At Kandahar, Mr Hariz hosted Richard (now Radhanath Swami). Once while having a philosophical discussion with him, Richard noticed Hariz howl like a wolf and a mongoose crawled into the terrace and soon crawled up to Richard’s long hair and went to sleep. Hariz apologized but said if Richard were to try to wake up the mongoose, he would tear his head to shreds. Richard spent six hours hosting the mongoose; it was a hard lesson in patience and tolerance. The pain was intense but he couldn’t afford to sleep. Richard spent the night praying and realized the mongoose was teaching the sacred virtue of patience and forbearance. Radhanath Swami writes that the lesson the mongoose taught would give him strength in the hard times that awaited him in his search for enlightenment. Finally when the sun rose, the mongoose crawled down the back and stared at Richard with an innocent affection as if thanking him for his hospitality.
There is a wise Indian saying, ‘atmavat manyate jajat’, the world is a reflection of our own state of consciousness. Since Radhanath Swami is naturally grateful and kind, he could also see the mongoose express gratitude. Radhanath Swami also learnt the need to be tolerant in the company of the mongoose. The way Radhanath Swami built his community of dedicated members at Mumbai is a classic example of his tolerance. The community premises where Radhanath Swami lived in the late 1980’s was poverty stricken. The neighborhood was noisy; he had rats- the size even cats would fear- for company. Even by Indian standards, the place was disgustingly dirty; yet Radhanath Swami- an American by birth- lived here happily chanting the names of God and influencing others through his sterling qualities of tolerance and patience. Radhanath Swami is constantly absorbed in selfless service; hence he easily transcends physical surroundings.
On one occasion after a long and tiring day, Radhanath Swami rested late at night, yet although he was sick, he was up for the morning temple services. A student unable to see his guru, Radhanath Swami’s physical illness, requested him to go and take rest. Radhanath Swami smiled and replied, “I feel unhappy if I do not make it for the morning programme.” The student replied, “But I feel unhappy to see you come for the services when you are sick. And I feel happy when I see you not come, because I know that you are taking a well-deserved rest.” Radhanath Swami immediately laughed aloud and said, “Thank you for your concern but it’s better that you feel unhappy rather than I feel unhappy.” The student was defeated. Radhanath Swami disregards his bodily sickness to come for the morning services, just so that he can inspire his younger students to practice strict spiritual standards.
Even for his householder students and disciples, Radhanath Swami emphasizes that the focus and center of their relationship should be to create a favorable environment to chant the holy names of God and selflessly serve each other. But Radhanath Swami clarifies that in order to do that, each of them has to cultivate affection and care and especially tolerance of each other. Radhanath Swami says in modern times tolerance is the most required quality for married couples because, “By the nature of this age when two false egos come together there is bound to be conflict. There will be disagreements misunderstandings as time goes on; certain things about each other will be disgusting. The sanctity of the marriage will be based on how partners in a marriage don’t take these differences very seriously.”
Since Radhanath Swami himself practices the highest standards of tolerance and patience, his realizations on this subject penetrate the heart deeply.
This is so profound quality. Tolerance! Just saying it reminds of a tree which is a symbol of tolerance and the tree is also recognized for this quality by Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Thank you Radhanath Swami to give us an example to follow.
View CommentNice blog
View CommentTolerance is very much required quality in this age. As Radhanath Swami rightly said, with out tolerance, it is very difficult to maintain relationships at any level.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami, I as a householder understand how difficult it is to be tolerant and at the same time how important it is, by your example and encouragement we are trying our best to imbibe this glorious quality.
View CommentThis is extreme example of tolerance shown by HH Radhanath Maharaj that could be seen in modern times !
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj extends himself beyond unimaginable limits….
View CommentVery inspiring…
View CommentHaribol…. Maharaj is embodiment of Tolerance and Patience…
View Commentthank you maharaj for the wonderful lesson you have taught us by your own example. i’l try my best to follow all your teachings
View CommentThought provoking and highly inspiring article.
View CommentEnough is enough don’t push me beyond a limit.
View CommentEveryone has their level of tolerance and when that is encroached upon, as they say all hell breaks loose. Now how can some one posse quality of tolerance also among so many other qualities.
Well! Radhanath Swamis life is testimony.
Very inspiring article
View CommentThis is so true. In todays world we have lost patience and tolerance. This is needed so much without which there are only conflicts and quarrels.
View CommentWith out tolerance, it is very difficult to maintain relationships at any level.H.H Radhanath Swami is an ideal example for this tolerance.
View CommentThank you 🙂
View CommentYes, Radhanath Swami teaches us the real standards for humility and tolerance by his exemplary life. Thank you very much
View CommentNice article-exposing different situations in life where tolerance might be demanded.
View CommentMaharajah is personification of humility,tolerance and love. Whoever will meet him once, will never remain same.
View Commentthanks very much for sharing
View CommentThank you for sharing
View CommentWe need to get these ideas into our daily life to make it successful. Thank You Maharajji.
View Commentbeautiful lesson.
View CommentIt is very difficult to maintain relationships at any level.H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj is teaching this by his own personal example.
View Commentsuch a tolearance ,shown by Radhanath Swami , is quite a much needed in all in today’s FAST day & age.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for teaching us through your personal example, of what is tolerance? If we can make sincere attempt to follow your teachings it will make great difference in our lifes.
View CommentWhen I read this incident of Maharaj in his book ‘The Journey Home’ I was quite amused at the humor involved, but when I read Maharaj’s realization I could not help but reflect on the quality of tolerance which is so important in our spiritual life.
View CommentThank you Maharaj for the wonderful lesson.
Prachar by aachar- ie. praeching by exemplary behavior…and tahts the greatness of this soul..He has been always exemplary in all fields and thus Maharaj commands respect from all…a true sadhu..
View CommentVery inspiring article on Tolerance – Thanks a lot for sharing.
View Commentthank u for this…
View CommentRadhanath swami is in embodiment of tolerance
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj is the most tolerant and humble personality i have ever met in my life and i am sure there are thousands who share the same feeling as i do.
View CommentRadhanath swami has all the good qualities. In his lecture he stresses the point of gratitude a person should have.
View CommentTolerance is such a important quality. Thank you Radhanath Swami for your teachings
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for giving us this beautiful article on tolerance.
View Commentreally there is a need for tolerance in today’s generation and i saw that tolerance quality in radhanath swami
View CommentI would also like to become tolerant like how radhanath swami learned from the mongoose incident
View CommentCertainly I’m not as tolerant as HH Radhanath Swami, but I can try to follow in his footsteps.
View CommentTolerance and humility this was known to me only after listening from Maharaj. He not only talks but also a has shown us from his life and behavious.
View CommentAmazing story from the life of Radhanath Swami.
View Commenthttp://www.radhanath-swami.info
Maharaj has taught me many important virtues !!
View CommentThis is the best dharma I have ever gone through
View CommentReal virtue
View CommentThis is just amazing & Very inspiring. Thank you.
View CommentThank you for sharing this beautiful post.
View CommentIf we can give life to tolorence,humility,and mercy combined together then that is Radhanath swami All glories to maharaj
View CommentMaharaj is realy great!!!!!!!
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