After a month long fasting on Ganges Richard (now Radhanath Swami) rejoiced at the prospect of eating some peanuts. However a huge brown monkey seized the bag of peanuts and ran away. Even the few peanuts that had fallen on the ground were scooped by another monkey. Radhanath Swami writes his realization that compared to the treasures of spiritual experience worldly acquisition is like these peanuts. Richard realized that people fight and struggle for worldly glory which is like peanuts. And any moment, another man’s greed, or even the inevitable march of time will plunder from us all our cherished peanuts.
To consider the riches and fame of this world to be peanuts requires deep spiritual realization. The world is mad for material success but a true spiritualist gives it no more value than peanuts. And as Radhanath Swami reveals in this section of ‘Journey Home’ people are always ready to snatch our assets and Mr Time stands above all to usurp every ‘peanut’ that we have in our possession.
As compared to material assets, spiritual credits are our real assets and Radhanath Swami implores us to not waste our time by forsaking the pursuit of these. “The most valuable thing we have is every precious moment that God has given us. Time is priceless. If you lose money, or estate, or reputation, then by hard work you can gain it back. But one moment that is wasted, you cannot buy it back for all the wealth in the entire creation.” As the saying goes, ‘Time and tide wait for no man’. Radhanath Swami explains that as little kids in the school, it seemed like centuries even when we were just waiting for the weekend. but, as we grow old, days pass like minutes. Soon we are at the threshold of departing from this particular body. We look back and think, ‘Where has my life gone? It seems like it has only been a moment!’
Therefore, we must understand the value of every precious moment. How we invest each moment of our life is the most important consideration of our human intelligence. Radhanath Swami appeals to us to utilize every moment to the greatest benefit of ourselves as well as others. He explains that with every rising and every setting of the sun we are one day closer to death. “But those who utilize their precious time to understand the true purpose of life and hear and chant the glories of the supreme Lord, with every rising and setting of the sun they are one day closer to eternal life”
Very nice Time management insights
— Ashok Vaddi
View Comment— DHRUVA Executive
— IIT Madras , Chennai.
material achievements are like peanuts and spiritual assets are real. Appreciate this point.
View CommentThank you very much Mh for giving an insight over time management. SP ki jai. HHRNSM ki jai
View CommentGreat message from Radhanath Swami. Even Chankya pandit says that even one moment of life can never be returned back even if we given billions of rupees.
View CommentTime is priceless…. Are we spencing the most important thing of our lives in strenthning our relationship with God almighty or in collecting peanuts…..!!
View CommentRadhanath Swami reminds us of how to utilize the precious time to recieve the most precious gift of life.
View Commentreally worth in spending time to read this priceless message
View CommentThank you for sharing these valuable comments on the importance of time by Radhanath Swami.
View CommentThanks for sharing
View CommentUltimate time management!!! Thank you Radhanath Swami
View CommentIts very nice to see how Radhanath Swami has spiritual insight in each and every situation
View CommentIf only all of us were aware of this fact, how seriously would all value each moment. It means that time is the most precious gift of God. The best way to reciprocate with this gift of God , is to utilize every moment in being aware of the presence of God, and listen to his Eternal message.And Chant his holy names.
View CommentI really liked this statement “compared to the treasures of spiritual experience worldly acquisition is like these peanuts. ” by swami ji.
View CommentThank you for giving a nice insight on Time Management
View CommentI like Radhanath Swamis comment “…to utilize every moment to the greatest benefit of ourselves as well as others”
View CommentVery nice, thanks for sharing
View CommentIts really very difficult to get that realization about the material possessions as peanuts but constant association of pure devotees of Lord can make it very easy for anyone.
View CommentI like the flow here. Although an important lesson but presented in such a light and delightful mood, that it makes perfect sense. Thanks
View CommentReading this again and again will always help us to realize the lesson soon.
View CommentPersuading realization. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing this ,its very much helpful.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Maharaj for explaining us on how to use time, chanting & hearing the glories of the Lord can eventually give us eternal life.
View CommentVery true…Every rising & setting of Sun, one day of our life is passing away!
View CommentThis is the essence of time management
View Commentwe must understand the value of every precious moment.
View CommentAll serious seekers of truth must take guidance from HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj
View CommentThank you very much Maharaj……Amazing
View CommentHH.Radhanath Swamiji has linked every happening in his own life to spirituality and thus explained what is good for us.Time lost is lost and can not be purchased by any amount of wealth,it is true.Let’s pray to God to give us good intelligence to overcome the hankering and lamenting for the things of this world.Thank you Swamiji.
View CommentVery inspiring Thank you for sharing.
View CommentThe value of every moment during this lifetime is well enunciated in this article. Swamiji has so nicely portrayed how we should make use of every moment of this lifetime. Thanks you.
View Comment” To consider the riches and fame of this world to be peanuts requires deep spiritual realization. ” This is a very profound statement, and is equally true, Thank you very much Radhanath Swami .
View Commentits amazing idea to utilize time
View CommentWorldly assets are like peanuts compared to spiritual realizations! Thank you Radhanath Swami.
View CommentTime is Precious.We must use it appropriately.Thaks
View Comment‘the intelligent use of time’ is the excellent article. i learned to give importance to the right things in life. thank you v much maharaj.
View CommentTime is such a commodity that we cannot bribe it, store it, seduce it or hold on to it by any means….Thank You very much
View CommentHighly instructive – Thanks a ton for the wonderful insights.
View CommentAs the time which is gone cannot be brought back at any cost……
View CommentDevotees who have come into the fold of ISKCON are very fortunate as continuously we have been getting lot of instructions from the exalted souls like HH RNSMR on all aspects of devotional processes. On behalf of the entire devotees community I wish to express heartfelt gratitude to HHRNSMR for this specific time management sharing through which we can judiciously utilize the available time in the service of the devotees and the lord.
View CommentWonderful realization shared by Radhanth Swami…to teach us the right priority & true assets in life….is spiritual practices, experiences & realizations and not material wealth, name, fame etc.Oh Lord, how many lifetimes will I take to realize this?
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami, for explaing the importance of time
View CommentThanks for sharing these beautiful insights
View CommentWonderful article.Amazing.Haribol.
View CommentSo important to use the time for right purpose which is self realization. Thank you maharaj for sharing
View CommentThanks for reminding guru maharaj
View CommentVery inspiring!
View CommentKrishna Consciousness helps us to use time in an efficient way.
View CommentOne story which i heard inAtma serial I want to share.The people who catch the monkeys they keep some chana in a narrow opening pot.The mouth of the pot is very narrow and the bottom is very broad.When the monkey comes and keeps its hand in the pot catches the fist full of chana then the hand will not come out.the monkey thinks that the pot has caught the hand and so the hand is not coming out.so in the same way we are catching the comforts and material desires and not able to come out of them.But if we think that they are like peanuts then there is bliss of life.But to come to such a high platform it is necessary to associate with saintly personalities like Radhanath swami and hear their teachings.Thank you Radhanath swami for sharing your precocious experience.
View CommentThank you for sharing this.
View CommentThere are so many industries in the world which only leads to waste of time..like entertainment industry
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