Richard (now Radhanath Swami) continued to be a wandering pilgrim; he wished to learn from many paths and teachers before he committed himself to one. He asked himself why he was leaving Maharshi Mahesh Yogi’s ashram. On three occasions Maharshi Mahesh yogi had appeared in Richard’s dream and Richard had enlightening spiritual experiences in this ashram. Yet he was leaving and moving from one place to another. As his search was getting intense, one can see his prayers becoming desperate.
Richard is growing in his spiritual quest and maturing with time. Radhanath Swami says unless we have this desperation to grow in our spiritual lives, advancement on the spiritual path is difficult. Radhanath Swami assures that as we seek to grow in our spiritual lives, we become mature in our realizations. And this will happen if we invest our time and energy in spiritual activities of hearing and chanting God’s names and serving selflessly. For a seeker of divinity, his search helps him mature. This can be understood with an example of a young, immature boy and girl. When they become physically mature, they see each other in a different light. Previously they had thought members of the opposite sex to be foolish, uninteresting and no good for playing with. Upon physical maturity they develop a different outlook—they become attracted, even infatuated. New, previously unknown desires arise in them. The same is true for a seeker of God who becomes mature. He or she will find new or previously unknown desires enter his or her mind: “Oh I wish to really serve God! Oh I really wish to satisfy Him and when, oh when, will I develop my relationship, my loving fulfilling relationship with the Lord?” Often God helps His devotee to mature by sending him a challenging situation which all of a sudden changes his perspective on life. At such a time new perspectives and desires arise in the mind. Radhanath Swami went through challenging situations and tests that helped him take shelter of God desperately. His realizations grew and prayers matured.
Radhanath Swami tells an interesting story to drive home the point of being intense in searching after truth. One day Socrates was wading into the public bath in Athens. Following him, a young man tapped Socrates on the shoulder and said, “Socrates, can I be your disciple?” Socrates continued walking, giving no response. “Socrates, can I be your disciple?” the young man repeated. Again Socrates gave no response. A third time the young man pleaded, “Socrates, can I please be your disciple?” Suddenly, Socrates wheeled him around, grabbed the young man’s head and thrust it under the water. He held the struggling man under until the bubbles started surfacing. Finally, when there was virtually no hope left, Socrates pulled the young man up out of the water and said to him, “Young man, when you desire truth as much as you desired air, then you can be my disciple.”
It is this kind of desperation that Richard was now developing in his quest. And when he would get to that level of desperation, ‘The Journey Home’ reveals, he meets his master and his path is revealed to him. Until then he continues to wander…
amazing… Radhanath Swami is amazing
View CommentRadhanath Swami has wonderfully explained the importance of desperation in seeking ultimate truth. I like the examples he has used to explain the point.
View Commentthankyou for realization.
View CommentInspiring
View Commentamazing realisations
View CommentWonderful.
View CommentThank you so much Radhanath Swamiji for helping us seek truth.
View CommentTHANKS
View Commentwonderful! it is this desperation that great saints like Radhanath swami and socrates have for understanding Absolute truth which we should learn to cultivate in ourselves
View CommentAmazing explanation to be sincere on the spiritual path.
View CommentBeautiful, thank you for sharing
View CommentIn kali yuga most of us are desperate for everything except genuinely searching for God.
View CommentRadhanath Swami explained it so nicely that the thirst of self realization is the key to grow in spiritual life
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s desperation in knowing God can be seen from his perseverance in spite of facing so many difficulties on the path.
View CommentAcharyas explains when we cry for GOD from the bottom of the heart than only Krishna sent his empowered devotee as a guru to us. This was amazingly true with Radhanath Swami. When he became desperate, his Guru, Shrila Prabhupad entered his life.
View CommentVery inspirational article by Radhanath Swami maharaj, thank you very much.
View Comment‘To become desparate to understand the truth of life’ is a wonderful blessing that I should at least desire to attain. Thanks to Radhanath Swami for sharing the secret of advancement in spiritual life.
View CommentYes it is our desperation that will help us progress on path of self realization.Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita that He reciprocates according to level of surrender of a Living entity.HH.Radhanath Swamiji made correct point herein,is useful to all who want to seek truth in their life and break the cycle of Birth,old age,desease and death.Thank you for sharing nice meditation.
View CommentWonderful explaination
View CommentDesperation for truth is necessary for all of us to progress spiritually. Thank you Swamiji.
View Commentit’s a wonderful book. every seeker should read it.
View CommentWonderful post and beautiful point. Thank you for sharing.
View CommentThis is a very thoughtful point…to have desperation to achieve the goal.
View Commentthis incident wonderfully explains how we r just inquisitive abt truth but not desperate and truth can be realized only by desperate person in full
View CommentI have never see such desire to seek God before I read Radhanath Swami.
View Commentamazing book i have never red like this
View Commentthis is the actual journy of everyone
View CommentIf you want to become sincere in a spiritual life we need to dhave desire and determination
View CommentWe have to have desperation to grow in our spiritual lives or else advancement on the spiritual path is difficult. Thanks for reminding
View CommentGreat Teaching by Great Teacher H.H Radhanath Swami. Thank you! Maharaj.
View CommentAmazing narration about Radhanath Swami! Thankyou for posting!
View Commentwe seek to grow in our spiritual lives, we become mature in our realizations. And this will happen if we invest our time and energy in spiritual activities of hearing and chanting God’s names and serving selflessly. For a seeker of divinity, his search helps him mature.
View CommentHare Krishna Thank You for sharing and explaining nicely.
And this will happen if we invest our time and energy in spiritual activities of hearing and chanting God’s names and serving selflessly. For a seeker of divinity, his search helps him mature.
View CommentHare Krishna Thank You for sharing and explaining nicely.
example of Socrates made desperation completely clear!
View CommentAmazing article.How much Maharaj was desparate to seek the truth?
View CommentWonderful article. Unless we have desperation, we can not progress in spirtual life. It’s really true.
View CommentRadhanath Swami says unless we have this desperation to grow in our spiritual lives, advancement on the spiritual path is difficult.
View CommentThanks Maharaj for pointing out the need the desperation; this is essential to truly access mercy.
View Commentbeautiful article.
View CommentReal Pleasure in Life… Real Goal of our Life.
View CommentAmazing!
View CommentGreat article
View CommentExplained with beautiful example of young boy and girl..
View CommentThank you Maharaj..
It is very wonderful story .Every one has to follow in the foot steps of Radhanath swami
View CommentAmazing story.Radhanath swami ki jai…
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for this nice article and the book, “The Journey Home”
View CommentWonderful article showing how one should be desperate in seeking truth. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentThank you for sharing this about the intense desire towards the truth of HH Radhanath swami.
View Commentthis was wonderful………….
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s words & realizations are so deep that it just changes our outlook to face the problems of our life. For example the following quote from above article: “God helps His devotee to mature by sending him a challenging situation which all of a sudden changes his perspective on life.”
View CommentThank you very much Maharaj !