At Rome Richard (now Radhanath Swami) had a candid talk with a monk from the Franciscan order. Richard questioned him about the apparent religious differences amongst people who claim to love the same God. The monk explained that God is one and people who fight over religion are those with a shallow faith, or overcome by egoistic politics. He also allayed Richard’s doubts over his own Jewish background where he saw some Christians hate the Jews. The monk replied that he personally accepts Jesus as his saviour but also understands that the same God has inspired devoted Jews with a different faith than his own. He emphatically declared to Richard that it’s the same kingdom of God that they all aspired to go, and only men of small minds create differences. The essential teaching of all prophets is to love God with all our mind, heart and soul.
Radhanath Swami has often presented an analysis of the various religious scriptures, revealing how all of them essentially have common principles:
1. There is only one God and He is the supreme object of our love.
2. Obedience to God is the ultimate religious principle.
3. Service to God is the nature of all living entities.
4. The Kingdom of God is the ultimate shelter for everyone.
5. To approach God, sinful activities must be given up.
6. Chanting the Holy Names of God is the easiest way of reviving God consciousness.
7. One should renounce flickering material pleasure to experience everlasting spiritual happiness.
8. One needs the guidance and the mercy of a bona fide spiritual master to achieve God.
Radhanath Swami’s presentation on the common features of all religions gives us the assurance that all religions are certainly aiming at the same Absolute, Supreme Truth. Radhanath Swami also reveals how different religions motivate people to worship God differently. Some religious leaders use fear as a tool to call upon people to accept God’s authority. Others present God as a merciful benefactor and thus offer ‘reward’ as the motivation to surrender to God. Some take it to a higher level and present the need to practise religion and spirituality out of a sense of duty and gratitude to God for all the gifts he has bestowed us with. Radhanath Swami however calls upon all religionists to take devotional service to God to the highest level of ‘Love’ as the motivation for serving God and humanity. Any preacher of religion who calls upon his followers to love God will invariably see the unity amidst religious differences. Radhanath Swami always inspires his students to worship God out of a sense of love, and not impelled by any material motivation.
Radhanath Swami once asked his audience the different ways of addressing ‘sun’ and different synonyms for ‘water’. In the cosmopolitan city of Mumbai, people gave different names of the same sun and water, according to their language and culture. Radhanath Swami pointed out that it’s the same sun and water they are referring to; similarly it’s the same God, all religions are referring to.
Only those situated on the platform of Love of God and not just fear,reward or duty, can see the unity amidst religious differences. Although He might appear in front of them in different robes or in terms of various external differences,they recongnise their Master. Thank you Radhanath Swmai Maharaj.
View CommentVery nice realisations
View CommentTrue…huh how different people have different motivating factors to worship God. And HH Radhanath Swami has always emphasized that devotional service to God should be performed with love.
Also it is great how Radhanath Swami explains that God is one through the examples of Sun and water. Beautiful! Only a scholar like HH Radhanath Swami can explain the highest truth with such a simple example. Thanks for the Author and HH Radhanath Swami.
View CommentOne has to worship God out of love. Thank you for this post.
View CommentWonderful, Radhanath Swami explained the Religious principles so nicely.
View Commentvery good article. thank u.
View CommentThe eight-points compiled from Radhanath Swami’s presentations are really great……these are definitely common in all religions……..thanks for this beautiful presentation
View CommentThat was so reassuring to me that there are at least a few souls like Radhanath Swami who take us to the highest platform of loving god while so many small-minded preachers of today incite hatred and intolerance among people by their shallow understanding of god and religion.
View CommentThanks for sharing this wonderful realization from “THE JOURNEY HOME”
View CommentBig truth made it easy to understand. I wish I remember it always & share with others.
View CommentPerfectly analysied.Yes we all belongs to one God and we all apspire to go to the Kingdom of the same God.For temporary gain and rule the people some mens with small intelligence creates diffrences among the masses.Thank you for sharing nice article.
View Commentnice blog
View CommentRadhanath Swami has already understood the essence to this vexatious question. He has given a wonderful and easy way to reply to this query.
View CommentThank you so much for sharing.
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami always emphasizes that devotional service should be performed with love. Radhanath Swami explains that God is one through the examples of Sun and Water. Only a realised devotee like H.H Radhanath Swami can explain the highest truth with such clarity. All glories to Maharaj.
View CommentVery nice article……thanks
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami shows us a higher way of approaching God.
View CommentSuch a beautiful analysis..
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj makes simple & profound statements!
View CommentOur current day religious leaders mislead the less knowledgable people and preach a God separate from other religions. John Lennon preached ‘all nations under one God’ and was called a communist and was assasinated. Unless there is higher understanding of God, as Maharaj has described, we will continue to be divided by religion.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj’s Journey Home book is so insightful & full of wonderful learning experiences.
Thanks to Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentThis reminds me of the story narrated by Radhanath Swami about how a dog can recognize its master regardless of his attire. Likewise, there may be some external differences, but a true religionist can see that everyone worships the same God.
View CommentA very convincing explanation by Radhanath Swami of God is one ! Those who preach about supremacy of their so called God or religious teachings over others are most of the times either ignorant of the teachings of the scriptures or have some unterior motive behind their claims.
View CommentNice story
View CommentRadhanath swami’s analysis and presentation is deep and convincing.
View CommentHH Radhanath Maharaj gives a Crystal clear understanding how in essence all religions are pointing to same God.
View CommentSome of the deepest aspects of all religions given a simple to understand and follow…
A perfect example of an acharya/guru – giving essence of all vedic knowledge to people so that they can easily understand…
Most fortunate we are to get this opportunity…
View CommentWonderful article.
View Commentthank you Radhanath Swami , to bring out this essential principles of devotional service to God in spirit of love. which shows the unity among all the religions.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’ understanding of the fundamental truths of spirituality is very profound.
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj is nicely explaining that God is one and the essence of all religions. The animosities due to religions is so meaningless if we really love God. All glories to Maharaj.
View CommentRadhanath Swami have always had a quest and thirst for finding the Absolute Truth since his childhood. This is not very common for public in general. Among the hypocrisies of the people of Radhanath Swami’s age, his quest was something which was beyond the mere concept of anything mateial.
View CommentThank you very much for sharing the words of Radhanath Swami “The essential teaching of all prophets is to love God with all our mind, heart and soul”
As we are children of the same God, we may have different activities but everything is to please the same God. But no one knows whether God is pleased in that way, because He Himself demonstrated how to please God, in the form of Caitanya Maha Prabhu. He taught devotional Service which Radhanath Swami refers here. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentWhen the heart is filled with uncontrollable material desires it is not possible to understand the true nature of God, to be one and centre of everything.The mirror of the heart should be regularly cleansed by chanting the Holy Name of the Lord for the Holy Name to reveal itself. Thank you Maharaj for sharing. Your life is a shining mirror where we can take a peek into our hearts.
View CommentAmazing article – explaining in such a simple and clear way. Thanks a lot Maharaj.
View CommentSimply wonderful! All glories to Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentVery well explained.
View Commentand in every religion we pray,and other place Radhanath maharaj explains why do we pray…
View CommentWe pray because through prayers we cultivate a connection of submitting ourselves before the supreme power of God. And that submission is what awakens a relationship between soul and God.
One who loves God and understands Him well never have hatred against others belief.The basic principle is same in every religion.Thanks to maharaj for wonderful explanation.Maharaj ki jai
View CommentWhat an understanding given by Swamiji. Thank you very much.
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