On entering India, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) travelled from Firozpur to old Delhi. He unwittingly succumbed to a bhang drink, an intoxicating beverage. Still reeling under its effect, Richard realized a snake charmer had wrapped a monstrous twelve feet long and three inches thick serpent around his hips. The serpent’s face was only inches from Richard’s and he could practically feel and smell its breath. Richard’s heart pounded and his limbs trembled as the snake tightened its grip. The snake charmer demanded money and Richard didn’t have any. Richard desperately prayed and felt inner peace. Finally a sympathetic man bargained with the snake charmer and got Richard released.
This was a culture shock for Richard. Never before had he seen such a spectacle as he witnessed in India. Never before had he seen monkeys frolicking freely. The teeming crowd of millions was a never before witnessed sight for Richard. Curious to experience the food and customs of India, he unknowingly ate a red-hot chilli pepper; this was the first one Richard had ever seen or tasted. The other Indians however ate as if it was a red candy; they had no expression on their faces. Richard realized ‘one man’s food is another man’s poison.’ Radhanath Swami writes that the world is so relative; what is enjoyed by one person creates suffering for another.
Radhanath Swami has beautifully elucidated the relative nature of this world in his teachings. He offers an interesting analysis. For example if you ask a dentist, “How’s business” and he replies, “Fantastic”, what do you conclude? His prosperity is dependent on other’s dental problems. The dental problem is then called as a relative problem of this world because it isn’t a problem for all. For the dentist, dental problems in society are a blessing in disguise. Are rains problem or a boon? For an umbrella seller, rains are a benediction and he wishes it rains the whole year. A vegetable producer or a farmer could be miserable if the rains shower the whole year; his produce is then negatively affected. What about corruption, over population, unemployment and a plethora of other issues plaguing the Nation? Are they real problems affecting all or are they relative problems.
Radhanath Swami once spoke about an interview he read of a multi-millionaire industrialist from Mumbai who was asked what his heart’s deepest desire was. He wished to go to a remote village in the Northern India and relax amidst Nature and a life of minimum necessities. Radhanath Swami then asked us, “If you ask a simple villager living there what his heart-felt desire was what would be his reply?” Radhanath Swami himself answered, “I reasonably assume he would wish to make it big in Mumbai. Both men would seek to trade places for the grass is greener on the other side!!”
That’s material world for you, says Radhanath Swami. On hearing Radhanath Swami’s explanation I recall an anecdote I read in school of Emperor Darius, the king of Persia. Once, he summoned the Greeks who happened to be present at his court, and asked them what they would take to eat the dead bodies of their fathers. They replied that they would not do it for any money in the world. Later, in the presence of the Greeks, and through an interpreter, so that they could understand what was said, he asked some members of the tribe called Callatiae, who do in fact eat their parents’ dead bodies, what they would take to burn them. They uttered a cry of horror and forbade him to mention such a dreadful thing. That’s how cultures could be different!
The world is so cruel even to sincere souls. But the sincere souls never give up. Radhanath Swami is the example.
View CommentThanks very much for the nice intruction
View CommentThe grass is greener on the other side – Radhanath Swami’s statement reflects strongly upon the fact that in this material world, no one is truly satisfied.
View Commentits really a relative world
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s views are great. thanks for sharing
View CommentEach of us have our inherent nature, and we like or dislike based on our nature. You can bring a horse to a pond but you cannot force him to drink water. This nature defines us and HH Radhanath Maharaj has so nicely explained the paradox between natures. Thank you.
View CommentMaterial world as seen and analysed by the great soul. Thank you Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami explains the relative nature of this material world so that we can sincerely desire & work for attaining absolute world.
View CommentRadhanath Swamis experiences draw our attention to the fact of the dualities of life itself.
View CommentThat reminds of one culture shock , which i received . It was when I came to know of one society wherein the host offers his wife for one night to guest he receives .This was really a shock to me then my whole way to look towards this world was put on trial. then eventually I come to know about absolute standard which is transcendental to this relative world. thank u swamiji for elaborating on this.
View CommentDeep realizations shared by His Holiness Radhanath Swami. Jai !!
View CommentThe grass is always greener on the other side – How true this statement is and how relative this world is! Thank you for sharing this enlightening article.
View Commentnice blog
View CommentVery beautiful explanation of the concept through this experience of Radhanath Swami.
View Commentamazing tales. thank u.
View CommentSo true.
View CommentGreat to know! thanks you so much for sharing.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami has shown immense tolerance levels in searching for the right path for perfection in life.
View CommentThrilling story. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentSimply wonderful.Thank you so much for sharing.
View CommentRadhanath Swami explains how this world is not a perfect place to live as the things in this world mean differently to different species. The only way to be happy is to transcend this material world and go back to the spiritual world where everything is absolute.
View CommentA very important fact of life. Thank you very much Radhanath Swami for bringing out this truth.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Maharaj for explaining the relative nature of the material world & the e.g of Industrialist and the Villager.
View CommentYes. This statement is true. One man’s food can be another man’s poison
View CommentDistant hill looks smooth. The statement of H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaja’s statement reflects strongly on the fact that in this material world, no one is really happy.
View CommentRadhanath Swami performed so many austerity to search for the absolute truth, and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to hear from him.
View CommentNice examples exposing the relative world.
View CommentGreat message from Radhanath Swami. This is the reality of this material world.
View CommentThankyou Radhanath Swami to remind us time and again about the dualities of this world, so that we remain alert, that this material world is indeed a place of misery.
View CommentThank you for sharing this part of the Journey Home book. Radhanath Swami has share so many of such enlightening episodes and we feel like reading the book over and over again.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swamiji for alerting us about this relative nature of the world.It will help us in dealings of this world.Thank you for haring with us.
View CommentSwamiji is revealing the bitter truth of this material world…..truly everyone thinks ‘Grass is greener on the other side’….
View CommentGrass is always green on the other side…
Radhanath swami maharaj’s illustration of industrialist and the villager is very fitting here…
View CommentQuite right. We may feel happy about certain things which is hurting others in some way.
View Commentgreat article. thanx
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s teachings encompass the truths with wonderful analogies which help us to understand the matter quite easily.
View CommentThanks for sharing this.
View CommentContradictions of this world are very well illustrated by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentMaharaj has explained very wonderfully through his own example and through the illustrations of red chilly,dentist,farmer and industralist. Thank you Maharaj
View CommentThe example of rich man from city & poorman from village is very astonishing……thanks for sharing your realisations swamiji…..
View CommentThank you Maharajah for reminding us that it is relative world but because of our excessive greed to enjoy we forget to realize it.
View CommentOne man’s meat is another man’s poison – I never understood this so clearly before I read this piece.
View CommentVery true
View Commentvery nicely explain. thank you very much
View CommentAmongst all the relative differences of this material world, Radhanath Swami does a fabulous job in seeing the unifying hand of the will of the Lord.
View CommentCruelty of the world is ever existing and most of time forces to
View Commentinnocent people. Radhanath Swami is such a great soul who didn’t give up and shows his tolerance to handle situation like this.
It is really true as Radhanath Swmi says that one man may find pleasure in the same activity as another man finds is repelling. The problems and nature of problems in this world are relative.
View CommentGrass is greener on the other side, as Radhanath Maharaj rightly points out. We should be satisfied with what Krishna has given us. I heard in Bhakti Rasamrita Swami’s lecture that if all the trees were pencils, water in oceans was ink and the sky was paper, and one had to write all the desires in one’s heart, all the trees would be gone, all the oceans would dry up and the sky would prove insufficient 🙂
View CommentAmazing article depicting true nature of material world.
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