Richard met a thirteen year old ‘incarnation’ of Krishna who dressed with a crown and a peacock feather, played a flute, and stood in the pose of Krishna. But he looked very different from the painting of Krishna Richard had purchased in Delhi. Although Richard believed this incarnation could be an accomplished yogi, he had no inclination to accept him as Krishna. Richard thought God is a serious subject, and cannot be taken lightly.
On another day a man grabbed Richard and stuck a metal stick on his ear, and gouged for some time. Then he took the stick out and showed Richard a big lump of ear wax; he had cleaned one ear of Richard. To clean the other he demanded a rupee. Since Richard didn’t have any money, the man left him with one dirty ear. Richard’s hearing was now like an unbalanced stereo system; he could hear clearly only in one ear. Richard learnt two lessons from this incident:
The dirty wax of egotism accumulated in the heart prevents us from clearly hearing the Lord’s voice within. A guru, with the stick of knowledge, cleans our hearts. It’s really ugly to see what may come out, but by following patiently, we keep cleaning. Another lesson I took from this experience was sometimes the Lord gives us a free sample of religious experience, but for more, we must pay a price with the currency of sincere dedication to the process of cleansing.
This realization of Richard answered a question I had for a long time; why is it that for some practitioners, after the initial excitement in spiritual life, the practice becomes boring and a drag. The Lord gives a free sample, and expects us to now become sincere. Radhanath Swami explains that sincerity means practicing spiritual life even if we do not get regular experiences or visions of God. A practitioner’s faith will be tested by God and a prolonged period of dryness is an opportunity for us to grow in our spiritual lives. Spiritual growth requires us to break the ritualistic barrier and go deeper in our practices.
Radhanath Swami reveals that to go deeper we need to know that spiritual life is not a mechanical set of rituals; rather it’s a moment-to-moment remembrance of God. If we can constantly remember God then the spiritual experience will continue with time. In fact the realizations will grow corresponding to our prayerful remembrance of God. God also puts his devotees through different tests. At such times, although externally we may be facing difficulties, our turning to God gives us a spiritual experience. Life then becomes worth living, for a seeker experiences internal union with God. Radhanath Swami offers studying scriptural prayers as an advice for those seeking divine experiences.
The scriptures are filled with the prayers of great souls. A devotee repeats these prayers, not as a stereotype ritual but with a desire to understand the content and feelings of the pure devotees offering these prayers. With an enthusiasm to access the Lord’s mercy, a seeker of spiritual experience invests his feelings into these prayers, and simultaneously offers his own personal prayers to God. A contemplative study of the scriptures and prayerful connection to God is a small price a devotee pays, in exchange of which the lord fills his heart with divine happiness.
Radhanath swami Maharaj’s Journey home book is an inspiration for the entire humanity at large, young, old, Vaishnavas, karmis, etc. This will give a definite path to search for the real wealth of Krishna conciousness which we are all actually seaking for.
View CommentInstantaneously remembering Krishna is Krishna consciousness. Radhanath Swami advises us to remember Him just by prayers which actually help us to associate with Him. Following the instructions of Radhanath Swami helps one to remember Krishna always. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThank you for sharing these two lessons to practise during difficult times – prayers and studying the scriptures
View CommentDevotional practise involves progressing slowly and steadily step by step under the shelter of a bonafide guru.
View CommentNice Article!!! Thank you very much for sharing.
View CommentNicely explained. Thanks.
View CommentMaharaj has an amazing sense of taking a learning from every incident he comes across.
View CommentAmazing instruction from Maharajah
View Comment“spiritual life is not a mechanical set of rituals; rather it’s a moment-to-moment remembrance of God.”
All glories to Maharajah.
Very Insightful article – The Lord gives a free sample, and expects us to now become sincere. Depending on our sincerity, we experience our connect with the Lord. Thank you so much Maharaj.
View CommentAll Glories To.H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
What an easy analogy Maharaj brings forth all precious lessons for spiritual development.
Hare Krishna
View CommentThe price to pay for spiritual realization seems big if we dont take the first step. But as soon as we start following spiritual life, the gains far outweigh the investment – which seems minute then.
View CommentFree sample from GOD does not continue endlessly. At some point in time, we have to take to inquiring about GOD seriously.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for your wonderful thoughts.
so deep thougths maharaj has expressed n always tries to see what he could learn from every thing that happens in life and connect to krishna. thanks maharaj .
View CommentSuch an amazing formula this is:
“A contemplative study of the scriptures and prayerful connection to God is a small price a devotee pays, in exchange of which the lord fills his heart with divine happiness.”
If we adopt this formula in our life, we will be successful and go backhome back to Godhead.
View CommentThank you for sharing these two lessons to practise during difficult times – prayers and studying the scriptures
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj took the lessons from the simple and trivial looking incidents in life. thats greatly inspiring and awesome.
View Commentmaharaj teaches us to see everything as mercy of god so that we can take even miseries in a positive way
View CommentRadhanath Swami shares such deep realisations through his experiences in life, hearing which a neophyte like me can get inspiration and enthusiasm to practice spiritual life.
Thank you very much Maharaj
View Comment“A contemplative study of the scriptures and prayerful connection to God is a small price a devotee pays, in exchange of which the lord fills his heart with divine happiness.” This sentence very nicely summarises what we should be doing everyday. Thank you Radhanath Swami
View CommentThank you very much maharaj, pls bless me
View CommentIt is realy a nice article, thank you for this info. Dandavat Maharaj
View CommentHari Bol, Dandavat Maharaj
View CommentI marvel at the eloquence of the blogger…..
View CommentThis is really wonderful.
View CommentYes it is after heavy discount at initial stages in devotional service we have to put in our own efforts to establish our faith in Him.In turn God will arrange situations wherein sincere practitioner will get proper guidance through His true representatives.Thank you very much for sharing nice meditation with us.
View CommentAll Glories To H H Radhanath Swami Maharaj!
View CommentThank you for sharing..