At Varanasi which is considered by millions of Hindus to be the holiest of all cities, Richard was affected by people mourning in a funeral procession. He later decided to sit on the banks of Manikarnika burning ghat, a place where dead bodies are burnt. He sat from sunrise to sunset contemplating on the mystery of death and prayed to get a deeper insight into this inevitable reality of our lives.
Richard observed that the dead body was placed on a pyre of wooden logs, and the closest relative of the deceased touched a flaming torch to the pyre. Richard carefully observed the hair sizzling into nothingness. The flesh shriveled away, organs melted and bones crumbled. Gradually the entire body was devoured by the flames and only a pile of ashes remained that were then carefully swept into the current of Mother Ganges. He felt the sweet song of Mother Ganges was inviting him to an eternal reality, beyond this world of death.
Realizing the inevitability of death sobers us up. It’s simply a matter of time before all the wealth and fame we seek is washed away by the force of time. The body goes through six stages- creation, growth, maintenance, producing offspring, dwindling and finally death. Still we hope to live on forever; a glimmer of eternity is felt somewhere deep within and a life devoid of decadence is desired. This hope is natural because the real ‘I’ or the ‘soul’ doesn’t die with the end of this body.
Radhanath Swami often repeats his guru’s lucid thinking and logical presentation on the subject of soul. Just as a vehicle needs a driver to maneuver the machine, similarly within the body resides a ‘driver’, a spiritual spark animating the bodily automobile with consciousness. Symptoms of walking, talking, sitting, and feeling reveal the working of this spiritual energy, in an otherwise lifeless lump of flesh. When questioned ‘who are you?’ we often introduce ourselves with a name or by identifying with a religious sect, family or Nation. However if we change our name, faith or citizenship do we actually become a different person? No! We remain the same person as we continue to think, feel and will with changing designations of the body. We can easily point to our hand, legs, face or even our own body. But if ‘I’ owns ‘my body’, a logical question arises, ‘who really am I?’ Just as ‘my watch’ or ‘my book’ implies my existence separate from the watch or the book, likewise ‘my body’ implies my eternal state of existence separate from the transient body.
Richard got a realization of the soul watching and meditating on the burning dead bodies:
“It’s not the body that people love, but the soul. The body is a temporary vehicle. Without the soul, the body is like a car without a driver. I see through my eyes, smell through my nose, taste through my tongue, hear through my ears, feel through my skin, think through my brain, and love through my heart. But who am I? Who is the witness, enjoyer, and sufferer that activates my body?”
Radhanath Swami explains that we are presently attracted by the layer of bodily covering. This superficial attraction to the body is called maya or illusion. Spiritual reality is to go beyond the body and seek a relationship at a deeper level. “Relations of the soul, established in relation with the Supreme Soul, are factual relations”, reveals Radhanath Swami, “the skin relation is the cause of material bondage, but the relation of the soul is the cause of freedom. This relation of the soul to the soul can be established by the medium of our relation with God.”
A spiritualist ignores neither his body nor the bodies of his loved ones. He simply practices and encourages others to render devotion to God, while doing the needful for the body; the body is after all a vehicle to help us go to God. Radhanath Swami aptly puts it, “If you really love a person, will you not care for his or her soul? And if you love the soul, would you ignore the body? ”
In this passage Radhanath Swami nicely points out how the point is of any value to us due to the existence of the soul. It also makes us thinking on what should be approach our approach towards our body and towards the soul.
View Commentvery nice. We need to be in association of people who are trying to realize themselves and who are above the bodily platform. Radhanath Swami maharaj is great, thank you very much for this article.
View CommentWonderfully explained by Radhanath Swami Maharaj what is true relationship and how it can be established.
View Commentoften people argue on the existence of the soul. Here Radhanath Swami has explained the eternal soul with such a simple practicle example. If everything belongs to me then who am I ?
View CommentHere Radhanath Swami explains very lucidly the most fundamental fact on which the Gita and all spiritual life is based – We are not the body but spirit soul.
View CommentThe painful reality of the nature of soul and death was explained very lucidly by Maharaj. We often forget this and continue our own pursuit of happiness. Meditating on the instructions of Maharaj will bring us in knowledge and bring enlightenment. Thanks for this very wonderful meditation.
View Commentwho am I? is answered in this article
View CommentThe teachings of Radhanath Swami are so clear and convincing
View CommentHerein, vivid descriptions are given, which we haven’t heard in any other place across the world.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is practical to the core when it comes to practicing Bhakti-yoga. There is indeed no need to undergo severe bodily austerities in order to develop love of God. Like he says, one simply needs to render devotional service to God & His devotees while taking care of the basic necessities of the materila body.
View Commentradhanath swami is showing us by his example that how we should determine to serch for god and to search for god we need a bonofide guru who can show us proper way to love lord.Thank u Radhanath swami.
View CommentGuru Maharaj is reminding us of the inevitable which we conveniently wish to ignore / forget. If we truly love someone (including our own selves) we must help that soul go back home back to Godhead.
THANKYOU Maharaj, we need to be reminded of this examination called ‘death’ every moment of our lives.
View Commentwonderful article!!
View CommentThank you for sharing.
View CommentAll Glories To H.H.Radhanath Swami Maharaj
Only paths of spirituality can deliver such wisdom , not material paths.
Hare Krishna
View CommentNice article…..It is very easy to understand the self as soul but very very difficult to realize it……Thanks swamiji for your deep realisations…..
View CommentRadhanath Swami goes deep in to whatever he does or whatever he wants to accomplish..
View CommentWhat a realization!
View Comment“Relations of the soul, established in relation with the Supreme Soul, are factual relations”.powerful statement from Maharajah
View CommentWonderful Realization. Jai…
View CommentAmazing , thanks for sharing
View CommentThe body is a temporary vehicle. Without the soul, the body is like a car without a driver. It’s not the body that people love, but the soul.So true.
View CommentLife at every step is teaching us something but it takes the likes of Radhanath Swami to understand or even to pay heed.
View CommentDeath is the only truth in this material world but this is the olny thing which we show disbelief…especially for our own…
View CommentIn Journey Home, that part where Radhanath Swami Maharaj explaines his observation of burning dead bodies in crematorium, really made me think seriously about death and how ignorantely I completely care about body alone neglecting about my/soul needs. Thank you very much for sharing.
View CommentWhenever we see death, it is a sobering experience. Yet, we think we will never die. As mentioned in this article, this is because the soul is eternal. Unfortunately, many people today are bereft of this primary knowledge about the body and the soul.
View CommentThe explanation of body and soul using analogy is clear-cut. This also comes from HH Radahanath swami’s realization that he got as Richard. Richard got a realization of the soul watching and meditating on the burning dead
View CommentWe most to the time depend upon things we possees now , beauty,wealth etc, but as Radhanath swami telling here correctly that with death everything will be lost.Reminding ourselves of this bitter truth makes us sober and we are directed towards more sublime goals in life.Thank you Radhanath swami for sharing your realizations.
View CommentNice. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentHis Holiness Radhanath Swami eloquently explains this Plain Truth which to our illusioned state of mind is not so obvious.
View Commentvery touching,teaches us the ultimate truth…..
View CommentAlways a message is revealed with every Maharaj’s instructions. It is difficult for us to separate the body from our transient soul, but Maharaj, with his vivid examples, makes it possible for us to realize this. HH Radhanath Swami maharaj ki Jai!
View CommentWhat beautiful realisations
View CommentThe greatest one line statement ever told :
View CommentYou are not this body. You are spirit soul.
Very wonderful article. Thank you very much for sharing the same.
View Comment“Realizing the inevitability of death sobers us up. It’s simply a matter of time before all the wealth and fame we seek is washed away by the force of time”. This is a great meditation by Radhanath Swami. We are very fortunate to get these kind of meditations realised through personal experiences of Radhanath Swami under tough conditions. We only have to just follow the instructions of Radhanath Swami, then we will be close to our real destination, God.
View CommentGreat narration, i could actully visualize as I read it. Thanks!
View Commentvery sobering, a holistic view of caring for ourselves and others. thanks so much!
View CommentWonderful statement. “the skin relation is the cause of material bondage, but the relation of the soul is the cause of freedom”
View CommentAmazing. Thanks for this article.
View CommentThis article has opened my eyes. this pastime is so relevant in todays life. thank you for this wonderful meditation.
View CommentSince our body is temporary, the material happiness associated with it is also temporary. That is why Radhanath Swami wants us to be detached from the bodily pleasures & instead focus on the spirit soul within so that we can experience eternal bliss serving God & His pure devotees.
View CommentWhat all seen need not be the truth. by divine grace the unseen truth is seen. Radhanath Swami is an expert to show that Absolute truth which is unseen. Radhanath Swami can get us the divine mercy of God. All glories to Radhanath Swami.
View CommentA very profund statement from Maharaj“If you really love a person, will you not care for his or her soul? And if you love the soul, would you ignore the body? ” Jai Gurudev!!!
View CommentThanks for very nice article. It tells us how important for us to understand death and doing that is not pessimism. Radhanath Swami’s meditation on death and is explanations are eye opening.
View CommentWonderful explaination of body and soul.Radhanath Swami has so vividly explained the importance of boy and soul.This is the first lesson in spirituality.Thanks for this nice meditation.
View CommentThe cosmetic industry thrives one a 1 point agenda – Making the body more presentable, evidence of this is the shelves of stores across the world. What bad investors we are is very evident, as we spend endless amounts over the years on our body which ultimately is disposed off. Radhanath Swami gives us a understanding of how the SOUL within the body needs to be invested in, one maintains the body by keeping it fit to carry out service to GOD but pampering it as if it is all in all is a sign of ignorance.
View CommentI am really fortunate to read this meditation of Maharaj’s realization of Death and soul. This is very practical knowledge. If this knowledge is properly imbibed with faith and devotion we can definitely overcome death. Thanks for sharing this enlightening meditation.
View CommentIt is rightly said that if we dont surrender to krishna now then we are forced to surrender in the form of death
View CommentSuch an enlightening realization about death. Death is most feared by everyone but Radhanath Swami explains it so beautifully, it illuminates ones understanding of this most feared phenomenon.
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