Richard (now Radhanath Swami) got trapped in a quick sand and as he was drowning, a boat man waved his hand and indicated that he swim forward with the current of Yamuna. There once again he heard the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, the song he had first heard from Mother Ganges at Rishikesh. He finally survived and sat on the river bank. Earlier he had found the sand to be scorching but now the sand was cool and soft. He reflected on how humans are also like this sand. A person influenced by his association or circumstances can either become envious or affectionate. Our company has an effect on our consciousness. Therefore we have to be instruments of kindness by associating with the inherent goodness of all rather than the negativities.
To keep ourselves spiritually charged we have to be careful of the association we keep. Radhanath Swami says that while association of spiritually advanced people is essential for making progress in developing love for God, one should also be careful to avoid offending great or even ordinary spiritual practitioners. We have to keep the association of spiritually advanced people as our priority and search for this kind of association. The scriptures compare our hearts to a crystal which reflects and becomes similar to whatever type of people it associates with. Radhanath Swami quotes the fifteenth century masterpiece work of spiritual literature, Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita which states that even a moment’s association with a lover of God can ensure us all perfection. Therefore association is important. Radhanath Swami says the converse is also true. If we constantly associate with those who love to criticize and find faults, we also get filled with these mentalities.
Radhanath Swami has a simple formula for spiritual advancement. He asks how one becomes a drug addict. The easiest way to become one is by associating with other addicts. Similarly how does one become a sincere spiritualist? By associating with other sincere spiritualists. Radhanath Swami sums it up beautifully, “Good association increases our attachment to the highest truth. Those who come to attend discussions on absolute truth are compared to hamsas or swans. The swan never goes so low to eat the garbage on the side of the street. Its mind is fixed on attaining the nectar in the whorl of the lotus flower. The greatest, pure-hearted human beings are called Paramahamsas; they are like the supreme swans.” Therefore we have to hanker to associate with such swans.
Radhanath Swami gives a telling example from the Indian scripture Srimad Bhagavatam. One of the greatest devotees of Lord recognized in Srimad Bhagavatam is Narada Muni. He was earlier born of a poor maid servant and had little facility to practise spiritual life. However his mother sincerely served great devotees of the Lord. While she served the great devotees, five year old Narada assisted his mother. This service purified him and by his momentary association of these pure hearted souls, he too went on to become a great devotee of the Supreme Lord.
Radhanath Swami is quick to clarify that association of great devotees doesn’t mean simply being physically close to them. Real association means service to great souls and following their instructions. When we do these two things, then the association will give us benefits. Otherwise despite being in association, we may not experience any tangible progress in our spiritual life.
Good association is the Key to advancement in spiritual life!
View CommentHow does one become a sincere spiritualist? By associating with other sincere spiritualists. Radhanath Swami sums it up beautifully, “Good association increases our attachment to the highest truth.
View CommentSwamiji has so kindly shared his divine realizations…..Thanks
View CommentSrila Prabhupada Ki Jai
View Commentthank you maharaj and prabhupada for giving and opportunity to be in association with devotes in iskcon
View CommentA person is known by the company he is in. Nice realization shared by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentImmensely useful tips here from HH Radhanath Swami. “Real association means service to great souls and following their instructions. When we do these two things, then the association will give us benefits.” Thank you for sharing.
View Commentwonderful!!1
View CommentService to great souls is a real association & following their instruction,this is what Maharaj clarifies. Thank you Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami gives a very practical and realistic approach to get purified and taste the highest form of happiness, simply by associating with saintly people. Thank you very much for sharing.
View CommentVery inspiring read from Radhanath swami. This blog reminded me of unwanted desires in spiritual life and helped me to pray in order to overcome them.
View CommentGood association increases our attachment to the highest truth. Those who come to attend discussions on absolute truth are compared to hamsas or swans
View CommentAssociation is very subtle subject matter as it starts on the mental platform. By following the instructions of great soul we can surely purify our existence. Very wonderful explanation by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentIt is said that person is known by company he keeps.Association is so powerful tool that it can make one’s future or can spoil one’s future.Radhanath Swami herein guides us that what type of company one should keep in order to fulfill purpose of human form of life.As iron takes a form of fire when associated with fire,the same is true with us also.If we associate with saintly people we will definitely develop good qualities.Thank you Radhanath Swami for nice teachings.
View CommentGreat ananlogy and explanation by HH Radhanath Maharaj.
View CommentVery true! We should associate with saintly people and devotees if we want to sincerely progress in our spiritual lives.
View CommentTo always see good in others and think positive about their words and actions are the hall mark qualities of HH Radhanath Swami which he developed due to personal realisations and he is happy to share with others.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has a wonderful personality.
View CommentA man is known by the company he keeps! Thank you Radhanath Swami.
View Comment“The scriptures compare our hearts to a crystal which reflects and becomes similar to whatever type of people it associates with”-Nice analogy to show the effect of association.
View CommentThe association a person keeps, greatly influences him & his character….Thanks Swamiji for your guidance…..
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami nicely explains the deeper meaning of actual association of great saints.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is quick to clarify that association of great devotees doesn’t mean simply being physically close to them. Real association means service to great souls and following their instructions.
View CommentEnlightening article
View CommentAssociation is strength!
View CommentSrila Prabhupada also says that if we think we can advance in Krishna consciousness alone (without association) then we are insane
View CommentThank you Maharaj for your enlightening article.
View CommentAs HH Radhanath Swami nicely explains the true meaning of association, we should enquire about the real goal of life and how to achieve it from the great souls to get actual benefit of their association.
View CommentLava matra sadhu sangha sarva siddhi hoi
View Comment“Real association means service to great souls and following their instructions” Thanks Radhanath swmai
View Commentwe have to be instruments of kindness by associating with the inherent goodness of all rather than the negativities!!!!!!!!
View CommentBeautiful post! unhealthy or material association can sometimes be poisonous.
View Comment“Real association means service to great souls and following their instructions. When we do these two things, then the association will give us benefits. Otherwise despite being in association, we may not experience any tangible progress in our spiritual life.” H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj has kindly explained how to take the benefit from right association.
View CommentRadhanath Swami explained beautifully with wonderful analogy how a person changes as per his association, we should hanker for association of devotees and serve them to get purified. Thank you very much for sharing.
View CommentThank you for this very wonderful article
View Commentwonderful article.thank you radhanath maharaj for sharing.
View CommentReal association of great souls like HH Radhanath Swami, serving them and following their footsteps open the doors for perfection of life.
View CommentThank you for sharing the article, One of the books of Maharaj 6 Goswamis of Vrindhavan mentions that when we follow the instruction of the great souls then we can see Lord .
View CommentThe association we keep affects our desires in life,
View CommentWe are our company.
View CommentAssociation is the only shelter.
View CommentIf one develops love for God by following His instructions, one can know the supreme absolute truth.
View CommentThank you very much HH Radhanath Swami
View CommentThe company that we keep is extremely important.
View CommentThank you very much for this wonderful narration.
View CommentAssociation is the power to sustain us in Spiritual life.
View CommentGreat explanation by HH Radhanath Maharaj
View CommentOne of the most important aspect of our spiritual life is association with like-minded people.
View CommentThank you so much for this message
View CommentReal association means service to great souls and following their instructions.
View Comment