Battle between the mind and the heart
Radhanath swami Fan Blog – Battle between the mind and the heart. Radhanath swami says that when we are separated from the Lord, no endeavors in this world can actually make our lives significant. In a loving relationship with God alone, we can be blissful.
Read MoreCuring the hunger of the heart
By Radhanath swami Fan – Curing the hunger of the heart. Radhanath Swami quoted his guru’s analogy, “If a bag of rice is placed in a public place, birds will come to eat a few grains and go away. A human being, however, will take away the whole bag.
Read MoreGuru resolves contradictions in religion
Radhanath swami Fan’s blog – Guru resolves contradictions in religion. Radhanath Swami, who has followed his guru for the last forty years, says, “The most important qualification of a Guru is he has awakened the truest desire to serve God eternally.”
Read MoreCultivating humility and guarding against pride
Radhanath swami Fan Blog- Cultivating humility and guarding against pride. Radhanath Swami promptly wrote a letter to his student, thanking him. Radhanath swami also cautioned him by saying “Please be humble. Souls greater than both you and me have fallen away from spiritual life, due to arrogance and pride.
Read MoreFutility of Mystic Powers
Radhanath Swami’s Fan Blog – Futility of Mystic Powers. Radhanath Swami was disappointed that mystic powers were not necessarily spiritual at all. Radhanath Swami therefore warns all spiritual seekers to be careful..
Read MoreSevere austerities of the Naga Babas
Severe austerities of the Naga Babas – on Radhanath swami Fan Blog. Radhanath Swami has personally lived an austere lifestyle on a mountain rooftop for over a decade. However to his students, he is reasonable and emphasizes on…
Read MoreIn the neighborhood of leopards and cobras
Radhanath Swami Fan – In the neighborhood of leopards and cobras. Radhanath Swami advises, “Our fear should not be death. Our fear should be that we may forget God. Because if we remember God, when death comes, we may go back to the kingdom of God. It’s better to die remembering God than to live a fearful life in this temporary world.”….
Read MoreFrom being a God to becoming Godly
From Radhanath Swami Fan – From being a God to becoming Godly. He concluded, creation is nothing but one amazing miracle after another, and God had empowered every species with amazing talents.
Read MoreMotherhood and family culture
Radhanath Swami Fan. A meditation on Motherhood and family culture from Radhanath swami’s book . “There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings”, says Radhanath Swami…
Read MoreFatherly affection of Kailash Baba
Radhanath Swami Fan. Meditation on Fatherly affection of Kailsah Baba from Radhanath Swami Book The Journey Home. “Like a father and son we loved each other, but as roaming sadhus, we sensed that we would never meet again…
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