Richard (now Radhanath Swami) was intrigued by the Naga Babas; their austerities and rigorous life of denial was for real. They were completely naked and held tridents; they covered their bodies with ashes. Even in the burning cold, they lived and ate simply. They insisted that Richard join their sect. when Richard humbly declined they honored his desire and blessed him to pursue his search for God. Richard left the Naga Babas being impressed by their camaraderie and loyalty to the sect. Although they were wild, rough and lived severely, in their own way Richard concluded it was all in search for God.
Naga Babas, “the naked ones”, belong to an order founded by Dattatreya, a long time ago, in human history. The group was finally organized into a sect by Adi Shankara in the 5th century AD. The Naga Babas see themselves as the ultimate protectors of the Sanatan Dharma, or what is popularly called as the Hindu religion.
As a practicing spiritualist I often wonder if it’s possible for all to practice these rigid austerities. More importantly I often asked myself if these kind of austerities are needed at all. I once asked Radhanath Swami if we are disqualified from spiritual life if we cannot practice strict austerities. Radhanath Swami gave me lot of hope by saying that spiritual life is not about austerities or denial but rather it is a life of acceptance- acceptance of God’s grace. Radhanath Swami reveals that austerities can be influenced by different modes in nature. One in the mode of ignorance performs austerities that are grossly harmful to the body. One influenced by the mode of passion performs austerities with a fruitive desire for monetary gain or for some recognition and popularity. Radhanath Swami urges that our austerities should be in the mode of goodness- that which helps us sync with nature and connect to God.
Radhanath Swami says performance of austerities is inevitable. A student who wants to do well in his exams relinquishes his play- this is a type of austerity. Similarly, Radhanath Swami says, a spiritual seeker forsakes worldly pleasures for spiritual pleasures. This giving up of some material or bodily gratification may seem painful in the beginning, but the result is a sweet experience. Radhanath Swami specifically urges that while performing austerities if we remember God, the remembrance of God will fill our heart with a certain kind of spiritual happiness that cannot be equaled by anything material. Therefore Radhanath Swami is clear in his exposition of the need to perform austerities. He says austerities are useful to the extent they increase our favorable remembrance of God.
Radhanath Swami has also time and again elaborated that austerity means putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose. As a master at developing vibrant spiritual communities, Radhanath Swami implores practicing spiritualists to keep aside their selfish, material ambitions and unite for a higher cause to help others. This is a great austerity, says Radhanath Swami but we have to do it for it pleases God and helps us advance in our relationship with God.
Maharaj says very correctly that austerities are inevitable in any field if we want to achieve something…
View CommentSpiritual life is not about austerities or denial but rather it is a life of acceptance- acceptance of God’s grace.Austerity means putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose.Very profound
View CommentJai Maharaj.
View CommentWhat a balanced answer that is! One extreme could be that there is absolutely no need of austerities while the other extreme could be that without performing such rigid austerities no one can make spiritual advancement. Radhanath Swami takes neither extreme and gives the essence – which is that austerity must helps us remember and absorb ourselves in god!
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj implores practicing spiritualists to keep aside their selfish, material ambitions and unite for a higher cause to help others. This is a great austerity.
Thank you so much Maharaj for enlightening us in The real meaning of Austerities.Haribol!
View Commentvery accommodating answer by radhanath swami maharaja
View CommentThank you for sharing this beautiful article which gives Radhanath Swami’s personal experiences and wise words too.
View CommentVery nice article….Swamiji has given such nice explaination of austerity in different modes…….
View CommentWonderful message by Radhanath Swami. We are not here to perform severe austerities, but to receive grace of God and His unalloyed devotees.
View CommentSpiritual life is not about austerities or denial but rather it is a life of acceptance- acceptance of God’s grace
View CommentTrue! Austerity means keeping aside our selfish motives.
View Commentreal austerities are revelead here
View CommentVery nicely explained. Austerity is needed to the extent it ought to be, not more than that.
View CommentIt is to remember God. Very good. all glories to HH Radhanatha Swami Maharaja.
Radhanath Swami urges that our austerities should be in the mode of goodness- that which helps us sync with nature and connect to God.
View CommentAusterities are useful to the extent they increase our favorable remembrance of God.
Thank you for Sharing
All doubts about austerity cleared!!
View Commentnicely said
View CommentBeautiful explanation about austerities and what kind of austerities we should perform to progress in our spiritual lives.
View CommentRadhanath Swami Maharaj’s entire life is full of austerities. But his heart is still so soft, unlike whimsically austere people who become hard like a rock.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Maharaj, it gives hope that even ordinary person has a chance who cannot perform severe austerity and also thans for explaining about purpose of austirity to remember God.
View CommentAusterity – But in service in devotion to GOD !
View Commentausterity means putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose – Amzingly simple definition of Austerity!
View CommentRadhanath Swami urges that our austerities should be in the mode of goodness- that which helps us sync with nature and connect to God.
View Commentgreat lesson to be learnt from these. Thank u.
View CommentHH Radhanath Swami has given such a benevolent perspective on austerity : “putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose”
View Commentwhile performing austerities if we remember God, the remembrance of God will fill our heart with a certain kind of spiritual happiness that cannot be equaled by anything material.
Austerities are useful to the extent they increase our favorable remembrance of God
View CommentVery deep realization and understanding of austerity…
View CommentIn every aspect of life austerity is required..but austerity must be done in mode of goodness..hari bol…powerful answer by maharaj..
View CommentRadhanath Swami brings out the essence of everything. The definition that “Austerity means putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose” is the essence of Austerity !
View CommentThank you !
Hare Krishna !
Motive for austerity should be to serve.
View CommentThank you Radhanath Swami for such powerful yet easily applicable answer in our life.
View Commentthis is a very hope-giving article.
View CommentGreat meaning of Austerity by H.H Radhnath Swami Maharaj, it shows his deep realization of the topic. Thanks Maharaj.
View Comment“Austerity means putting aside our selfish ambitions for a higher purpose”-a very eloquent definition of austerity.
View Commentvery good lesson. thanx
View CommentAfter reading this article….YES!
View CommentIn essence, it is useful if it helps us remember God and it is for the purpose of pleasing God. Amazing. Thanks.
View CommentIndeed austerities are important and also doing them in the mode of goodness is the key!!!
View CommentThanks for sharing. A practical way to understand the meaning of austerity..
View CommentThank you for sharing what real austerity in spiritual life is all about.
View CommentNice to know.
View CommentThanks for sharing the words of Radhanath Swami “Austerities are useful to the extent they increase our favorable remembrance of God.”
View Commentreally great
View CommentThanks for very nicely narrated concept of austerities and their practical application in increasing our love and remembering towards the Supreme Lord.
View CommentThank you maharaj for defining the way to practice austerities and the purpose behind it i.e. to please the God.
View CommentVery inspiring!
View CommentHope giving article.
View Commenti m very much hopeful from this article
View CommentAusterity word soon changes to regular routine if we practice it.Actually it is not at all Austerity but as we are living our life not according to law of nature we feel that it is Austerity actually it’s a regular work if it is performed according to law of nature …thanks Maharaj
View CommentMy doubts regarding austerity is cleared. Also Maharaj has given the explanation how our austerity should be. Thanks.
View Commentthanks to Radhanath Swami for clarifying the another perspective of austerities.
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