On a lonely Himalayan footpath, Richard saw a fearsome tribe of Naga Babas. They held tridents crowned with human skulls. Heavy coils of matted hair on heads and thick ashes covered their flesh. Even in the biting cold, some of them were completely naked. Richard burned with eagerness to understand why they led such a severe life. With their permission he travelled with them and they threw furious stares at him for wearing rubber sandals. He instantly threw them off and then they offered an intoxicating chillum pipe. He hesitated and after some nervous moments when Richard wondered if he had offended them by declining, they finally honored his vow to abstain from intoxicants. He also saw them levitate about a foot above the ground. He met their guru who demanded that Richard become a Naga, one amongst them, immediately. Richard hoped the guru of Nagas would understand him and appreciate his desire to follow his heart. The guru finally blessed Richard to go on his way. Richard left impressed by their camaraderie and loyalty to the sect. Although they were wild, rough and lived severely, in their own way Richard concluded it was all in search for God.
Radhanath Swami has personally lived an austere lifestyle on a mountain rooftop for over a decade. However to his students, he is reasonable and emphasizes on the need to maintain cleanliness and purity of thought. His students follow the basic austerities of abstaining from immoral activities. This he says keeps the body and mind clean and conducive for spiritual practices. The serious students, initiated into the spiritual discipline, additionally vow to chant a minimum of twenty five thousand names of God on the chanting, prayer beads. In the ashrams overseen by Radhanath Swami, there is no emphasis on austerities, the kind witnessed by Richard in the Himalayan forests. As Radhanath Swami says, “A spiritualist is known for his favorable remembrance of God, and not for his control of senses.” To the extent austerities are favorable for serving and pleasing God, the practitioners accept them. After all the austerities are not an end in themselves, they are the means to attain God.
Radhanath Swami is careful to guard his students from performing severe austerities in an exclusivist way. He warns that tough austerities performed, while living with others in an ashram or a community may send wrong signals to others who are incapable of such severe austerities. Besides, the practitioner himself may become a victim of false pride, considering himself to be better than the other lesser austere spiritualists. His acutely insightful words penetrate my heart, “Collective unity is more important than individual purity.”
Many beginners on the path of spirituality struggle with conflicting desires that threaten to pull them away from God. Radhanath Swami gives hope to such sincere aspirants, “Austerity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God.” He thus appeals to our inner aspirations, rather than our achievements in spiritual disciplines. His words of wisdom echo in my consciousness, “Real austerity is not in climbing mountains, but to make the right choices in life- the choices that will please God.”
Once a student asked him why he went through so many austerities, and was tough on himself, whereas we have got it all so easy in our spiritual quest. Radhanath Swami humbly replied, “You are all so simple and sweet, and easily came to the shelter of God. But I am fallen, and very complicated. Therefore I had to go through severe austerities before I got shelter.” Nothing could be further from truth; his sincerity is beyond doubt, witnessed over four decades of tireless service to his guru’s mission. His endearing quality is while he is austere and tough on himself, and doesn’t compromise on the strictness of his personal practices, he is lenient and accommodating with the others struggling in their spiritual lives.
Having all facilities, it is very difficult to reach the target. Without having anything conducive if one reaches the target is really a great achievement. Radhanath Swami is really a great spiritual master to guide anyone in any situation.
View CommentThanks for this enlightening insight about the austerities which is often misunderstood. This meditation reveals us that the real conciousness in doing a austerity is to please God not ourself. Thanks for this wonderful meditation.
View CommentH H Radhanath swami had lived so much austere life but last so many years he is organizing wonderful feast for all of us in Radha-Gopinath temple.Through this delicious prasad so many soul has become a wonderful devotee.Jai Gurudev!!!
View CommentIt is amazing to see his humility. He is very harsh on himself and very kind to others. This a rare quality which only a great soul can possess.
View CommentPeople like Radhanath Swami are rare in this world. It is a special arrangement of God to have sent him to learn us how to live.
View CommentIts amazing quality of Radhanath Swami : “Strict with oneself & lenient with others”. He gaves space & time to everyone for growing in life. Whatever skills & talents one has he encourages everyone to dovetail them in GOD’s service !
View CommentAll Glories unto Radhanath Swami !
All Glories to Guru Maharaj
View CommentNice Article…
View CommentAs one reads the book ‘The Journey Home’ on gets absorbed more and more and doesn’t realizes that within the introspection has already began, by the end of it one is Gasping not for want of air, but to get more and more of the enriching experience. Radhanath Swami’s life is like a road which was unpaved and had many obstacles and is now paved so others can walk on it without much discomfort in their own spiritual quest as Radhanth swami lives a life of austerity to make it easy for the followers.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj is so humble,so tolerant,so sincere towards his Guru Maharaj in serving him in his mission….only pure soul like him be so committed. I also pray that i become a bit sincere in serving him and Srila Prabhupada in their mission.
View CommentIt is generally seen that when one performs severe austerities, one becomes proud. But Radhanath Swami is very humble, loving and selfless person. This is really amazing and it touches the heart.
View CommentRadhanath Swami, in one of his lectures once said a beautiful line, “You should be strict to yourself and liberal to others when it comes to performing austerities”. What a beautiful heart he has to think so nicely !!!
View CommentRadhanath Swami had undergone severe austerities for more than a decade after embarking on the spiritual path. However, being very compassionate to his followers, he is letting us reap the benefits of his tapasya by merely following his instructions as passed on to him by Srila Prabhupada. So for us, its “Chant Hare Krishna & be happy” – thats the only austerity we need to perform!
View CommentBy his words, Radhanath Swami fans the sparks of inner aspirations of the soul, and soon the spark turns into a fire of spiritual advancement.
View CommentRadhanath Swami guides his students as per their individual capacities encouraging them to maintain the purity required to progress in Spiritual practices.
View CommentThank u maharaj ,
View CommentYour words give us lifeline ..
very good inspirational article.
View Commentradhanath swami is humble and tolerating which the so called bogus saints and spiritual seekers now-a-days make duplicity,
View CommentTruly inspiring article
View Comment“Real austerity is not in climbing mountains, but to make the right choices in life- the choices that will please God.”
View CommentThe above realisation of HH Radhanath Swami wii definitely encourage more people like me because it is more appealing and simple. I thank HH Radhanath Swami millions of time for showing me this path.
“Real austerity is not in climbing mountains, but to make the right choices in life- the choices that will please God.”
View CommentThe above realisation of HH Radhanath Swami will definitely encourage more people like me because it is more appealing and simple. I thank HH Radhanath Swami millions of time for showing me this path.
I have never read a more thrilling story than Radhanath Swami’s.
View CommentVery thrilling!
View CommentThank you for posting this experience of HH Radhanath Swami, it was a very interesting read. I wonder if there are any more of Radhanath Swami’s inspiring life experiences on sites other than this one..
View CommentAusterity is meant to please GOD, not please our ego.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a true spiritual-seeker who is sharing his deepest insights into the spiritual realm with his followers.
I found this particular gem irresistible from quoting it again here in this comment:”Austerity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God.”
Thank you Radhanath Swami for sharing your heart.
“Austerity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God.” I would rather more emphasize on this to know the real austerity.
View CommentExtremely thrilling, one of the many in the Radhanath Swami’s book. The one thing I particularly appreciate this wonderful personality of Radhanath Swami for is his extremely amazing ability to very carefully take only good things in everything and everyone and very respectfully and humbly leaving behind unfavorable things without even slightly hurting anyone.
View CommentAll glories to Srila Radhanath Swami Maharaj for having the perfect vision and sharing it with all of us so we can also develop the proper mood of love and devotion to the Lord. All glories to Maharaj!!
View CommentHe is Gods man doing Gods work. Thank you.
View Comment“Austerity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God.”
View CommentRadhanath Swami inspires us to make the choice to please the Lord. Thanks Maharaj.
thanks for this most inspiring article !! Radhanath Swami is so profoundly pure in consciousness and so clear and powerful in thinking.
View CommentAusterity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God. I pray that I get strength and wisdom to practice this statement of Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View Commentvery inspiring article
View CommentRadhanth Swami is very humble to say that he had to undergo severe austerities to achieve shelter only because he is fallen. But that’s not the fact. Through his example God is teaching us that we cant achieve God so easily.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a living legend teaching us by his own experience and example.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj is like our father who takes lots of pains and tribulations on himself, simply, so that his children are always comfortable and warm (in spiritual life).
View CommentThank you from the core of my heart, dear Guru Maharaj.
Austerity means even if our mind and senses are disturbed, our actions and words are performed according to the will of God. This is very deep and profound statement……
Radhanath Swami is guiding all his disciples in following this path toward self-realization.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj is so humble. If a pure soul like him feels he is fallen and complicated and needed to undergo severe austerities for over a decade for purification then truly fallen souls like us will have to undergo purification for god knows how long…
View CommentMaharaj’s life is full of such exemplary behaviours. Its true that he is very strict with himself but very linient with others to allow them gently take Krsna Consciousness without getting fried out. His loving gestures has been nourishing spiritual life of 1000s of souls around the world.
View CommentMore and more i read about HH Radhanath Maharaj’s message,article and his concern about all those who are in the spiritual path and also other who still not realised the absolute truth …what compassion he has for all of them. I just want to thank Krishna for bring me under the shelter of such bonafide Guru. He is just distributing Krishna Prem at the cost of his severe austerity and freely giving it to all.
View CommentIt is great inspiration to see the determination of Maharaj. He is searching for the absolute path to God. In the way he seeks the blessings of similar seekers in their path to God. Thanks for sharing this wonderful meditation
View CommentRadhanath Swami sclaes higher than the mighty Himalayas when it comes to performing austerities. We cannot ever emulate nor endure such severe tapasya, however if we simply follow his instructions, then we can get similar results. That is Radhanath Swami’s mercy on us.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s vision is so clear. Austerities are not an end in themselves, they are a means to please God.
View CommentRadhanath swamiji is giving the best to people who want to receive. It is for us to receive his gifts of wisdom
View Commentmust to have a spiritual leader like radhanath swami for everyone, his past, present and no doubt his future life also will be only for his followers,
View Commentradhanath swami is simply great due to his simplest lifestyle,which inspires millions and millions of souls,
View CommentWhen I read the episode of the Naga Babas in the book, The Journey Home, it was like stepping into a world that I knew existed, but had no access to. I am grateful to Radhanath Swami. He went through so many austerities to give us the conclusion of his search – the path of bhakti so easy. And he always tries to make arrangements so devotees can be comfortable.
View Commentnice article…Hari bol
View CommentThese are some really nice meditations on Radhanath Swami’s books. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentNice article. Thank you.
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