Richard felt that although his harmonica was his constant companion and shared all his joys and sorrows it was now distracting him from his spiritual path. Prayerfully he cast the harmonica to the river and in exchange Mother Ganga revealed to him the sacred syllable ‘Om’. On another day as he was expressing heart felt gratitude to Mother Ganges for giving him so much in exchange of so little, another transcendental song reverberated from the depths of her heart. This was the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.” Radhanath Swami at that time didn’t know the meaning of the mantra although it stole his heart. He believed that the mystery would be revealed in time. He felt that in sacrificing the song of his harmonica, he had inherited the song of the Ganges.
Radhanath Swami teaches us that sacrifice is natural. Even for material success, people sacrifice their time, energy, and sometimes relationships. However most people strive with great determination and perform sacrifices for things that are flickering and temporary. “Any moment all their endeavors could be destroyed by the power of time. They will lose everything that they have dedicated their lives for and sacrificed so much for.” Quoting Vedic scriptures, Radhanath Swami says that sacrifices made for a spiritual cause are not taken away by time. Spiritual credits that we earn are permanent assets and they are worth sacrificing our lives for. Even little endeavor on this path guarantees freedom from fear and suffering, says Radhanath Swami.
For those in leadership position, Radhanath Swami warns that unless they are willing to make sacrifices, they shouldn’t accept such position. “To want to take a position and receive the honor of that position, but to not perform the sacrifice that is expected of that position is hypocrisy.” Also sacrifice tests our level of gratitude. Many times we say thank you to others and God, for the gifts we have received in our spiritual life. However real thanks is seen when we are willing to sacrifice some comforts to reciprocate with the object of our love. “Gratitude doesn’t mean simply saying thank you. Real gratitude means reciprocation. If you are actually grateful to someone, you will reciprocate even if it means great sacrifice.”
Radhanath Swami says that our level of surrender to God is tested if we are willing to sacrifice our egoistic conceptions of who we are and what we know. Sacrificing our personal prejudices, biases and opinions for keeping healthy spiritual relationships with other God seekers is also a sign of maturity.
Radhanath Swami also reveals that sacrificing our comforts is natural for one who has intense feelings and emotions in the hearts on seeing the suffering of others. This is compassion and when the heart is filled with compassion for the suffering souls, sacrifice is pleasure.
Thus Radhanath Swami takes the principle of sacrifice to a higher level. Initially we may sacrifice some comforts for seeking some spiritual growth. However, as a seeker grows in his relationship with God and all living entities who are the children of God, he or she sacrifices for nothing personal in return. The sacrifice of a spiritual seeker on this level is simply to connect others to God and help them also discover the true spiritual and joyful nature of the soul. This is the level of sacrifice that Radhanath Swami is exhibiting.
These teachings of Radhanath Swami are very deep and profound. Thank you for sharing.
View CommentWow….so many profound realisations shared by Swamiji in is this very powerful article…..thanks
View CommentNow I have learnt the true meaning of sacrifice. HH Radhanath swami’s life is an example of this true sacrifice. He has given up everything so that he can give Krishna Consciousness to all. Thank you Swamiji.
View CommentWe can get so many lessons from Radhanath Swami’s life. The above narration contains many lessons like we need austerity in every part of life. However, if we dovetail that austerity in the service of Lord and His devotees, it becomes perfect.h
View CommentSimply Amazing!
View CommentSo many profound realisations shared by Swamiji in this article.Thank you so much Maharaj.Haribol!
View CommentFor those in leadership position….To want to take a position and receive the honor of that position, but to not perform the sacrifice that is expected of that position is hypocrisy. – Everyone is in leaderships position in some capacity and thus this is applicable……Real gratitude means reciprocation. If you are actually grateful to someone, you will reciprocate even if it means great sacrifice.”
View CommentSacrifice —-The false ego —–to be free from fear and sufferings in order to get the true spiritual and joyful nature of The soul. Wonderful and important statement. AZll glories to Radhanatha Swami.
View CommentVery deep and profound realisation. Thank you Radhanath Swami
View Commentvery hope giving statement here by Radhanath Swami “Sacrifices made for a spiritual cause are not taken away by time. Spiritual credits that we earn are permanent assets and they are worth sacrificing our lives for”
View CommentRadhanath Swami has so earnestly taken to his heart the lessons which he learnt from Mother Ganges, and is so lovingly sharing it with all.
View CommentSacrifice nurtures ones humility & gratitude as revealed in Swamiji’s life
View CommentThe Hormonica sharing each and every sorrow and happiness of Radhanath swami,he sacrifies it for the sake of spirituality and mother ganges gave OM and HARE KRISHNA MAHAMANTRA in return………very wonderful
View CommentVery nice article……thanks for sharing
View Comment“If you are really grateful to someone you will sacrifice.” I like this sentence. Usually we just do lip service when it comes to expressing gratitude. And sometimes we don’t even recognize the favour of others and take it for granted.
View CommentThank you so much Radhanath Swamiji
View CommentThank you very much Maharaj for the wonderful lesson.
View CommentGreat realization by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentGreat realization. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentVery nice teachings on the topic of Sacrifice.
View CommentTo connect the others to the GOD & help them to discover about soul is very joyful process for spiritual seeker.
View Commentgreat realization, jaya jaya.
View CommentThank you very much for this article it is very inspiring.
View CommentWhat a touching episode in Radhanath Swami’s life. Only an accomplished musician can appreciate Radhanath Swami’s sacrifice. Glorious.
View CommentActually these acts by great souls are beyond the comprehension of our small, material minds. We can only try to sincerely follow their instructions to the best of our ability.
View CommentWonderful teachings on sacrifice
View CommentMother and son interaction between Mother Ganges and Radhanath Swami is wonderful.Thanks to Radhanath Swami for revealing it to us.
View CommentReading the harmonica episodes always makes my hair stand. Radhanath Swami is an undescribably special soul.
View CommentTruly, Radhanath Swami has taken the principle of sacrifice to a very high level….thanks
View CommentRadhanath Swami is great
View CommentNice Realizations on banks of holy Ganges from Radhanath Swami… I LOVE HIM and I LOVED HIS BOOK titled “JOURNEY HOME”
View Commentvery wonderful article on mother Ganges and so much to learn out of it that teach us by our gurumaharj. simple amazing.
View CommentSo much truth and wisdom..that can change once perspective of life. This massage is useful to all..whether one is a employer or employee or a student or a house wife..anyone.. Thank you Maharaj.
View Commentimpressed by lessons from radhanath swami
View Comment“Sacrifice is natural” – quite an eye-opener from Radhanath Swami!
View Commentyes sacrifice is necessary to achieve any thing in life and spiritual progress is no exception.
View CommentThis is such an awesome article ! Our lives have been changed by the wisdom and care of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj !
View CommentThank you for sharing this wonderful message
View Commentmany thanks to Radhanath swami for his wonderful teachings.
View CommentWonderful,wonderful lesson to learn from the topic real sacrifice.Thank you very much for deep realisation.
View CommentAmazing article.
View CommentRadhanath swami maharaj relates sacrifice to integrity at other place as
“Integrity means to be honest, to be truthful and to make great sacrifices whoever we are for the welfare of others.”
View CommentMh is the embodiment of sacrifice and we should always follow his footsteps. SP ki jai. HHRNSM ki jai
View CommentSacrifice is clearly explained here
View CommentConcept of sacrifice & gratitude has been beautifully explained. Radhanath Swami Maharaj (and many of his god brothers & sisters) are making several sacrifices for spiritual upliftment of other devotees worldwide as a token of gratitude to their spiritual master HDG A.C. Bahktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to Lord Radha & Krishna.
View Commentamazing!! nice article.
View CommentIt is not the world which is positive or negative but our own vision of this world. Srila Prabhupada and Maharaj both tell us to remember Krishna from this material world.
View CommentRadhanath Swami learns lessons from every situation in his life!
View CommentAfter reading His experience I was enthralled. He is simply Great. Its very hard to give-up the things which are with you from long time. No words to explain how Great He is…!!!
View Commentbeautiful article on sacrifice.
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