Richard (now Radhanath Swami) began to question the values that the American society championed. He was disturbed by the injustices meted out on the Afro-Americans. Deep questions about life were troubling him, and he sought solace in music. Songs filled with emotions and feelings stirred Richard’s soul and he felt relief hearing folk music, Blues, B.B.King, Ray Charles, George Harrison and Johnny Rivers. A burning desire arose in Richard to seek a purpose beyond the wealth, fame and fads of the society.
Radhanath Swami was blessed with the ability to question the very fabric of the society he was living in. most however get carried away the waves of societal norms having little or no time and inclination to honestly examine if the values championed by the society are really beneficial to all. Unfortunately most are ‘absorbers’- they get pulled by what’s in vogue. Very few like Radhanath Swami are ‘observers’- the ones with the ability to stand apart and examine the direction in which their lives are heading. We can learn from Radhanath Swami’s teenage life the need for us to closely examine our own heart; are we pursuing selfish hedonism or are we desiring to add value and substance to our lives and other’s lives. The razzle-dazzle of modern lifestyle has left very few with a desire to seek meaning to life. Exposure to passive entertainment has made our senses dull, and reduced us to mere ‘absorbers’.
Radhanath Swami says that spiritual practices not only soothe the mind, they also bring clarity of thought and sharpen the intelligence. A spiritual practitioner is thus empowered to withstand the aggressive negative energy unleashed by the modern society; he/she can also be an instrument of positivity to many. Radhanath Swami assures that spiritual practices help us become proficient swimmers; we can first learn to swim in the ocean of this world and then also help others from drowning. Radhanath Swami’s own personal example of tireless services to people from all walks of life gives us hope that spirituality works. Radhanath Swami reasons that a ship is surrounded by water on all sides, and this water has the potential to sink the ship in minutes. However the challenge for the ship is to remain in the ocean and yet not allow the water to enter the ship. Similarly, Radhanath Swami appeals to all of humanity to face the problems of this world by remaining in the world but not allowing the problems to affect us or drown our consciousness. “This is possible”, says Radhanath Swami, “if we helplessly call out to God through heart felt prayers, begging for the mercy to be able to serve him purely with absolutely no desire for any selfish pursuits.”
Even as young Richard, Radhanath Swami abhorred worldly prestige. Now with deeper realizations, Radhanath Swami compares and contrasts seeking worldly prestige with the desire to love God. Quoting ancient scriptures of the East, Radhanath Swami says worldly power and fame is like broken pieces of glass in comparison to the priceless diamond of love of God. “Everything material pales in comparison to the treasure of love of God”, says Radhanath Swami.
swamiji will takes us all btg
View CommentSometimes we get so engrossed in the daily nitty-gritties of life we forget the big picture. Only a bona fide Acharya can give a wandering ship the right direction.
View CommentWonderful article – The analogy with Ship is awesome – “To face the problems of this world by remaining in the world but not allowing the problems to affect us or drown our consciousness”. Thanks a lot for sharing.
View CommentNot letting it all affect our own consciousness, through sincere chanting…. this is a wonderful realization given by Radhanath Swami!
View CommentAmazing is the hope giving lesson by Radhanath Swami. Thank you very much
View CommentThank you for sharing your wonderful realizations
View CommentVery nice article. Thank you Radhanath Swami
View CommentThe highlight of this beautiful article was “Unfortunately most are ‘absorbers’- they get pulled by what’s in vogue. Very few like Radhanath Swami are ‘observers’- the ones with the ability to stand apart and examine the direction in which their lives are heading.”
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