At Connaught Circus, on a sidewalk, Richard (now Radhanath Swami) saw prints of various Indian gods stacked up. For about an hour he discovered various types of arts that were beyond description. The figures were unbelievable; he wondered if they are from fairy tales or mythology. Suddenly he saw a print of a personality that attracted his heart like no one else. This person had a bluish complexion, wore a peacock feather in his crown, and played a flute gracefully beside a river. Spontaneous tears filled in Richard’s eyes. He wondered why this person was filling Richard’s very soul and he also felt this person was calling him. The shopkeeper gave the picture to Richard and for a long time the person was to remain a mystery for him.
For those who have read the ‘Journey Home’ it’s no longer a mystery; the personality is none other than Lord Krishna, celebrated in the Indian scriptures as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Radhanath Swami’s attraction to Krishna is described as natural in the scriptures of the East. The soul is said to be part and parcel of God and our attraction to God is dormant in our hearts. By systematic practice of spiritual principles, the original love in the heart for God is awakened. However, Radhanath Swami is special; his love for Krishna, God, awakened by simply seeing a painting. Radhanath Swami at this point in time didn’t even know who this person was, leave alone practicing rigorous spiritual disciplines to try and develop love for God.
Radhanath Swami describes in his talks that God can be understood differently in different cultures. In the culture of Vedic India, God is understood by many to be a person, albeit a different person compared to the people of this material world. His body is transcendental to the laws of this world; His body is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. Radhanath Swami describes with his profound wisdom, “The Lord is inconceivable and unlimited and simultaneously every part of His body is so beautiful, it can be glorified for all eternity with various poetic descriptions that we never even have to repeat to the extent the Lord revels within our intelligence the glory of His beautiful form”.
Talking specifically about Krishna, Radhanath Swami says that Krishna is the same all powerful God mentioned in other scriptures. However the difference is Krishna’s power is not like the power of people in this world. “Krishna’s power is always predominantly characterized by His attraction, by His beauty. Often times people become powerful in this world but it’s not a very attractive power at all, people become envious of power in this world but the super excellence, supreme aspect of Krishna’s power is everything about Him makes Him all attractive”. On the basis of scriptural evidence, Radhanath Swami points out that Krishna possess all six opulences that are required to meet the criterion of God- strength or power, beauty, knowledge, wealth, fame and renunciation. Radhanath Swami for sure was attracted to Krishna’s beauty at this time in his spiritual quest.
On reading this passage in ‘Journey Home’ I wondered if I will ever get attracted to God like Radhanath Swami got attracted at this sidewalk. He answered this doubt in a recent class, “Everything about Krishna is all attractive; every aspect of Krishna attracts the heart of one who is sincere and who has been blessed by the mercy of Krishna. We can only understand Krishna to the extent Krishna empowers us to understand Him.” Now I realize I don’t know God but if I can be at least blessed by the good wishes of Radhanath Swami, a pure saint and a lover of Krishna, I too will one day develop love for his worshipable Lord.
Maharaj Has natural attraction for Krishna!!! We are fortunte to have his association.
View CommentOne got to be sincere and be blessed by the mercy of Krishna. We can only understand Krishna to the extent Krishna empowers us to understand Him.Thankyou Radhanath Swami.
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s relationship with Lord Krishna is beyond my comprehension, yet it is very awe-inspiring.
View Commentthank u for the nice post.
View CommentRightly said…..it is by the mercy of pure devotees of Lord Krishna like HH Radhanath maharaj that we will be able to develop atleast a trace of attraction towards the Lord. Thank you very much.
View CommentCreating the urge to serve God
View CommentI pray to Radhanath Swami to bless me so that i can get attracted to Krishna one day.
View CommentAmazing article Thank u for sharing.
View CommentWow! The story of Radhanath Swami connection with “The Blue Boy” is so charming.
View CommentThe pure saints like Radhanath Swami Maharaj,their heart is aturally attracted to Krishna`s beauty.
View CommentVery True.Thank you for sharing such a nice article.All glories to Radhanath Maharaj!
You caught the words from everyone’s hearts. We do feel exactly the same. Radhanath Swamy’s association and opportunity to server in his mission is my only way to realize Krishna’s love.
View CommentThis is very significant. Krishna is all-attractive. Everyone is naturally attracted to Krishna.
View CommentWhat all amazing things happened in Swamiji’s journey is simply mind boggling…….Krishna had all the plans in place for his pure devotee which were unfolding in due course of time……
View CommentWonderful artical on Radhanath Swami. Lord Krishna was always there with Radhanath Swami, even when he has not seen Him in his life. This shows how the Lord attracts His pure devotees.
View Comment‘We can only understand Krishna to the extent Krishna empowers us to understand Him.’ this is really very nice point.
View CommentRadhanath Swami describes with his profound wisdom, “The Lord is inconceivable and unlimited and simultaneously every part of His body is so beautiful, it can be glorified for all eternity with various poetic descriptions that we never even have to repeat to the extent the Lord revels within our intelligence the glory of His beautiful form”.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj’s natural love for the Lord Krsna who is all attractive, brought him to india even when he was not knowing the Lord krsna.
View Commentwonderful article, Lord Krishna is all attractive and in this article we have seen how the Lord recognizes his pure devotees and attracts them, haribol, rajesh karia
View Commentsimply wonderful and mesmerizing article, full of love and affection the way HHRNSM has described his first connect with the Lord himself, haribol, bhakti
View CommentNo doubt Radhanath Swami is someone extraordinary, otherwise how could he be attracted to a painting of krishna, whom he had never known before, atleast in this life?
View CommentBefore coming to India Krishna has a plan for Radhanath Swami .That is the reason even though on the way to India he crossed many obstacles he reached and became preacher of Lord Krishna.
View CommentRadhanth Swamiji is Specially empowered person by Supreme Personality Of GodHead Lord Sri-Krishna.His Devotion,Love for his Spiritul Master and The God is uncomparable.Therefore his blessings and his teachings are all powerful.Thank you for a nice meditation.
View CommentI hope that I also develop natural attraction for Lord Krishna some day. Thanks for the wonderful meditation.
View CommentThank you for sharing your experience and prayer.
View CommentA beautiful meditation.
View Comment“Everything about Krishna is all attractive; every aspect of Krishna attracts the heart of one who is sincere and who has been blessed by the mercy of Krishna. We can only understand Krishna to the extent Krishna empowers us to understand Him”.
Krishna empowered Radhanath Swami in a way that we can appreciate Krishna’s beauty by hearing this experience of Radhanath Swami
View CommentThere are many incidents in Radhanath Swami’s life which convince us that he is a special soul sent by God for the betterment of humanity.
View CommentRadhanath swami is charmed by Lord Krishna
View CommentMaharaj please always keep us under your shelter and guidance so that some day we can develop a drop of love for the Lord for whom your heart is like an ocean of love.
View CommentThia is a very nice article. H.H Radhanath Swami is not a ordinary soul, but a very special person dedicated to the service of the Lord.
View CommentThis is so true its not easy to understand Krishna w/o receiving the mercy
View CommentVery Nice article.
View CommentDr.Yuvraj writes above “Radhanath swami is charmed by Lord Krishna” and actually many people are charmed by Radhanath Maharaj.
View CommentVery nice article. Only a pure devotee like Radhanath Swami could feel the attraction for Krishna just by seeing the picture.
View Commentradhanath swamis true search with love for the god lead him to opt for krishna bhakti and there after follows his compassionate caring for his followers and the people in general,
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami is pure in heart, so he was naturally attracted to the beauty of Krishna like an iron getting attracted to magnet. Simple. But, we are like iron covered with dirt – no attraction.
But there is hope, in Caitanya Caritamrita scripture, it is said – the love for Supreme Lord is eternally within our heart. No need to be gained from other source. When the heart is purified with hearing and chanting, the love for God is naturally awakened. (nitya-siddha krsna-prema ‘sadhya’ kabu naya/sravanadi-suddha-citte karaye udaya)
I’m sure by constant association of saintly personalities like HH Radhanath Swami and by chanting and hearing the holy names, one day, we too can develop the love and attraction for the Lord by the mercy of Guru.
View CommentRadhanath Maharaj has given us the way in which we should practice spiritual life so that one day we can also get that pure, pristine love of God which he has got.
View CommentI am glad that I have connection with great personality like Radhanath Swami.
View CommentAmazing!wonderful article.
View CommentRadhanath Swami is a wonderful who wants to share his love of God with all- what he is looking for is an eager heart.
View CommentWonderful article filled with nectarian wisdom – All glories to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj. Thanks for sharing.
View CommentHare Krishna very amazing article.Thank You Maharaj for sharing with us.
View CommentHare Krishna very amazing article.Thank You Maharaj for sharing with us.HH Radhanath Swami is pure in heart, so he was naturally attracted to the beauty of Krishna like an iron getting attracted to magnet.
View Comment“We can only understand Krishna to the extent Krishna empowers us to understand Him” I like this statement of Radhanath Swami
View CommentRadhanath Swami’s experiences provide us with hope in our spiritual endeavors.
View CommentI liked it.
View CommentOnly a true seeker of spiritual truths can experience the realizations that Radhanath Swami achieved.
View CommentWonderful article thank you very much
View CommentWith the mercy of srila prabhupada through his purports we can understand to some extent about Krishna.Otherwise we think all Gods are on same platform and if we pray anyone the result is same.But with prabhupadas mercy we have come to know that Krishna is the supreme Lord and also He is very merciful to His devotees.Radhanath swami is empowered by Krishna that is the reason that he is naturally attracted to Krishna.Really swami’s experiences are wonderful.That is why he became the disciple of prabhupada and now-days in this world he became perfect saint.Maharajki jai
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