Meditations on The Journey Home – Lesson from Chapter 1
Radhanath Swami, as a nineteen-year-old Richard, followed his heart’s calling. In London, while searching for a life of substance, Gary and Richard heard Jimmy Hendrix in a concert. Jimmy Hendrix was one of the heroes of the counterculture and advocated freedom of expression, even if it meant rebellion against the popular norms of the society. Richard’s inner calling yearned for more, and went beyond jimmy’s external theatrics. Radhanath Swami writes in his autobiography, “… The music was thunderous and seemed to shake the hills, stir the sea, and scatter the clouds. But the silent call within me, one I couldn’t yet name, seemed louder still.”
A few days later Richard was shocked to hear about the tragic, untimely death of Jimmy Hendrix due to an overdose of sleeping pills that led to choking on his vomit. Thousands craved for the wealth, fame and talent that twenty-seven-year-old Jimmy had, yet he himself lived dissatisfied and died frustrated with no one by his side. This incident jolted Richard: though the youth around him proclaimed freedom through sex, drugs and rock and roll, he began to feel an urgent calling to look for something beyond it all. The youth were not really free. The excesses of their lives took a heavy toll, and many had become wild, ungrateful and destructive. Richard had rejected his family and society to join the counterculture, but the ugly reality he witnessed now, left him disillusioned.
The world is indeed strange, for it rewards glamour and ignores substance. Whether it’s Jimmy Hendrix or any other Superstar, we are generally attracted by their talent, fame and wealth- all external indicators of success. These parameters constitute the personality, while the values and ideals we strive for, and our our response to trying circumstances in life make up our character. Personality is what the world thinks about us, but it’s the character that determines who we actually are. If we ignore the character while developing our personality, it makes the foundation of our lives weak. While reading about Jimmy Hendrix in Radhanath Swami’s autobiography, I remembered two contrasting examples that my college teacher once quoted, to emphasize the importance of character.
A man on the verge of a major success in his career met with a serious accident and burnt 65% of his body, and lost his ten fingers. Four years later in 1975, in another accident he injured his spinal cord that left him paralyzed waist down. There was another man, who as a twenty year old rocked the world with his music and at twenty four was a millionaire celebrity, with over fifty million copies of his album sold worldwide. Our teacher asked us to judge who is more fortunate of the two men and whose life would we wish to emulate? I remember falling for the bait and opted for the second choice. Then the teacher revealed the real story: the first man is W. Mitchell who since his devastating accident has decided to be an instrument of positivity and lend substance to everybody’s lives. He is a successful businessman and as a motivational speaker, transformed thousands of lives. He also become a small town mayor and authored It’s Not What Happens To You, It’s What You Do About It (1997). He leads a life centered on service, gratitude and prayer. The second man is Kurt Cobain who despite his wealth and fame was a victim of substance abuse. In April 1994, his heroin addiction consumed him; he committed suicide by a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.
My college teacher had taught me an important lesson, and now my spiritual teacher, Radhanath Swami, is reinforcing this message- the need to centre our lives on strong principles, rather than seek success based on an external yardstick.
During the tragic demise of jimmy Hendrix, Richard was also exposed to a photograph of an old man sitting under a tree. This man’s smiling visage radiated peace, and his expression shone with the innocence of a child. During this turbulent phase of his life in London, Richard was attracted to this person and realized, “If anyone in this creation has spiritual bliss, it is this person.” Months later, Richard discovered this man was to be his guru, spiritual master, the person who would reveal to him the way to a life based on the highest principles.
Amazing reflections on personalities with contrast qualities. Substance abuse has always been a social ill in our society. It is only by developing service attitude to God can we get the strength to overcome our profanities. To hear Radhanath Swami’s talk on “Power of Habits” please visit http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info
View CommentVery good book, a must read.
View CommentA very profound article. You can read some very nice quotes from
View Commenthttp://radhanathswami.org/Radhanath_Swami_Quotes.html
After reading this article, one fact comes glaring at us that the society today and the youth are going towards a life of degradation and frustration. Young lives are becoming addicted to the excessess of luxurious lifestyles and are wasting away their energy. this book, brings this out so graphically with the example of a famous rock star like jimmy Hedrix…..now the choice is in our hands what we do with our lives.
View CommentWe thank you RADHANATH MAHARAJ for penning down this wonderfull book, full of wisdom and knowledge and which shall definitely help us at our various stages of life.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is the best example for everyone to lead a life where Lord Krishna is the centre. This atomatically makes one lead a disciplined life.
View CommentTo hear more from Radhanath Swmai please visit: http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/index.php?q=f&f=%2F02_-_ISKCON_Swamis%2FHis_Holiness_Radhanath_Swami%2FLectures%2F00_-_Year_wise
a brilliant article. when we want to enjoy we have to pay the price, that’s for sure.
View CommentAfter reading the Journey Home I really felt that – a real person who seeks the shelter of the supreme lord the bestow his mercy on that seeker of truth as radhanath maharaj.
View CommentA wonedrful book, every one must read
View CommentWe are grateful to you Maharaj for sharing your experiences
View CommentAmazing realization. Thank you for sharing
View CommentA spiritual guide is one who has to be selfless and should completely depend on the causeless mercy of Krishna, The supreme personality of Godhead. I completely gained faith in Radhanath Swami as a real spiritual guide.
View CommentIf a person wants to buy Gold, he should know first the qualities of Gold, otherwise he will be cheated. he will never buy pure Gold.
Even your book receprocates the way you are.
As all devotees started picking up their copies as fast as possible. I was also desiring to read Journey Home but It was little costly, My pocket was not allowing me to do so. Still there was a desire in my heart to read asap.
Daily I was hearing about your glories readed by your desciples and was crying in my heart. When will I read The journey home.???
One day Murari Gupta Prabhu called me and asked me to type it in HIndi.
And I was the most happiest person in the world.
You receprocated by your book.
It is life time experience for me.
I have talked with you several times but only two or three words.
Sometimes I speak and you just smiles
some times you respond by only single words
Sometimes I write to you and you looks happily just to please me.
but this time you receprocated by your whole book.
thank you very much gurudev
Your servant of servant
View CommentThanks a lot for sharing.
View CommentRunning after sensual pleasures keeps us from finding the real pleasure within. Drugs is the last thing to turn to in bad times.
View CommentThanks a lot for sharing.
View CommentHow true, that our character defines who we are.Radhanath Swami Maharaj is a sadhu of impeccable character.
View CommentNice article…..it is true that people feel if they have money they have everything…..In ancient times, people were respected because of their character, whereas in modern times, person having money thinks himself equal to God………I due course of time, God will come in the form of death & take away everything from them…….
View CommentAmazing article reflecting on the importance of substance over externals in life.The contemporary examples supporting this concept are wonderful.
View CommentEvery one has calling one time or another but listen to it and follow it is the essense and we see that each time swami ji followed the calling.
View CommentGreat success leads us to greater frustration,this is very well explained in this post. The contrast of Success and downfall is very well reflected. It is finally on an individual soul how to react on different situations. Wonderful post
View CommentAll Glories To H.H.Radanath Swami Maharaj
Truly Said, we may have all the fame, wealth but if we do not have the character everything is in vain.
Hare Krishna
View CommentIt’s simply amazing to see how the twists and turns in the life of Radhanath Swami took him to the ultimate surrender to his guru, whose photo he saw months before and was impressed by that. It’s truly amazing…
View CommentThank you very much for this meditation. From his, it is evident that Radhanath Swami always went for “Substance” and was not chasing after “shadow” like the other youth of his time. Now he guides his students, very nicely how to differentiate between the two.
View CommentThis really hits home, Nice article and information
View CommentWhenever I hear such stories/pastimes of Radhanath Swami, I can’t stop myself putting a simple comment ie. “Amazing”. Radhanath Swami’s inner call have taken him to the different spheres of his life where he came across various religions and faith.
View CommentDespite hearing all this, the natural tendency is to be attracted to the externals. Perhaps, sincere prayers are a way out….
View CommentThere is amazing depth and clarity in what Radhanath Swami Maharaj is trying to convey. Sometimes it is very difficult to judge as we look okay from outside.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for enlightening us by making us understand that we can get a bigger ‘high’ by practicing spirituality rather than using cheap material substitutes.
View CommentVery correct. The strong internal foundation is more important than the just external show off. thank you for putting up this meditation from the life of Radhanath Swami Maharaj.
View CommentThat externals are of little or no value, it takes only a little intelligence to understand.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for emphasizing the importance of developing good character based on spiritual values
View CommentIt has been seen throughout history and in the recent past that people who have wealth, power and other opulences are the most unhappiest. We should realize that all these things can never give us real happiness. The only thing which will give real, lasting bliss is the spiritual path and our connection with God.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for cautioning us against being carried away by external glamour & successes rather than focussing on living a principle centred life.
View CommentVery nice & must read book . It is only by developing service attitude to God can we get the strength to overcome our profanities. All glories to Radhanath swmai
View CommentWe need to centre our lives on strong principles, rather than seek success based on an external yardstick – superb quote and advice.
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