can make all the difference to the life of one seeking the spiritual path. Thanks Maharaj for being so graceful in showering your mercy upon us.
View CommentThankyou Maharaj for explaining in such a wonderful manner. I hope everyone would have faced this situation. This information will give strength to progress in spritual life
View Commentvery inspiring!!
View CommentThis is truly so inspiring…thank you maharaj
View Commentthis article is one of very favorites and we learn a lot from it and shall always remember to feed the good thoughts more in our minds than the bad ones, regards, rajesh
View Commentnice article and very inspiring, haribol, bhakti
View CommentAmazing description of these two types of nature within us.It depends on us which one we want to build one.
View CommentVery inspiring thank you so much.
View CommentThe journey home book is so wonderful and gives inspiration to us about spirituality.
View Commentvery inspiring!!
View CommentThank you very much for sharing
View CommentReally what an phenomena of mind has given by swamiji , really awakened & practical.
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