Richard saw a yogi in his late thirties beg charity from pilgrims. On being ignored he became angry, and performed miraculous feats to attract attention. He first pulled a live bulb from the socket, and crushed it to powder, and swallowed it by drinking a cup of Ganges water. Then he took a steel rod, and with one end on the wall, he balanced the other end of the metal pole on his eye socket which he had covered with a cloth. Then he slowly walked towards the wall, and the pole bent more and more with each step. Finally he reached the wall, threw aside the u-shaped rod, and removed the cloth to reveal his undamaged eye. As pilgrims lavished money, the yogi revealed the secrets of his power; his guru had taught him the powers but rejected his student on discovering that he was using it for money and prestige. The yogi now confessed that he needs money to get married, and make a living.
Richard was disappointed and realized that mystic powers are not necessarily spiritual.
“…it wasn’t until this moment that I realized mystic powers were not necessarily spiritual at all. Those who were able to counteract the apparent laws of nature had naturally impressed me. So much of what I’d seen seemed miraculous. Now I saw that such feats unconnected to a meaningful search for God were truly insubstantial. I was looking for more.”
India has many mystic yogis. Often people’s evaluation of a guru is based on his ability to manipulate material laws; the more the power to create magical or supernatural feats, more the popularity. Genuine gurus however focus on simple devotion to God, avoiding cheap popularity through magical gimmicks. Radhanath Swami reveals his own guru’s simple devotion to God that attracted young boys and girls of the counterculture, to surrender their lives for a spiritual goal. “He (my guru) was often asked by people if he could perform miracles”, says Radhanath Swami, “and he humbly pointed to his students and said, ‘my miracle is I have transformed hippies into happies!’” Following his guru’s footsteps, Radhanath Swami teaches the simple process of chanting God’s holy names and experiencing the presence of Lord in the heart through sincere heart-felt prayers. He quotes his guru, “Spirituality is simple for the simple, and complicated for the complicated.”
He doesn’t discourage the pursuits of mystic yoga, but warns that it can easily distract a practitioner to seek money and popularity. He compares possessing supernatural powers and yet using them for material gain to a vulture’s business, “A vulture may fly very high in the sky but his eyes are cast on food on earth; on seeing a prey, he comes swooshing down. Similarly we may possess powers and abilities to exploit nature, and appear to be a regal spiritualist, but our consciousness could be stooped low in seeking worldly wealth and fame.” This is especially lamentable because these powers are obtained after decades of rigorous austerities, but by the power of maya, illusory forces, one gets trapped by the same powers, and continues in material consciousness. Radhanath Swami therefore warns all spiritual seekers to be careful of the agents of illusion that tempt a seeker to pursue the ephemeral goals of worldly pomp and glory, a sure deterrent on the path of loving God.
Besides, the mystic powers also give a yogi the feeling of being in control of life, whereas a simple devotee of God feels helpless and calls out to God in love. This call for shelter increases a seeker’s favorable remembrance of God, and brings him or her closer to the Lord. On the other hand, absorption in the self, and seeking to possess greater powers, takes us further away from God.
“Mystic powers are not necessarily spiritual” – Radhanath Maharaj realized this truth at such a young age and was not swayed by it but rather he realized it takes you away from the Lord.He emphasizes on the simple process of chanting God’s holy name in a helpless state to come closer to the Lord.
View CommentThis is a beautiful summarization by Radhanath Swami on how mystic powers can inflate the pride of the yogi & simultaneously decrease his dependence on God. A simple devotee instead depends on the divine shelter of God & remembers Him with a lot more love & devotion.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is basically pointing out the fact that mystic powers are neither the means nor the end, as far as spiritual perfection is concerned, unlike “Bhakti Yoga” which actually brings you closer to God.
View CommentThis world is full of cheaters and the cheated. Those who are not sincere in spiritual seeking finds such cheaters who manipulate some nature laws. But genuine seekers will find the path of “Bhakti Yoga”. Radhanath Swami has aptly shared his experiences which will benifit the genuine seekers reading his book to select the path of Bhakti
View Commentthere is nothing of use in this age no yoga no mystism nothing.only chanting god’s name can save us
View CommentAll Glories to H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
How these experiences are translated into enlightened lessons in spirituality can only leave us wonderstruck and guage how much is still to be achieved for us just to even start on the paths of devotion.
Hare Krishna
View Commentvery correctly explained by radhanath swami, thanks for sharing the same, regards, rajesh
View Commentwonderful, thank you for sharing…
View CommentH.H Radhanath Swami is clear in his objective. Our goal should be to go back to Godhead.
View CommentMystic powers earlier seemed fantasy. Then we accepted them to be real. And no we can see that they are real, but not spiritual! What a revelation by Radhanath Swami!
View CommentThe choice is ours; Whether we want temporary fame or power through mysticism or lasting contentment through service to God. Thank you Radhanath Swami for explaining this great difference.
View Commentthanks for this amazing story
View CommentWonderful quote of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj “Absorption in the self, and seeking to possess greater powers, takes us further away from God”…i donot want to forget this quote…its really important to remember this.
View CommentI have never seen a seeker like Radhanath Swami who can separate the substantial from the insubstantial.Such focused and clear vision.
View CommentRadhanath Swami thus says Humility is the essence! Difficult but wonderful:)
View CommentWe can understand from HH Radhanath Swami’s life that becoming a mystic yogi takes to severe austerities, yet it is not the highest perfection of life. HH Radhanath Swami did’nt stop until he found the perfect path of pure devotional service through Srila Prahupada.
View Commentfrom initial stage itself radhanath swami was well equipped with the shield to be away from so called maya or distraction which will become an obstacle to help mankind to teach how to approach god,
View Commentradhanath swami is a chosen one for this mankind to deliver the highest truth,the spirituality,
View Commentjust by reading Radhanath Swami’s book, we can understand the essence of Spirituality. It is enjoyable to read and yet so deep and philosophical.
View CommentWe can understand from HH Radhanath Swami’s life that becoming a mystic yogi takes to severe austerities, yet it is not the highest perfection of life. H.H Radhanth swami search for truth was not stopped till found according to his heart.
View CommentWe can learn from HH.Radhanath maharaj’s life that how one should approach god with chanting his holy names. which will take us immidiately to love god. whereas even many many lifetimes one spends doing yoga cannot achieve the love og god.
View CommentDeep thought reveals that we all have this tendency of hankering for name, fame and power which distracts us from achieving the final goal of love for God and other living beings. Radhanath Swami very nicely brings out this point and warns the spiritual seeker of these allurements.
View Comment“Spirituality is simple for the simple, and complicated for the complicated” – So true and we understand that we cannot get lost in seeking out these mystic allurements on path of devotion to god.
View CommentBy sharing his experiences, Radhanath Swami wonderfully drives home two points: people can actually possess mystic powers and the fact that these may have nothing to do with realizing God. A simple person has a chance to realize God by praying to God with all his/her heart and soul. This is a wonderful lesson. Thank you very much for sharing this.
View Commentthank you maharaj,you have gone through very hard time for the benifit of all of us.
View CommentMystic powers are somewhat like magic. Magicians’ tricks may amuse us, but may divert us from the real purpose of life, going back to Godhead.
View CommentThank You.
View CommentSo true…. if we try to prove ourselves the controller of everything, we can never feel the need to love GOD. Only when we feel, we are helpless without HIS MERCY, can we realize our real constitutional position of loving and serving GOD!
View CommentMystic power cannot make us immortal & eternally happy. Only spiritual perfection can. Radhanath Swami is very effectively teaching us about the futility of such mystic powers on this basis.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami Maharaj has beautifully brought out the essence of proper use of power. As they say ” With great power comes great responsibility”
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s realizations and teachings are so profound.
View CommentThis realization and teaching by Radhanath Swami saves a lot of time and energy from being frittered away by being attracted towards magicians with mystic powers and from trying out ourselves. Instead, with whatever talent or energy one has, better use that to lovingly understand and serve God.
View CommentWe are all very fortunate to get the shelter of our Guru Maharaj. Through his many realizations revealed in this book, we can perceive stupendous guidance.
View CommentWonderful article. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentMystic yogis’ so-called magical feats look trivial & pale in comparision to the cosmic manifestation brought about by the Supreme Lord. So as Radhanath Swami says, we should not be in awe of these mystic yogis, rather we should follow the instructions of God & take his shelter.
View Commentreally nice article..Radhanath Swami helped his students to understand such topics
View CommentLike AC Bkkhati Vedanta Swami Prabhupada , Radhanath Swami has perfectly contradicted the need of mystic yoga for perfection of life as it useless befotre Love Of God. Thank you Gurudev.
View CommentLove for God is higher than any mystic perfection. This is very much evident from the life of Maharaj. Thanks for sharing this wonderful meditation.
View CommentMaharaj had closely observed the mystic powers possessed by mystic yogis through his journey home, and his realization are cautioning those innocent people who get carried away by only these mystic powers which are nothing but an art of manipulating matter. We are very grateful to Maharaj for bringing out these basic differences as spiritual path is beyond this mystic siddhis.
View CommentIt is so bewildering to get fascinated by some trick which seems beyond our grasp and yet time is witness that no matter what at some stage we get enamored by Swamis/Sadhus as long as they are able to provide some relief to our so called misery. Radhanath Swami stands apart as he does not believe in such kind of foolery, he is most concerned about the genuine practice of devotional service and ensures that one engages in that. NO QUICK FIX SOLUTIONS.
View Commentvery good article.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s experience is simply an eyeopener for people who read them. There is so much clarity in life one gets by reading them.
View CommentIn today’s world there is so much unwanted pressure that it’s tough being simple.Thank you Radhanath Swami for an example of how to remain a simple devotee of Lord.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has very beautifully brought out a big danger faced by all of us who believe in a higher power. The danger is that the awe of mystical powers may mislead us into forgetting God. We may get enamoured with a tiny particle of God’s powers.
View CommentSo many misconceptions get cleared simply by reading this article….
View CommentRadhanath Swami is one of the greatest mystics i have met because like his Guru Maharaj he has also transformed the lives of thousands of people by instilling in them valuable qualities such as simplicity, humility,integrity, tolerance, love nd surreneder to God.
View CommentRadhanath Swami has so wondefully tried to remove the misconception which most of the Indians have – If a person has any mystic powers he is our well wisher.
View Commentsimply wonderful!!! thanks for sharing it.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is so clear about true spirituality. So many mystics have been cheating people and exploiting them in the name of spirituality
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