Due to a small mistake of the immigration officials at Kabul, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was now stranded alone at night. A friendly Dutch lady took Richard to her home and fed him dinner and provided a room. Soon however, she presented her body to Richard to fulfill her lusty desires. Richard’s mind reeled as he struggled to come out of her grips. Her six foot bodyguard threatened to kill Richard if he didn’t submit to her desires. With all his might, Richard heaved the woman off and escaped, the body guard closely chasing to kill Richard.
Somehow Richard escaped and later contemplated on the powers of passion. Radhanath Swami writes his realization, “sex could be a gift of God but when it becomes an obsession, it plunders all intelligence and people are driven to abominable acts to satisfy their lust.” Richard thought of directing the sex energy toward prayer and devotion. He vowed to remain a celibate for the remainder of his life, and prayed to God to help him keep his commitment.
Radhanath Swami explains that throughout history there have been saints in all traditions who have raised beautiful families utilizing sex as a divine offering. At the same time, throughout the same history many saints took the vow of celibacy because they realized the charm of the opposite sex to be a distraction from their exclusive dedication to God.
One of the biggest distractions in spiritual life is the ravaging lust that has the human society in its vicious grip. Quoting scriptures, Radhanath Swami compares lust to fire. The more we try to fulfill the lusty desires, more the fire burns our consciousness. Lust is an obsession to be the selfish enjoyer; this consciousness can never make us happy because our constitutional position is to serve. The more we seek to gratify our base carnal desires, the further we go from our loving service to God.
Sex was not discovered in the twentieth century. Radhanath Swami warns that Lust has been a major problem throughout the history of mankind, and nobody escapes the power and influence of lust. Even sincere spiritual seekers, although they may not idolize it, they have to reckon with its embarrassing presence in their consciousness. Lust starts at puberty, and that is when most boys begin their battle with lust. And now in our culture there is the added temptation of movies, magazines, and the computer. Radhanath Swami once said that lust is when we see the opposite sex not as a person but as a thing. Most people untrained in spiritual principles never learn what love is, but spend the rest of their lives under the dominion of lust. Little wonder that Marlyn Monroe, the heart throb of the 1960’s said, “I hate being a thing.” She was a sex symbol, and a symbol is a thing. She never really felt loved as a person but only used like a thing.
To make tangible spiritual advancement, a seeker of God has to desire to get rid of this negativity from the heart. Radhanath Swami assures we can do this through sincere prayers and by cultivating a desire to selflessly serve.
Very Powerful Article – We can overcome negativity by sincere prayers and by cultivating a desire to selflessly serve. Thanks a lot Maharaj for the nectarian instructions.
View Commentas pointed out by this meditation of Radhanath Swami, this lust has been really a big enemy of the mankind. It has caused great battles to be fought for insignificant issues.
The only hope that we have is – through sincere prayers and by cultivating a desire to selflessly serve,as pointed out by Radhanath Swami.
View Commentnice!!!
View CommentNice article that is a true eye opener.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Mahraj is giving practical solution to curb this negativity: When we serve selflessly, we can overcome this sinful enemy in our hearts.
View CommentThank you for this wonderful article. Thank you Radhanath Swami
View Commentits easier said than done. the radhanath swami obviously is an advanced soul from previous life.
View Commentmaharaj explains each and every aspect so nicely and vividly.
View CommentWonderful article on lust based on the teachings of Radhanath Swami.
View CommentVery nice and insightful article. One needs to have a lot of merit of past life to have this type of determination. Radhanath Swami is a unique gift to this world
View CommentDeep thoughts by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentAt every step we have to fight. Most of the time its a failure than success.But Maharaj gives clear understanding of Object being living entity or thing to enjoy… Its really an eye opener.
View Commenthttp://www.radhanath.com
I am sure many of us would find the instructions of Radhanath Swami in this post to be extremely relevant and helpful.
View Commenthttp://www.radhanath.com
Radhanath Swami assures we can do this through sincere prayers and by cultivating a desire to selflessly serve.
View CommentTo make tangible spiritual advancement, a seeker of God has to desire to get rid of this negativity from the heart. Radhanath Swami assures we can do this through sincere prayers and by cultivating a desire to selflessly serve.Nice article that is a true eye opener.
View CommentThank you for this very enlightening article on lust. It is unfortunate that most people untrained in spiritual principles never learn what love is, but spend the rest of their lives under the dominion of lust. The only solution is prayer and sincere desire to overcome this negativity by taking to the path of selfless service.
View CommentIt is the most important to learn how to give up lust the enjoying mentality.Thank you very much.
View Commentthe strong determination of Maharaja for higer purpose in life is inspiring!!!
View CommentReally,.Very nice solution..Prayers and devotion as way to get rid of lusty mentality.
View CommentBy taking shelter in the holy name we can overcome lust. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare
View CommentMaharaj’s article is very beneficial to get out from clutches of lust.thakyou maharaj because of your vani i get shelter.
View CommentSo true and very apptly Radhanath Swami compares lust with fire. Both of them grows as we feed them. Thank you Maharaja
View CommentThank you very much for sharing. Inspiring, love is to see a person as person but not a thing.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Maharaj for sharing how we can overcome lust through prayers and sincere service.
View CommentRadhanth Swami is teaching a great lesson here. He not only highlights the problem but also gives solution of sincere prayers and desire to selflessly serve. Great thought indeed!
View CommentA sincere, serious seeker of the Absolute Truth like Radhanath Swami certainly gets help from God at every stage of his life.
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