Richard (now Radhanath Swami)’s six months of adventure filled travels was now entering an exciting phase. Since he’d heard the voice of God in his heart at Crete that told him to go to India, each day he had been looking forward. Now having reached Lahore from Peshwar, Richard was all set to enter India through the Hussainiwalla border. A stout lady at the immigration desk refused entry to Richard demanding money. She also gave instructions to her colleague who came at the night shift to not allow the ‘nuisance’ –Richard- into India. Richard once again meekly approached the tall Sikh officer and pleaded him to allow entrance into the great land of India. Richard cried tears that he had left the comforts of America to search for India’s spiritual treasures and he narrated how he had risked his life. Richard promised that someday he will do something good for the people of India. The Sikh officer relented and stamped his legal entrance into India.
Radhanath Swami did fulfill his promise to the Sikh immigration officer. Once I spoke to Dr. Ranjit Wagle, an Opthalmology specialist and a citizen of India who since his childhood dreamt of going to America and becoming a billionare. After becoming a doctor he was earning well and was all set to go to the US. During this time he met Radhanath Swami who requested him to offer some services for the poor and needy in North Indian villages. By the end of the month long camp, Dr. Ranjit’s heart had changed; the act of selfless service filed his heart with a deep inner fulfillment and he changed his plan. He now stays in India and serves the needy. At a time when the Indians are forgetting their own roots and blindly aping the Western countries, Radhanath Swami reminds the Indians the need to render service here.
At a time when more than eighty percent of the doctors in India work in the cities, the villages have suffered due to lack of medical facilities. Radhanath Swami pioneered rural eye camps free of cost. Today many medical students and doctors visit these annual camps and help the needy in rural areas. Radhanath Swami is now inspiring many to settle in Indian villages. I am amazed how an American born has so much love and concern for this country.
Radhanath Swami is also inspiring a team of dedicated people to serve food to the poor and needy children in schools daily. The project, ‘Mid Day Meal’ is an initiative of ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, inspired by the tireless leadership of Radhanath Swami. The ISKCON Food Relief Foundation is at present implementing the Mid Day Meal Project in 14 centers across India, cooking for more than 6,60,6000 school going children every day. At present, in Mumbai alone there are four units with state-of-the-art ISO 9001-2000 certified kitchens.
Radhanath Swami regrets that India is so much concerned with building better cars , better bombs and better technology when the west has already perfected that and are destroying the world with it. Radhanath Swami insists that India’s opulence is in its transcendental knowledge. “Indians are tossing aside the most valuable diamond of spirituality to pick up the broken pieces of glass of materialism”, says Radhanath Swami. He repeats the words of his guru, “Any family in India that has more than one child should give at least one child for a spiritual cause to spread the glories of India throughout the world.”
Radhanath Swami is beyond the bodily concepts of Indian or American. He is a lover of God !!
View CommentRadhanath Swami is simply concerned with compassion for the soul, beyond bodily designations of country and society
View Comment“Indians are tossing aside the most valuable diamond of spirituality to pick up the broken pieces of glass of materialism”. So true. Radhanath Swami is the entropy behind leading the army of devotees to drive back this scenario of materialism to transcendental civilization
View CommentThere is a a lot to be learnt from each page of the book “The Journey Home”. H.H Radhanath Swami is showing Indians what we have forgotten through western influence and so called secular democracy. Good number of people are opening their eyes due to his preachings. Infact, he is preaching all over the globe the purpose of mankind and several people are getting the benefit. All glories to Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami understands the real India and what her real values are.
View CommentBy associating with what is pure, we become purified.
View CommentOnly a Johri knows the real value of the real Diamonds
View CommentIt is true that many Indians ape the Americans – Radhanath Swami is the perfect American to emulate.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s compassion & selflessness knows no bounds.
View CommentThis article reminds us what India stands for and the need to maintain that treasure.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is driving many useful projects to help preserve and promote the cultural heritage. Thank you Radhanath Swami for doing so much good for India.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has fulfiled the promise given by him to sikh immigration official.The immigration official got an opportunity to serve the great soul like Radhanth Swami.Lots of thanks to him too.Thank you very much.
View CommentYes. Radhanath Swami makes us feel proud. And hope to become worthy of all this.
View CommentI fully agree with Radhanath Swami when he says “Indians are tossing aside the most valuable diamond of spirituality to pick up the broken pieces of glass of materialism”. It’s high time indians wake up and realize of futility of aping the western nations.
View Commentthanx for sharing
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a true visionary manifesting the designs of true universal brotherhood under the care and shelter of the universal Father, God.
View CommentHeart touching article.“Indians are tossing aside the most valuable diamond of spirituality to pick up the broken pieces of glass of materialism”- very well versed every Indian must be follow this instruction.
View CommentWonderful article.Radhanath Maharaj is inspiration & driving force for many useful projects to promote the cultural heritage of India.Thanks for sharing.All glories to Radhanath Maharaj.
View CommentAn individual soul is neither an American or an Indian.Yet Radhanath Swami is considered as’Brajavasi’.Brajavasi means inhabitant of Vraja.Vraja is a place geographically situated in North India but scriptures also tell us that Braja is the highest place in the spiritual world, the abode of Supreme Lord and the original home of every living entity.
View CommentThanks very much the only way I could show my gratitude to Maharaja is try to follow his instruction with sincerity
View CommentYes, I am waiting for that day when every town and village of the world will reverberate with the chanting of the holy names of God. And Radhanath Swami is spearheading the movement.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj cares for the world!
View CommentRadhanath Swami ki Jaya
View CommentAll glories to mother India!!!!!
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj is leading such nice initiatives & remind us about the importance of holy land India.
View CommentTrue Indian- Radhanath swami
View CommentMay the words of Radhanath swami come true
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so true in his message
View CommentI agree with the first comment. Radhanath Swami is indeed a pure devotee of God.
View Commentvery inspiring
View CommentRadhanath Swami has rejuvenated so many Indian souls for the upliftment of the social culture to conform to the rules/regulations of the vedic culture. This is one of his amazing controbutions to India. “Barsana Eye camp”, “Food for life” and many other programs that he has pioneered are serving the Indians.
View CommentThe real Indian
View CommentRadhanath swami is inspiring us to have faith in our own culture
View CommentYes, when we read Radhanath Swami’s book “The Journey Home” and his promise to the Sikh officer at the border, we realise how much love he has for this country – which is the motherland of spirituality. Especially the ways in which he has more than fulfilled his promise is simply mind boggling.
View CommentOnly a true saint like Radhanath Swami can lead to such a transaformation of heart that the doctor decided to stay and serve the needy in India, thank you very much Radhanath Swami!
View CommentThankyou Radhanath Swami for reminding us our roots and not get attracted by those broken pieces of glass and to dedicate our lives for the cause of spreading the Love of God.Thankyou Maharaj.
View CommentVery True.
“Indians are tossing aside the most valuable diamond of spirituality to pick up the broken pieces of glass of materialism”.
Maharajah because of your love and guidance you have changed the spiritual face of India specially among young generation.
View Commentmany thanks for sharing the glories of swamiji
View CommentIndian Government must present a special award to H H Radhanath Swami for all he has done for this country.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj has set the example of true selfless service!
View CommentIt is really heartening to see that under guidance of Radhanath Maharaj, so many qualified doctors & other professionals are now trying to serve the poor & country rather than going to the west for earning more.
View CommentThough I am an Indian, honestly i do not have as much concern for my countrymen as Radhanath Maharaj. He has concern for Indians because though India is so rich spiritually, Indians are forgetting this fact & trying to ape the western countries.
Indians are most closest to vedic culture and vedic culture gives the highest access to God… Radhanath Swami has so much blessed Indians by giving us the taste of returning to our roots of vedic culture and saved us from a very dangerous situation…
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s entry into India was a harrowing incident, even reading about it.
View CommentRadhanath Swami really fulfilled his promise
View CommentThis is so true, as I too am one that came to the West looking for success. Since I was blessed with Krishna Consciousness, there is a yearning to return to India and serve, as HH Radhanath Swami describes. However, there are so many entanglements that have to be worked out. So, my advice to all is to follow the instructions of HH Radhanath Swami, and you will be happy.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s vision and true understanding of Indian culture is really amazing… we are very fortunate to have Radhanath Maharaj amongst us…..
View Commentthank you for sharing this.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s whole life & his service to India is glorious & unparalelled……thank you so much swamiji for fulfilling your promise to such an extent……..
View CommentWonderful, Truly a universal citizen
View Commentmaharaj is amazing…
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